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Status Updates posted by EeveeonE

  1. I'm gonna attempt to get a Skervesen guitar after Christmas. They are so beautiful. Viper headstock, Raptor body, Black ebony fretboard, Poplar burl top. I would get the 8 string version if I had enough money.

  2. I'm gonna fix Real - Future Connection soon and add an INSTRUMENTAL version, as I just discovered an instrumental version exists. It's gonna come in handy for correcting my mistakes.

    1. EeveeonE


      I mean, I'll complete it when I've done all the things I'm working on.

  3. I'm gonna look for some CDLC quests. I may consider tab quests, but it's depending on if I want to learn it. My motivation for tabbing comes from firstly whether I like the song, and second whether it's worth learning or seems fun to play. I might surprise a guy who messaged me about the Ys Battle theme and tab that out first

  4. I'm gonna retire from tabbing soon. Demetori's new album was great, but there was nothing I really wanted to learn there. But they are masterpieces anyway, because they're so well mixed and sound absolutely fucking amazing.

    1. jurrellabelcher


      would you mind teaching me? there are a number of things id like to contribute here.. seals and crofts, bert jansch. some jazz.

    2. EeveeonE


      I made a guide on it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f4x57i30f3au5j9/Tips for Tabbing or Learning Songs By Ear.odt?dl=0


      Sorry if it's poorly written or explained. But do ask me some questions if you have any, I check Customsforge everyday. But it is worth noting, depending on your guitar experience and how much you know about music theory, that will either make things a lot easier or a lot harder to tab. Chords are the hardest thing to figure out. Also, you can use Editor on Fire to slow down the audio if I didn't mention that. Holding Control (Slow by half) and space or Control and Shift then space, slows down the song a lot, it allows you to hear extra notes and even pick out various techniques that may be used.

  5. I'm gonna roll out an update on my 'Megaman Zero Rock Remixes' soon. I recently discovered that these were done by different bands, or albums. But this only means that their name and album will change (Album cover too) not the title. I will keep the titles as are because it's sometimes annoying to remember who made that Megaman song you all like. Especially with about 30+ Megaman songs in my CDLC library anyway. Straight Ahead is coming up soon. Lead first, then Rhythm and Bass (Possibly bass). Rhythm sounds awesome though.

    1. EeveeonE


      I'm gonna get Freesia removed some how. I'm ashamed to say I tabbed it.

  6. I'm not gonna lie. I'm retabbing Demetori - Eastern Dream. Listening to it back, it has to be one of the best songs I've ever heard.

  7. I'm strongly considering leaving the Ultimate Guitar community. The rules appear to be changed hourly. And it is 100% luck if my tab gets approved. Ultimate Guitar is filled with 14 year old's who play eleven string bass who think they're gods and are superior to every other player of a stringed instrument.

  8. I'm tabbing a song... it's by Demetori. Guess what song it is?

  9. I'm tabbing Desire Dream by Demetori next, the lead path. However, afterwards, I want to tab a ZHIEND song. Please vote for which one here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12575734

  10. I'm working on my biggest tab yet. And CDLC. This will take a good week or two to complete an arrangement. Yeah. There's Lead, Bonus Lead, Rhythm and Bass. If you can correctly guess what this song is. I will donate an extra $10 to CustomsForce when I'm able to donate again. The song length is usually around 11.00 minutes.

  11. I've just started listening to Cannibal Corpse. I'm not gonna lie, I've never heard death metal. So far, the vocals seem like noise, but the guitar is so CRUNCHY. I shall use death metal as a savoury snack. With rotting bloody semen on top.

  12. I’m going to write this now. My plans are very simple now. At least I think they are. Let’s do this month by month. This is encase you’re unsure about anything: November: - Finish urgent tabs (3 left as of this update) - Acquire all new White/Blue Moira items in Overwatch. (I’ve opened over 1400 loot boxes, level 1100, I’m not rich, but I have acquired nearly every obtainable item in the game) December: - Watch the Yogscast Jingle Jam All Day (The best Twitch live streams ever. Hopefully they don’t get banned this time) - Tab songs all day (If possible) + work on secret projects. - Play the new events for HoTS and Overwatch, if they are any good. January Onwards: - I want to try to play WoW. - Tab songs + work on secret projects. - try to play Overwatch whenever possible. In short. Play games, Tab Songs, Try World of Warcraft for the first time.

