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Posts posted by Berneer

  1. Holy cow, @@JokerTheAnarchist!!!


    That is incredible!!!


    As I don't yet have a playthough sent my way on lead above 95% for my posting I would be very VERY honoured if you could post up a subsequent playthough video(s) when you have a little time. If you check Post #2 from my posting of Blaze - Stare at The Sun, I also hope to soon sent Blaze a compilation of playthroughs from the community, so if you want to feature prominently in that video which Blaze himself will see, have a go at recording yourself playing too. I am waiting for more playthroughs so it might take a few months to complete that project but I will do it if I get enough content.


    Plus I have to finally hear for myself what hitting practically every note sounds like. That is one thing that was impossible for me to test above 50% speed since my skills are no where near yours!


    Just recieved Blaze's new album in the mail yesterday. Endure and Survive, Part 2 of the Trilogy of albums for which he is also writing a book. It takes a while for an album to grow on me but the guitar riffs and tones are generally excellent!


    I just downloaded a bunch of your customs Joker. Looking forward to playing them!

    • Like 2
  2. OMG, I just rented a United States Fender Precision Bass just for fun. Brought my score down by 7%  in Stare at the Sun for Bass. 


    But it was fun to play this behemoth instrument with huge fret separations and put my every fret change into question.


    I could definately see now the appeal of playing bass, and of playing those sick galloping Steve Harris baselines like a badass!


    After playing Stare at the Sun my strumming fingers feel absolutely exhausted LOL.


    Well, now I know what my next purchase is going to be! And it is nice and slim enough to hide under the sofa when my wife ventures close-by .... 'Oh no honey, it's something RS calls "emulated base". Still my same ol' guiitar. Cool huh?'


    Took her 6 months to notice my Line 6 Helix effects pedalboard while vacuuming. Then I giddily scolded her for waiting 6 months to pass the vacuum cleaner under the sofa. Ah love and the games we play... nothing must get in the way of music.

    • Like 11
  3. So I had a playthough of all arrangments on both alternate versions of Stare at the Sun, due to the bass slight variances I made and mentionned earlier and posted in post #32. For Alternate 1 (6-fret sections - same frets, different fingering) I noticed this morning one odd, accidental, addition of an E6 amidst a bunch of repeated A2's. So I fixed that and replaced the link. I see one person downloaded it, so you'd best re-download. Sorry. I had to rush to get it out. Should be good now.


    I regressed on my CS playthough's on Lead and Bass, but improved on Rhythm....  I need a day off work to really improve my score... :)



    • Like 6
  4. Thanks so much for that info @@albatross213!


    This morning I prepared two alternate versions but I'll only have time to test them tonight to make sure nothing got inadvertently broken when I made the changes. I did load them and look quickly in-game and the revised sections seem free of errors. Deeper check tonight. In case anyone would like them now, here they are.


    Like this the bassist can choose her/his preference.


    Sorry, if I am hijacking the thread for other than scores. I just want you guys to have a great time with it.

    • Like 5
  5. With that section of Stare At the Sun, I'd agree that the way it's charted is roughly the best way to play it (I might disagree about some of the fingerings, but that's another thing). If the 11-16 stretch is a bit much I'd probably either try moving it to the E string (16-21, or if you don't have a 21st fret barring the 16th and playing the high note there). It's a fairly tricky riff, but it's mostly in the handshaping (which most bassists aren't especially used to) since the plucking pattern is fairly simple and familiar (root-fifth-octave then mostly raking). Anyway, here's my best go at it, after a bit of practice on that riff:



    I like your shifting the whole sequence 1 string lower to the E-string and moving everything from frets 16-21. My Strat has 21 frets so it works for me. Being less familiar with basses than guitars, is it unusual for basses to have less than 21 frets? I never knew that bass players weren't particularly keen on handshapes. Would you go as far as to say that there should be no handshape in a bass arrangement and that I should remove it? I really felt it was simpler to play and sight read this way, but not being a bassist, I can certainly be wrong.


    I suppose for people with smaller hands I can create an alternate version of my custom using your E16-21 idea.


    Not sure I understand "or if you don't have a 21st fret barring the 16th and playing the high note there"


    I am curious, with my current authoring, what is your preferred handshape. I am guessing using the ring finger to barre the D and G string at the 13th fret, and using the pinky for the G15 and G16 notes.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah after examining transposing permutations that can work I prefer successive strings due to the way it gets played almost as triplets at a brisk pace. I also agree with pinky on E-string being less than ideal. I can always cook up a new version with the E16 or other and post it here for you, keeping the original custom as is in the CF Ignition DB. Let me know if you'd like this. I do think Missis Summer's swivel technique is good if someone doesn't like the stretch I propose.

