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EeveeonE last won the day on March 31 2018

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About EeveeonE

  • Birthday 04/01/1997

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  • Guitar
    one with strings
  • Bass
    one that slap
  • Favorite Bands
    Demetori, Sylosis, Architects, Death, FamilyJules, RichaadEB, xi-on, insaneintherainmusic, Falcom Sound Team, Ujico, Snail's House
  • Rocksmith
    Windows (Steam)

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  1. I feel an update is required now. I've been feeling slightly depressed the past few months, but at the same time, I have never been happier. For once in my crappy life, things are going mostly right. But there are so many things going on at once. I'm having trouble to take on so much at once. I'll explain more in the comments for those interested. If not, CDLC's are going to be updated. I found an unfinished five string bass arrangement in Megaman Zero 4 Esperanto Rock Remix. I shall fix it. Then I will be making two CDLC's or more. I'll add these to the first part of the comment if you're really interested.

    1. EeveeonE


      The CDLC's I'm looking to create:

      Black Sabbath - Paranoid (A working version since nobody has made one yet. I would appreciate if someone would make it rather than me. But there is one version of this which crashes, and another with just lead guitar.) I want to play this song again because it's fun. But I can't. :<

      Scale The Summit - City In The Sky (If I cannot obtain a tab for this, I will purchase the tab with my own money possibly. It depends on the price. The tab should be the same price as the song, if it is not. Well, you really can't price products well, it has to be said)

      Animals As Leaders - Physical Education (I heard this one earlier, it sounds pretty good. My memory is becoming worse, I'll explain why later)


      I'm currently struggling with a few things. It's not related to anything I do on the internet, it's more real life.

      I recently discovered an unrecognised part of my personality which paints me as bisexual. Seeing as I was into male... bits. I think I can say I like males. Not as much as females though since my upbringing was with half a Christian family, who bought me up to believe in god and not be gay. That didn't stop me though. To make one thing straight. I believe in a god or being which cannot be described in language, sound, vision or feel, that makes miracles. I know what you're thinking. You believe in god, that means you're religious. I'm not religious fortunately. I tend to think to find answers. I hear a subject being discussed to which I discuss it with myself based on what I heard. Sometimes I throw what I heard out my ass because it isn't related. That's part of my thinking. In my search of a being who makes miracles in our existence, I discovered that people read a book and believe whatever is said inside it. This is not how I work. Reading a book my impact my opinions and views, but only slightly, and I make my conclusions just by thinking. In my thinking I discovered my bisexuality. I refuse to agree or believe in religions. I believe there was a Jesus. A guy with the name Jesus, not necessarily the Jesus in the Holy Bible, but some normal guy back in BC. Off of this, onto another topic.


      Addictions and mental health. I'm a sober guy. I have never touched drugs, drinks, or smoke. I've been pretty good for that, but there's an addiction plaguing the planet which is impacting my daily life. That is porn addiction. I may not come across as a guy who is addicted to it, the truth is, I am. That's how I discovered my bisexuality. Then again, it's a curse. I can go months without looking at it. Without a fiance. It's tough. To counter it, the imagination. The most important and most powerful part of our body is the brain. It's what makes us human. I struggle with this, so... yeah. Any advice for cutting down?


      Mental health wise, my memory has been getting bad. I recently made dietary changes. Small ones and big ones. The last major big one was veganism. It made no difference to my health, and as much as the memories of animals dying hurts. One thing nobody mentions to counter a vegan is 'How long ago was this sourced?' That's not to say cruelty doesn't happen. It does. But is protesting by sitting on your ass eating weak flavoured soy products really going to save animals in captivity? So with my ex pointing out to me these facts, I thought on it for months, I finally decided to become a meat eater again. I like vegetables and vegetarian based products over meat. But I hate our human nature of preachyness. That's another reason why I stopped. Literally, all we did as vegans, was call ourselves gods and wished meat eaters dead as well as try to impact them. The best vegan food I ever tried was vegan meat products by Fry's. They are possibly better than meat based versions of the product. The vegan minced beef. Oh god. I want a bowl of it right now. Another dietary change was having a fruit and a vegetable each day. Five a day is a bullshit number. Obesity is not because we aren't eating enough vegetables or exercising. It's because we eat too much and sit on our ass every day. Schools, take note. And recently, I cut a daily fruit out of my diet and I've been feeling strange. I got stomach aches, supposedly because of the lack of fibre. But I went from dry cereal in the morning to cereal with vegan milk. Hazelnut milk to be specific. It's delicious. I hate cows milk, it just tastes too creamy. No, I'm not a fussy eater. I tried squid, crab, muscles, seaweed, and probably other things I cannot remember. I did have a party where we tried Japanese drinks with different weird flavours. Most tasted like soap, others tasted alright, with a touch of soap. What does this have to do with my memory? I'm unsure if this is the cause, but I forget things I'm supposed to remember within a days time. Anything that can scar me for life will remain.


      I'm trying to counter most of my issues by playing video games. I spend two hours of my morning and two hours of my night working on CDLC, guitar tabs, etc. I am playing Saints Row The Third - Gat Out Of Hell in preparation for Agents Of Mayhem which comes out in the 15th August. 2017.


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