    1. EeveeonE


      If I haven't made this clear yet. I play Rocksmith every day. I very rarely, especially now, not play Rocksmith. I used to not play it on days where I planned to go out to dinner with family. Now I can't go out because my anxiety causes me to be unable to drink, eat, or even move or pick up stuff.

  13. I’m happy to announce, I may be trying to tab Demetori – Shanghai Teahouse again. When I tried to tab it before, the Bpm went all funky. In the song that is. And I asked someone on UG to tab it out. So far, it hasn’t been attempted yet. But, with Ancient Temple, I found a nice trick to sync the entire song. First, I need to tab the Rhythm. The rhythm is the metronome of any song, at least now it is, to me. And that will decide what BPM a song is. Because the lead can be really easily tabbed if the Rhythm is done first. And I did that with Ancient temple, after tabbing lead… and found out there wasn’t as many BPM changes as I thought. And doubling the BPM if it’s around 160 or less, is possible to make a terrible BPM changing song, sync with the tab. It won’t work all the time, but it’s useful for tab reading. As for tabs I got lined up for the summer, I think I have about 16 or more? Ranging from SOIL to Crow’sclaw and even Thunder Wolves (That game, yeah). Also whilst I’m here. My new profile picture, is of my newest guitar. A Kiesel DC600 with Nightburst and Blackburst edges. It’s beautiful. It’s the best guitar I ever played. It’s the best sounding guitar I’ve ever played. It’s the highest quality guitar I’ve ever seen. Kiesel, you make the best guitars. And it was the cheapest custom guitar ever I think? This only costed $1500. Considering the parts I got on it were half price, that is not bad at all. For this quality, performance and sound, it’s everything I ever wanted in a guitar. The only guitar I want now, is one or two of few things. I want a new six string bass. I want Caliburst… or ocean to sand colour on it, with poplar burl of course. But, I either want a Skervesen Prometheus… which I’m unsure about because of their ‘6 month waiting time’. Well, my guitar from Kiesel, took 3 months to build. That has to be a standard surely? Double that is ridiculous to be honest. So I might go for a Vader because there are carbon fibre truss rods I think? So instantly it’s lighter. The issue with my Harley Benton is the E string doesn’t tune properly, and it’s just way too heavy. It’s 6-8 KG I think. It isn’t something that’s killing my guitar holders, but its annoying, it can sometimes hurt my leg depending on how I’m sitting. And there is no way anyone can wear this on their shoulders. Fuck that. Some idiot as HB HQ said ‘This is a usable six string bass guitar. We won’t replace the truss rods for carbon fibre, we’ll just use the heaviest materials we have’. So that’s why I might ignore Skervesen. I don’t know what Truss rods they use and if they even bother to make it light weight. But a Kiesel, I’m certain it would be light. Warwick. Whoa there, I’m not investing in the millionaires club. Neither giving them any attention. To be honest, I’d rather buy an Ibanez than a Warwick bass. I don’t see what’s so good about Warwick to be honest, they make nice looking guitars, but their pricing, regardless of whether you care about the environment, is ridiculous. A tree is a tree. They get cut down. They regrow. Nothing can change what the wood is and therefore the price shouldn’t matter. And this Kiesel is proof that cheap custom guitars don’t require any special labelling or special people to build it. So yeah. Also, I’m still playing HoTS. It’s a game I’m going back to and leaving. I can’t wait for the Overwatch Archives update.