    Edit: I just played it on my arm :) : G16 D13 E16 quasi-triplet would require barring, unbarring and barring the 16th fret... not very pleasant, but I can still make you a custom version.

    • Like 1
  7. So I haven't played my custom since the mid-November release, since as any charter probably does, after releasing, could barely tolerate hearing the song for a long while, I am now playing completely cold. I like to start my CS weeks with unpracticed runs submitted to track the benefit of practicing.


    Quite unimpressve but still enough to be having fun.


    Lead - Attempt 1



    Rhythm- Attempt 1



    Bass - Attempt 1


    • Like 7
  8. And yeah, I really don't know what's going on in this at the 11th fret when about five or six frets are shaded...


    Anyway, I shall do doubt give it another go, as I also like it a lot. :D



    Nice score missis sumner.


    Yeah, I was waiting for that comment for the bass arrangement of the Blaze - Stare at the Sun custom. Was just looking forward to seeing who it was going to be. :) PC Plum made the same comment to me during testing. It is the most "controversial" decision I took in that custom.


    This song is quite challenging on all arrangements so I sought ways to make it easier to play with the help of some guidance. So the lead arrangement has some "evolving handshapes" that took many hours to get right and the bass arrangement has that passage that I think is best simplified/organized by making the handshape you are mentioning as 6 frets wide at the 11th fret. By doing the 6-fret-wide fret-hand position up the neck where the frets are closer together, the whole riff then is then more neatly presented, in my opinion, to be more easily sight-read and played with a more fixed handshape.


    This is an animated gif of the passage in particular:



    As I don't have a bass (yet) I actually drove to a guitar store to make sure and took a picture of my fret hand to see if my preferred authoring was actually feasible on the larger-scale-than-a-guitar bass and the picture below shows the result. I deem it playable, though admittedly a bit of a stretch. However since the most of the riff is spread over 5 frets and then a fraction of a second adds the pinky for a 6 fret wide fret hand, I felt it was the best way to go and not too difficult to achieve.


    If someone has a much smaller hand than mine and can't manage the 6-fret stretch, then of course this is just my recommended way to play and it is better to ignore the guidance and to play the way that suits the player. In that case, at least the flurry of notes is more digestible to the eye, being organized in a handshape.





    Thanks for the feedback and I am glad you seem to be enjoying the custom!

    • Like 5
  9. Wow, thanks Mortalo and everybody for choosing my labour of love custom for this weeks' championship. I worked so hard on this one and I hope you guys enjoy it. It's tough but really rewarding in my opinion. What a great surprise on my birthday. I got AirPods today as a gift but by far the greatest gift was to notice this addition to the CS, perhaps partly due to this epic song completely going under the radar, both for the artist himself and as a CDLC with only 175 downloads. :) Yes, by all means as stated in the 2nd post of my custom my intention is to make a compilation of playthroughs video that I will send to Blaze himself. I have his personal e-mail, since he answered my request for tabs to his masterpiece song. So cool of him.


    I have been looking forward to playing again and posting some scores here but I have spent much time in 2016 either creating this song or working on developing, testing the newer EoF chordify feature and now about to resume writIng the tutorial, a sort of sequel

    to the Tech Notes tutorial, and spending the last month carefully and partly manually remastering my 3000 CDLC collection and manually fixing CFSM-labelled "corrupt" customs. With limited time of 1 or 2 hours a day it has meant completely stopping to play Rocksmith in 2016 but I will be back competing soon.


    For now what a pleasure to put everything on hold and showing you that I can barely play my creation...LOL



    • Like 12
  10. @ you don't need any tech note to do that though and your screenshot indicate that there's a wrongly placed linknext status (the notehead of the 10D isn't appearing).

    You are correct. But I'll still put an example in the Chordify tutorial where a 1 string of a chord sustains without technique and then Tech Notes are needed on the other string(s) to make that string behave differently than the no-technique string(s).

  11. It is a good example I can add in the community examples section, or even in the upcoming Chordify tutorial which will be a sequel of sorts to the Tech Note tutorial since Chordify makes heavy use of Tech Notes. If you search in the EOF setion in general and EoF hotfix subsection for the word "Chordify" you will see what it is about.

