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Everything posted by bradmay

  1. When I submit CDLC, I'm asked to enter levels of difficulty for DDC. I've been using the default_DDC setting when I create the files and I don't know the default levels of difficulty.
  2. Thanks for the fast reply, Chlipouni. That's the definitive answer that I was looking for. I've been using the PC Toolkit via Parallels, which allows me to do everything that I need, including DDC. It works great and I think I'll continue do that. When I ran ddc.exe via Wine in Mac OS, I was having problems adding the different levels of difficulty options.
  3. Thanks for the comment, Alex. The need to use Wine suggests that the DDC module in the mac version of Toolkit is not functional. To be more specific, if you don't need Wine to run the creator and convertor modules from the Toolkit app, you shouldn't need it to run the DDC module. Launching DDC.exe with Wine means you're using the PC program. I'm new to this, so perhaps I'm missing something.
  4. If I use the mac version of Rocksmith Custom Toolkit to create CDLC, I get an error when adding DDC to my XML files. I've been getting around the problem by launching windows and using the pc version, which is working fine. Is this a known limitation, or do I have the application configured incorrectly?
  5. Thanks PCP. I appreciate the heads up on 70s charters. Anybody else have suggestions?
  6. I'm really enjoying the content on this website, but being an old fart, I tend to download songs from the 60s and 70s. I haven't found a way to sort by the year the song was published. Is this a feature that I'm missing? If not, does anyone else think that this would be a useful enhancement? Great site!
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