  14. I’m writing this update to inform you all of what’s been going on. As I’m writing this, I’m playing a video game called Overwatch. Since my PC was fixed and upgraded, I had the goal to reach rank 1800. It’s been about 4 weeks since I had my PC upgraded. I went from rank 590 to 740. In between me playing Overwatch, during my kill cams that I don’t care about, I work on something briefly like a guitar tab, or a Rocksmith CDLC, and I do so whilst monitoring my respawn time in game. I work with all of this on one PC. I manage to fit 11-14 hours of Overwatch a day into my schedule, along with all the stuff I do outside of it. I play Rocksmith separately because if I was to play guitar during Overwatch, I’d be kicked for inactivity. So what’s the point of this update exactly? I just wanted to tell everyone what’s been going on. Also, what do I mean by ‘Make it to rank 1800’. I started playing Overwatch in June, then I quit, then I came back in October and began playing it a lot. Then I slowed down at around December, but I made it to rank 500 by February. In late April this year, I made this big decision to reach rank 1800. Why are levels so important to me? They’re not, but, I missed out on the launch, because I thought Overwatch was overrated and a copy of Team Fortress 2. Dead wrong, Eventually, I got the hang of Overwatch, I’m still learning things, I am a god genji main… just kidding. But I am learning heroes. If you’re interested who I play. I play well Genji, Pharah, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Orisa, Zarya, and all supports. I want to learn every hero. My weakest is Hanzo, I have a gold bow for him just for a laugh. So I’m making up for lost time. And collecting coins to buy new event items, at the end of the event of course. I’ve made 21000 coins since the Uprising event. And at least when an event comes out, I can spend a lot of time playing them. I also like the portraits for the levels in this game. The platinum portraits look amazing. Within 200 days, I’m expecting to be at rank 1800. At this rank, I will still play a lot. But maybe prioritise other things in real life before Overwatch. As for Rocksmith/Guitar tab related updates. I’m going to update a certain amount of CDLC, then work on a guitar tab. I want to get better at tabbing so that if a CDLC that needs updating is missing notes, I can tab these missing notes. My pace is slow, but considering what I’m doing, it’s quite a lot to do at once. Not to mention, I have to eat, drink, exercise, and sleep.

  15. I’ve been thinking about this lately because eh… it’s a really tough decision. I’ve pledged to two patrons on Patreon. Two great musicians. 331Erock and FamilyJules7x. Erock uploads PDF tabs on his Patron rewards. FamilyJules doesn’t do that, but he said once he reaches $1500 on Patreon, he would get someone to tab his songs from Year 1 and possibly future songs. So two things that come out of this. One. The Erock tabs. I do like some of E’s ‘Meets Metal’ songs. I considered making them a CDLC. However, I don’t know if I’m allowed to upload them in the form of a CDLC if the tabs are from Patreon. So I’m stuck between a Do I or Do I Not situation? It is only about $5 for early previews of E’s songs and a tab collection of a couple months work. I don’t think it’s fair to upload tabs without permission. Because the hundred or so patrons that have this reward as far as I’m aware have not uploaded these tabs somewhere else. So I don’t know what to do to be honest. I would exclusively give the CDLC out to Rocksmith 2014 players who like E’s work if they are pledged. But I think for now, this is a ‘Personal’ CDLC. So if you want E’s stuff, you’ll have to pledge to his patron and make the CDLC for yourself. Sorry. The only stuff I would release by E is songs that he hasn’t tabbed out. I would tab it out with my own ‘Learn a song by ear’ style and do that. So it’s not ripped off from a Patreon exclusive reward thing. As for FamilyJules7x. Again, a Do I or Do I Not? I was planning on tabbing the songs I liked from him and giving him the tabs so he can correct them and give them to his Patrons. I’m going to listen to FamilyJules’ work soon. All of it. Sometime after tabbing all my current songs to tab. Also, I’m in the process of working on a slightly top secret project. That is a fan game for my two favourite video game characters ever. Tails and Cream. They’re adorable. So cute. So cuddly. I’ve written some songs for it. I plan to make it either a 2D Retro platformer, or a 3D Nintendo 64 graphics game. The reason being, I hate when games upgrade the graphics for the reason that you can. And it forces you to purchase an overpriced GPU. So I want to give players the option to not upgrade. I’m working on the story for the game. I aim to make it action, adventure, puzzle. And design every location and bit of dialogue to be unique. And have some funny parts in there. And a CRAP TON OF EASTER EGGS. Some nobody will even find. Trust me. Would anyone like to hear some of the songs or parts of songs that I have written so far? I’ve got about twelve songs so far. And I haven’t designed a single level yet.

  16. IMPORTANT SURVEY ABOUT MY CDLC'S AND GUITAR TABS. I strongly recommend you fill it out. It will help me improve my future CDLC and guitar tabs. https://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/SKmAPiJY