    I had to pause work on the Chordify tutorial from July 2016 to February 2017 but will resume soon. After making the Chordify tutorial I will make a minor update to the Tech Notes tutorial, with a few changes made over the years as well as removing the large section that currently explains the inability to author what Chordify now could since April-May 2016.

    Sorry for the slow progress, I am sorta starved of free time. Only way I can eek an hour of "me time" is to wake up at 5am every weekday and work this labour-of-love before heading off to work. :) It works except for the days when the wife says, "What about me, I want your free time too?" ... :)

  12. Hi @Tysilio


    What changes to RS make it easier now?


    What are you searching in Ignition to seek out CDLC with arrangements that include non-guitar or non-bass string instruments?


    I haven't experimented with this for a long time but I will again eventually.



  13. @@mikejl46


    This thread's 1st post has a tutorial website that explains everything one needs to fully understand DDC. Check it out.




    The DDC software is highly customizable and can accomodate user-created ramp-up schemes to match the one you described in your post, simply by going into the Toolkit's directory, opening the "ddc" sub directory, opening the ddc_default.xml file, customizing it, saving it, and then in the toolkit, clicking "Add" to add your new model.


    If I understood you correctly, you would get your desired ramp-up model by setting all the "maxChordNotes" attributes to 6, which means that chords would never get dumbed down - either the chord appears or it doesn't for a given level, with lower level showing less chords to allow the user to make chord switches more easily.


    Phrase Length: If phrases authored in EoF last longer than this number of measures,  DDC will split up those phrases to be the number of measures long dictated by the "phrase length" setting. (Setting of 4 means that 1 phrase of 8 measures will be split in 2; or that 1 phrase of 10 measures will split into 2 phrases of 4 measures plus a "remainder" phrase with the last 2 measures). If you neglect to place phrases in EoF, then DDC will automatically add them, defining them with a duration equal the number of measures in the phrase length setting.


    For most charters, defining proper phrases in EoF with meaningful durations and names organizes the song in segments that will best link similar passages, making them level up and down together more optimally, let alone be more fun for users to Riff Repeat. Without proper phrase defintions DDC will make very good guesses as to which phrases throughout the song are similar. In the ideal case of good charter phrase defintions, simply set the phrase length to a large number like 20 or higher to prevent DDC from automatically splitting up phrases you've carefully defined.  

    The different options in Ramp up model:
    ddc_chord_protector:  In fact checking the file for this model, it is exactly the model I proposed to you earlier.  As stated it protects the chords. @@Chlipouni already thought about you :)
    ddc_chord_remover: If you just want to play the base notes of chords, then select this model.
    ddc_dd_remover: Before October 2016 when Rocksmith Remastered made playcount dependent upon having Dynamic Difficulty (DD) and gave us the ability to prevent songs from frustratingly ramping down mid-song, many people not fans of DD, chose to use DDC to actually remove DD. This is not longer a necessary model.
    ddc_default: Default model ramps down the difficulty by a community-established natural combination of removing off-beat notes/chords as well as reducing the number of strings to be played in a chord.


    One custom model I'd like to try soon which I've notice in REM - Losing My Religion would make a full EMaj chord level down to an E5 power chord, for example. I guess this could be accomplished with a level defined by  maxChordNotes="6" followed by the next level down defined by maxChordNotes="2".


    Once you sink your teeth into that you can then begin to explore the ddc_default.cfg config file that allows you to further customize DDC:


    For example:

    1) it allows you to set criteria for "how similar" phrases must be for DDC to link them (ramp them up and down simultaneously).

        <maxDifferencesToLink pct="25"/>

    2) it allows you to define in what order to remove notes at lower levels, for different time signatures

    <timeSignature beatsPerMeasure="4"  categoryMap="1 3 2 4" subCategoryMap="1 9 5 13 3 11 7 15 2 10 6 14 4 12 8 16"/>
    <timeSignature beatsPerMeasure="8"  categoryMap="1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4" subCategoryMap="1 9 5 13 3 11 7 15 2 10 6 14 4 12 8 16"/>

    3) it allows you to define how many ramp-up model levels to merge together into one level change if each level is too similar, in order to avoid having 20 barely different levels for a phrase.It also allows to define which % of the easier levels not to merge together for fear of a steep ramp-up. 

        <maxDifferencesBeforeMerging pct="10"/>
        <maxDifferencesAfterMerging pct="30"/>
        <maxDifficultyLevelToProtect pct="20"/>

    I haven't learned what the following are since they are probably new - they are probably desribed on the web site linked above:

    1) <minHighDensityMisused pct="25"/> --> DDC 3.2 says: New parameter in the configuration file to adjust or not the density status of chords. @@Chlipouni, can you elaborate on this one please?

