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Posts posted by asgerrud

  1. @@asgerrud and @@raynebc this is due to a lack of section and phrase in the CDLC so the camera stay fix and doesn't move anymore at all (while it was handled a bit differently before the remastered).


    Add section and make a proper CDLC first or you'll end up with tons of bugs that will cripple your CDLC.


    Q: I'm getting camera issue on some CDLC, why?

    A: The remaster update slightly changed how the camera is handle in game so CDLC that don't have section have now different camera issue than before that are more problematic now. Note that not having section also means that Riff Repeater (RR) isn't available in game and also means that the play count won't be incremented every time the song is played. If you find such CDLC, alert the author of the problem and report the CDLC to us via the appropriate report button.



    Thanks for your answer! While I was able to solve the problem myself yesterday, I wasn't able to check up on this thread until now. With that said, your answer explains the solution well and precise.

  2. Hello fellow people,


    After the release of Rocksmith 2014 Remastered Edition, I have been aware of an issue that has been occurring on my selfmade CDLC.

    The following video shows my issue:




    As you can (hopefully) see from the video, my view is inproper and some of the higher notes are chopped off. Obviously, it is bothersome not being able to play solos and alike, and therefore I have installed the newest update of EOF and the Rocksmith Toolkit, as well as the Remastered CDLC bug fix. I have also tried remaking my broken CDLC with the newest version of the tools.


    Some of my older CDLC made before the update seems to work fine and adjust accordingly, but after the release of the Remastered Edition, it seems as if I am no longer able to create CDLC that adapts the where on the fretboard the notes are played.



    Since the game appears to chop off the fretboard on the higher notes, I have tried increasing the max fret value anywhere from 22-24 in Editor on Fire, but unfortunately with no success.



    I hope you are able to help me with my problem, as I find it very frustrating.




    (Also, I am sorry if I am posting this into the wrong category; I am unsure from where the problem emerges, be it EOF, Rocksmith Toolkit or from the game itself )

  3. @@asgerrud, you should author capo in EOF, I wonder if therue article about caop in eof help, anyway, you should treat capo like 0 fret, since it's fake nutt. to set capo in EOF goto Track>Pro guitar>Set capo


    Toolkit will show if arrangement has capo, you won't miss it ;)

    I followed your steps and I everything in EOF should be fine now. I tried to reload my PART REAL_GUITAR_RS2 file into the Arrangements section, but I was still unsure if my arrangement had a capo.....

    Where exactly will the toolkit show me that I have capo turned on for this project?


    Nevermind, in-game it seems to be working in-game, thanks!

  4. How do I change my tuning from E standard to E standard Capo 2nd fret?

    My problem is that the Custom Song Creator Toolkit does not seem to have a capo option, only a set of pre-determined tunings. 

    Does anyone know how to make the Custom Song Creator Toolkit / Rocksmith 2014 to think that you need a capo in order to play?



    Thanks in advance!

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