  17. Important update: I’ve been busy lately. I updated half of my CDLC’s. I’m still testing CDLC to check if any needs updating/fixing. There’s a strange bug in Rocksmith right now which removes clean tones completely. I’m not sure what the cause is, I reckon there was a patch that broke it. As for where I’m at testing wise. I’m onto the Sonic CDLC. I need to make a statement about this because it’s important. I’m not going to edit this CDLC for a few reasons. At least the Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 songs. These songs are unique all the way through to the end, at least to my knowledge. They loop, and it’s annoying, but these tabs that I got for the Sonic Adventure 2 CDLC, they had the right notes in every tab. I’m finding there’s nothing that needs editing in these tabs. There’s not much point in editing a completed CDLC if there’s nothing to do on it. Which brings me to an important thing to ask anyone who plays through any of my CDLC. If you spot an error in the tab or syncing issues, or even tone changing issues related to the CDLC. Please write the issue on the CDLC record here at CustomsForge, it really helps, and I can get it updated. Also some suggestions to improve the CDLC’s will be taken into consideration. As for what I’m working on at the moment. Still ZHIEND – Scar On Face. I’m halfway through the rhythm. It’s taking some time because of something I’m working on at the moment. I’m searching for another six string guitar with an ebony fretboard. I might get the Ibanez Iron Label, but with a grey burst on a poplar burl top. This is gonna be my F# Standard guitar. Why the hell would I waste so much money on a six string rather than get an eight string? A good reason actually. I’m thinking of writing covers of songs, and for a rhythm guitar, I want something good to play it on. I don’t feel comfortable with the way a seven or eight string feels. I think by reducing the amount of strings, I’m doing myself a favour. What about my Lindo guitar, that’s seven string, why do I play it? It’s my tabbing guitar. I can determine lower notes up to B standard on this guitar. I will just grab my F# standard for tabbing a song with that tuning. It’s a lengthy process, I’ve found a few guitars, unfortunately, none of them are something I really want. The ones I want don’t exist, they are sold by scammers on Aliexpress. And what’s the deal with this hatred towards counterfeit/replica guitars thing? I can get the product being stolen by design, but this happens all the time in this day and age of the internet, there’s no point in trying to attack someone who steals your idea. It’s the internet, nothing can be done about it, once it’s there, it’s there. I hope some of you understand what I mean. I would go for the original version of a guitar, but only if they’re not overpriced, where a Skervesen would be £1800 for a six string, a Mayones is something like £3000. I’m surprised Mayones have been going for 35 years with prices like that, they said something about their guitars being affordable? Yep. All of us who work minimum wage in the UK make enough to buy a Mayones whenever we want. Now I can understand why someone would replicate a Mayones. It’s just ramping up the price for the hell of it. So you’re paying 80% labour on a Mayones I’m guessing.

  18. Is anyone interested in hearing about the stories of every guitar I have owned? Or do you simply have questions about something? I'm happy to answer any of those.

  19. Is it me or is Dropbox becoming utter trash in terms of being able to download a file? There has been several download links on CustomsForge that say there was an error downloading. This only happens on Dropbox.

  20. It works again... but for how long?

  21. Just a reminder encase you missed it, vote here for my next tab. I've got two CDLC updates and one CDLC creation to get through yet. I'd say a just over 3 days, then I'll decide. Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/13449978

  22. Just had a bit of a scare. This shit hole I'm currently living in with stupid people... one of them was drilling a hole in the wall for whatever reason, he says that he dropped the plug adapter he had, but I think he drilled into something important in the walls. But whatever it was, it caused half the power in the house to stop. My computer was affected by this and it turned off... I was in the middle of saving my tab whilst this happening. And the good news was, my PC worked fine. The bad news, that file was corrupted. 2 weeks of work gone until I realised the most useful tool in my CDLC creation was there for me. I forget I save Editor On Fire every so often. It's an annoying glitchy piece of software, but in this case, I was rescued. I save it every now and then and most of the bass tab was there. I was happy to find that I could compile these notes into a CDLC then convert the CDLC into a guitar pro file. I'm saved for the moment, but this got me wondering... what if I bought a battery brick for my PC? I

    1. EeveeonE


      I accidentally pressed enter. Here's the rest:

      I thought of a battery brick before because it was dangerous and this was unlikely to happen until.. the idiots in my house do this stuff. It will be a short battery, like a couple hours of life. But I want to be able to direct power through the plug sockets, into the battery, then into my PC, and I want the battery to be safe. I may attach it to my desk some how or the wall. If there's a risk the battery would explode, I'll reinforce it some how, put protective layers around it, but another worry is if it hurts my PC if it blows.

  23. Just heard NAPOLEON for the first time... art.

    1. EeveeonE


      Wait, why the Hell is there no CDLC for these guys? They're like Periphery, but better

  24. Just listening to Architects for the first time... Yep. This is epic.

    BTW, if you love Architects, you’ll love Demetori.
  25. Just started listening to Periphery albums... they remind me a lot of BLANKFIELD.

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