     2) <maxPhraseIterationsLimit val="100"/> --> Rocksmith phrase bars disappear when over 100 phrases are defined in a song. I'm guessing this allows the user to limit the number of phrases in a long song with low phrase length setting.

    • Like 2
  14. How about the batch arrangement remover to ask the user,


    "Do you want this batch tool to:

    1) automatically remove bonus arrangements until the maximum of 5 arrangements is reached


    2) Ask you on a CDLC by CDLC basis:

    i ) select which arrangements (not limited to bonus arrangements) to remove


    ii ) Skip: do not remove any arrangements. User to later determine which to remove.


    Then a log (windowed or text file) to show what action was taken for each culprit CDLC, so the user can go through each custom and decide one at a time, then rerun the batch arrangement remover again.



  15. Shameless plug: After a whopping 210 hours of toiling away on and off at this one since November 2015 (interrupted for 8 months to work on development of EoF's Chordify feature for which I have yet to release a tutorial), I have finally released my Blaze Bayley - Stare at the Sun custom.


    I am asking the community for playthrough's (camera pointing at you) so I can make a montage in a couple of months and send it to Blaze himself, who was kind and humble enough to dig up tabs to his masterpiece song for me when I couldn't find any and was pleased when I told him I'd make a custom of this one, explaining what Rocksmith is. :)


    It's a real challenging one but even with mediocre guitar skills, I have ramped up my ability to play most of this song. I find this one thrilling to play!


    Maiden included, this is my favourite song of the last 20 years! No joke. His entire post-Maiden career has been magnificent and still going strong with a trilogy of concept albums, the first of which is released called Infinite Entanglement!! He's even writing a book fleshing out the story.


    Have fun!


    P.S. Thanks albatross for your latest Maiden custom: Mother Russia!!

    • Like 1
  16. Hi Alex360,


    So I tried to pack my custom with your new toolkit verson dc66f038.


    Sadly I got the error message as I got with the previous latest toolkit, which also PC Plum experienced with my custom component files.


    This is the message and the error message's requested log appears in the folder linked below. The green bar keeps moving forever, well at leas the 15 minutes I've been preparing this post...


    The toolkit I downloaded before that is a few versions older (24Oct2016-2933f3b1) but it works in packing my custom.


    Folder to all pertinent files I sued to pack the custom with latest toolkit



  17. Thanks chlipouni. I confirm that DDCv3.2 Beta fixes the issue I raised in Post 336 regarding floor (carpet) FHP temporarily not aligned when intended.



    For the Handshape issue I reported in Post 349, you explained to me in PM that  a handshape will disappear when only the fundamental note of a chord is left.  So now I know when the HS marking should disappear. Since my Handshape does start off at highest difficulty with a single note, I guess you just mean that Handshapes disappear when the ramp model becomes MaxChrStr=1. I guess I am then just curious why, from the video I posted in Post 349, that the handshape (which I call concatenated partial handshape to simulate partial handshapes) with the B1 hammer-on, does maintain it's handshape blue lane markings since it also it is in a MaxChrStr=1 state.


    Thanks for the Beta and solution. I appreciate it.

  18. So @PC Plum your workaround of renaming the lead tone was the correct workaround! @@iminashi, you cracked the root cause of the problem! I finally got my lead tone resounding in all it's reverbing glory. I'm sorta jealous I hadn't thought to checkmark the "create XML from SNG" file.  :) It would have immediately shown that the toolkit conversion to SNG is the culprit.

    So perhaps, after all, I did post in the right place. :)  @@Alex360 @@cozy1 (I don't know the names of the other active developers) do you think we should have the toolkit prevent inimashi's observations above from happening. I always even thought it was good form and recommended to have a tone named "SongTonetype". In my case StareAtTheSunLead and StareAtTheSunLeadIntro (same but lower volume) were treated in the toolkit conversion to SNG as StareAtTheSunLeadIntro despite  explicitly calling up each different tone change in EoF.  I'm quite surprised with inimashi's observation that StareAtTheSunL would automatically become StareAtTheSunLeadIntro in the game.


    It is a long name but descriptive and Rocksmith Tone designer allows it.


    Do you prefer I open a ticket in guithub?


    For now I call it BlazeSatSLead and everything works. This below is what my working XML looks like now. Interesting that the letter right after StareAtTheSun_ is what determines the tone.... C--> Clean, D--> Dist, L --> Lead Intro


    If there is no need for a fix, can we know the toolkit logic... I guess @@firekorn's recommendation of keeping it short well received.

      <tones count="6">
        <tone time="32.589" id="1" name="StareAtTheSunLeadIntro" />
        <tone time="62.106" id="0" name="StareAtTheSunClean" />
        <tone time="116.544" id="2" name="StareAtTheSunDist" />
        <tone time="290.109" id="3" name="BlazeSatSLead" />
        <tone time="385.405" id="2" name="StareAtTheSunDist" />
        <tone time="445.571" id="0" name="StareAtTheSunClean" />

    An immense thank-you to you all for your valuable help!!!




    Little Side Note: I now understand why my custom always worked and suddenly didn't.


    Earlier this week I  thought I'd clean up my custom and name the EoF and Toolkit tone name the same as the exportable saved tone name:


    So Toolkit and EoF saw: StareAtTheSunIntroLead (which worked fine)

    Exportable saved tone: StareAtTheSunLeadIntro.tone2014


    Then thinking I was just tidying up, I renamed the EoF and Toolkit to now be inline with the .tone2014 name and inversed "IntroLead" to "LeadIntro" so it became StareAtTheSunLeadIntro and now started to conflict with the louder identical tone I use for the solo: StareAtTheSunLead now both with a suffix starting with the same letter, "L". The tone in the dolo felt quiet because it was 10db quieter as per the desired volume in the Lead portion of the Intro.

    • Like 1
  19. Oh my goodness, @PC Plum, the solo tone is back and it is like ear porn for me!


    So, now the fun part, doing on my end what you did on your end in the interests of self-reliance. It seems here your key statement is:


    The problem is your EoF file.  You did not erase the tone change to the solo, you overwrote it. 


    So I double checked my XML and, regarding tones it has nothing different than yours other than:



        <tone time="290.13" id="3" name="StareLead" />

    I guess you renamed the tone.



        <tone time="290.360" name="StareAtTheSunLead"/>

    I even tried bringing my tone change earlier than yours (earlier than 290.130sec) and it didn't solve my issue on my end, still using the Intro Lead (Low Output descriptor) for the solo.


    Using the unique Tone Descriptors such as Low Output, Overdrive or Lead helps diagnose the problem because when I name the Intro Lead riff tone descriptor "Low Output" and the identical but louder solo tone descriptor "Lead" then in the game when the solo arrives and "Low Output" mysteriously loads, which explains why it is so quiet since Low Output volume is -18.6dB and Lead is -29.6dB.


    So something is undesirably loading "Low Output" tone instead of "Lead tone for the solo.


    You say I did not erase the tone change, I overwrite it. What exactly do you mean? How did you determine that - I see no clues of anything wrong in the XML? What is the right way which I seemed to deviate from.


    I tried, among other things, deleting the Lead tone from Track > Rocksmith > Tone Change > List >Delete  and did CTRL+SHIFT+T to re-add it and that doesn't solve this issue like it seems to do for you. I always get "Low Output" tone for the solo even though all the mechanics of using EoF and Toolkit seem to show everything as fine (and like you I'm not running DDC to rule out it being the culprit).  I even tried to re-import the tones from Tone Designer  and inspect the .tone2014 but they remain unchanged with the ones causing me trouble. 


    So if you could provide a tiny bit more detail on what exactly you meant above overwrite versus erase I would be extremely grateful!


    PC Plum, you efforts to help me are something I appreciate beyond words!!!

  20. FIrst thing I noticed was your IntroLead tone is classed as "Lead" (in the dropdown box) and your Lead tone is also called "Lead".  I would change one to be "Low Output" or something unique at least.



    Given the limited selection from the dropdown box, I didn't expect having two different tones with the same classification would cause a problem. In fact I had wondered that last month and tested my custom with two different tones (actually same tone different volume), selecting "Lead" from the dropdown menu, and it always worked until now when suddenly either Rocksmith 2014 made a mini update and/or when I tried running DDC3.2 Beta. I doubt it is a DDC problem since now even NoDD  packings render the lead solo tone quiet.


    I did test your repacking and the issue sadly remains.




    I tried to make my own build using your files but with the newest toolkit rstoolkit- I get this error




    and when I hit generate a second time I get





    Yeah I get the same crashing of the toolkit with the latest Nov 3 build. I believe I got the identical error messages, with the Toolkit still with a moving green bar as if it was still trying to work.



    I think it has something to do with the .wems but I am not sure.  Maybe @@cozy1 could shed some light?


    Its the first time I have tried to use this newest version of the Toolkit so maybe its unique to this version.  I'll try an old one...



    Hmm, the wems? What makes you say that. I have been developping this custom all year with the same wems and it always worked.


    I also can pack with my current version of the Toolkit from nightly build Oct24,2016. I haven't had time to check all nightly builds in between. Our devs are quite prolific.




    I'll pm you the .psarc (don't want to "release" something which isn't mine :D )


    Basically I made sure all the tones had a unique tag (Distortion/Lead/Bass/Low Output etc etc).  I can't actually test it until later when I am on my own pc.


    Thanks. Like I said, tried it and it has the same issue. :( I guess when you try the custom we'll see if the issue ius on my end or not.



    Devs, I perhaps falsely am assuming it is a toolkit issue. If so I apologize for posting here. I have a feeling an operation I performed with the toolkit is sticking and causing me issue. At one point when trying to fix the error all my tones went blank in the toolkit (just name, set to Bass, -12db volume). Another repacking just locked up all the tones. So I assumed something the toolkit is doing is affecting me. And like I said the toolkit adds tone id's which EoF doesn't.


    I also noticed you add the mysterious "unk5" tag in the bends which the ODLC do but no one could explain to me what it does. Do we now know what it does. Seems to replace the "bends count" attribute.


    Plum, you could've posted here. You wouldn't be "releasiong" my custom. hahahaha.


    Thanks Plum for you help and anyone who can help me. I'm totally stalled.



  21. Hi,

    I've tried everything I could think of for 7 hours. I'm stumped. Please help me.

    Problem: My lead arrangement solo tone loads and performs the proper tone switch animation in-game but is so quiet it is inaudible unless I press pause and then I can hear a quiet tone when I strum.


    1. Same problem tone loaded in Tone creator is the appropiate volume.

    2. It started when I tried to pack with DDC 3.2 beta (command prompt) but I don't see how DDC could be the cause.

    3. I tried rebooting, repacking, refreshing XML's, creating new toolkit creator profiles, checking .tone2014 is identical to originally working tones, tone slots disabled and not disabled, unpacking my problematic custom and ensuring XML and tone are fine.

    4. I have noticed that the toolkit now ads and id# in the XML for each tone numbering them from 0 and in order of first appearance in the custom. This is not authored by EoF. Might this logic have a bug in the conversion to .json? Probably not since my custom originally packed well with same version of toolkit.

    5. Even No DD versions that worked before have stopped playing that tone at it's proper volume.

    6. I even stopped packing with DDC and NoDD versions exhibit same problem.

    7. I have not yet tried to uninstall the game or Windows (though my PC is working fine with everything else).

    8. So I have 6 tones, 3 of which are identical to my lead solo tone. The two other lower volume copies work fine.

    In case someone can attempt to pack my custom and check, I have provided a link to every element of the custom including .dlc toolkit file.

    I'll admit I am using the 24Oct2016 nightly build of the toolkit (2933f3b1) which packed fine until a couple of days ago when suddenly just my lead arrangement solo tone went quiet! I had tried using the latest Nov 3rd build of the toolkit but that crashes on me when I try to generate, whereas 23Oct2016 version doesn't crash. So I can only report on the version of the toolkit I can run.

    My PC:
    OS: Windows 10 Home Version 1511, OS build 10586.633 - 64 bit, RAM 32GB
    CPU: Intel® CORE™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00Ghz
    AV: Haven't installed any - useless.  Even with them I have to re-install Windows every 6 months
    .NET Framework 4.6.1

  22. Thanks chlipouni. Will do.


    I think it is just a bad coincidence that I tried your DDC 3.2 beta you sent me 2 days ago by PM and repackaged my custom and though the original anchor-FHP issue i reported above is resolved, some strange behaviour is happening and my custom's solo tone is now dead and I have no idea yet how to fix it. I have no reason to believe it is DDC-related. Interesting though PC Plum has experienced a similar issue last Saturday when trying to add DD with DDC. Tonight PLum found a solution and I will attempt to understand and implement it tomorrow. Once my custom is working again I believe I will be able to give you confirmation that DDC 3.2 Beta from the above link is performing as intended.


    Not sure I understand exactly all your bullet points above as I've fallen a bit out of the loop, so I will at least confirm my issues have been fixed. If you have other specific tests you'd like me to do, I would be happy to help.

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