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Everything posted by Chlipouni

  1. Hi Berneer, 1) DOM = Document Object Model => the instanciation of the XML file in memory 2) The "handshape startTime adjustment" is only to synchronize the time position of the first chord and the start time position of the associated handshape. In your specific case, it may have a bug in the logic. Can you share the XML file to investigate more deeper ? 3) The overlap flag is about the sustain of the last note of the previous measure. I added it to avoid the lost of sustains (when the empty phrases are generated). I use it only to explain the phrases created automatically by the DDC process. Thanks
  2. If you use DDC on XML files, a log file is generated for each arrangement. In the log file, just look at the "Global Informations" section to obtain the maximum level of DD. As an example : ==================================================================================================== == G L O B A L I N F O R M A T I O N S == ==================================================================================================== D.D.C. : v2.6 XML format : Rocksmith 2014 Artist name : The Company Band Song title : Zombie Barricades Arrangement name : Lead Phrase length : 8 Remove sustain : N Configuration file : C:\Rocksmith\Logiciels\RocksmithCustomSongToolkit-v2.6.1.0\ddc\ddc_default.cfg Ramp-up model : C:\Rocksmith\Logiciels\RocksmithCustomSongToolkit-v2.6.1.0\ddc\ddc_default.xml Max Differences Before Merging : 10 % Max Differences After Merging : 30 % Max Difficulty Level To Protect : 20 % Max Differences To Link : 25 % DD protection limit : 3 Maximum level of difficulty : 8 Number of phrases : 9 Number of phrase iterations : 23 Average iterations by phrase : 2
  3. For now, DDC is only released for PC. That's why you need Wine to use it in mac OS.
  4. Can you share your CDLC (psarc file) ? OK, just have to contact the maker on the song to make sure it is ok to give out the song to fix the song. Just share the link to download the CDLC
  5. If you have created sections and phrases in EOF, you should already have the "phraseIteration" tags in the XML files generated by EOF. Then for each phraseIteration like following : <phraseIteration time="5.200" phraseId="2" variation=""/> Change it by : <phraseIteration time="5.200" phraseId="2" variation=""> <heroLevels count="3"> <heroLevel difficulty="1" hero="1"/> <heroLevel difficulty="3" hero="2"/> <heroLevel difficulty="5" hero="3"/> </heroLevels> </phraseIteration>
  6. If you don't want to use DDC to generate DD, you will need to update the XML file for each arrangement to add the score attack functionality. Lets see the following example : <phraseIterations count="59"> <phraseIteration time="0.000" phraseId="0" variation=""/> <phraseIteration time="5.200" phraseId="2" variation=""> <heroLevels count="3"> <heroLevel difficulty="1" hero="1"/> <heroLevel difficulty="3" hero="2"/> <heroLevel difficulty="5" hero="3"/> </heroLevels> </phraseIteration> ... </phraseIterations> For each "phraseIteration" tag you need to add the "heroLevels" tag which sets the level of difficulty for easy (hero="1"), medium (hero="2") and hard (hero="3"). In this short example, the first phrase Iteration is empty (no notes inside) and the second one has 5 levels of difficulty.
  7. In this CDLC, the notes were perfectly synced with the soundtrack, and I know how much work is needed to create a CDLC (with all arrangements, vocals and good tones). However, as you can see it in the following screen capture, the notes were not synced with the rhythm (vertical bars that indicate measures and beats) : After a resync of measures and beats, the notes are now in sync with the rhythm : Then, I repacked the song and applied DDC on it (no change in notes and chords placements).
  8. @@Berneer, "Kiss - Crazy Nights" is available in the first post :)
  9. Can you share your EOF project ? I will have a look on it ...
  10. DDC works well with CDLC in which the notes are well sync with the rhythm (measures and beats). If you are using the default configuration, the first level should contain only the note placed on the first beat of the first measure. Then the second level the note on the third beat, and so on ... When you did the sync in EOF, did you move the vertical bars or the notes ? If you need more help, you can share your EOF project in PM
  11. Sorry Alex360, but the tool doesn't permit to move the notes only measures, beats, sections and phrases ...
  12. The Wildhearts (Earth vs The Wildhearts) Skyclad (Prince of the Poverty Line) If you never heard these two albums, check them out ...
  13. all i want is to use ddc and then use the phrase i made as i made the phrase like they did with dlc i made phrase a b c phrase and then if the same thing repeats then i use the same laterIf you want to create your own phrases, you just have to create them in EOF (mark the starting measure; a phrase ends when the next one starts). Whatever the name you use for each phrase, DDC will automatically recognise the same note patterns and will affect a new name for each phrase. All phrases which shared the same name will evolve in the same manner in RS. So if you use DDC, you just need to create the phrases in EOF (don't mind about their name). And when you generate DD, choose a high value for the phrase length parameter (20 for example; in number of measures)...
  14. Yes and it is easy to do. Just set a value in the phrase length parameter (in the DDC tab) that is higher than your longest phrase in EOF.
  15. By that definition it is probably a hang. In Windows 8 a "hanging program window" becomes greyish after a couple of seconds and if you click into it a popup appears, telling you the "program is not reacting" and giving you the option to terminate it or keep waiting for a response of the program. This is what happens with EOF. While hanging, the task manager shows EOF as "inactive", with a extremely high CPU load (35%). As I said before, looks like an infinite loop ... Just need to detect which one ... You may add more debug information in the log file (in a specific patch)
  16. Hi raynebc, Here is my new EOF log file : eof_log.txt I used several times [click] & [Alt+Tab] without crash and [Alt+Tab] & [Alt+Tab] for the last action with hang (as expected). When EOF hangs, it seems to enter in an infinite loop, I have to kill the process myself ...
  17. That's very odd, I'm going to add more logging to the code that runs when EOF re-enters the foreground to try to pinpoint the exact cause. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the loop that polls the keyboard and waits until Tab is not held down. I can't imagine why this would cause a problem in Windows 8 and no other version of Windows, but I may be able to alter it a bit as a bandaid. After the next EOF hotfix, please post the log again after it crashes. Does it happen if you use the mouse to have EOF leave the foreground, and then use ALT+Tab to have it re-enter the foreground? When I use the mouse to switch the context from EOF to another app and come back in EOF with ALT+Tab, there is no crash (repeated many times). So the problem is only when EOF loses the foreground context.
  18. I used [ALT+Tab] only two times : 1 to leave EOF and 1 more to come back in. The crash always occurs when EOF re-enters the foreground. If I use [Alt+Tab] to leave EOF and [mouse click] to re-enter, the crash also occurs. I tried with v1.8RC10 (r1337) and everything works fine (no crash).
  19. Hi raynebc, You can retrieve my EOF logfile here. I used [shift+tab] two times after loading the project.
  20. You are lucky ! Download link in the first post :)
  21. Hi Berneer, At the beginning of its process, DDC generates the "transcriptionTrack" tag only if it is empty. This tag is usefull as it contains all tab informations without DD levels. When DDC remove DD, it simply copies the "transcriptionTrack" tag in level 0. When DDC generates DD, it may modifies some inconsistencies in the timing positions between notes, chords, sections and phrases (mainly the reasons of Rocksmith crashes and RR issues). As the "transcriptionTrack" tag is generated at the beginning of the process, it still contains these inconsistencies and they come back when you remove the DD ...
  22. About the "SNG to XML" checkbox : - Not selected : the XML files are unpacked without modifications (DDC comments are visible in the XML files). - Selected : the XML files are totally regenerated by the Toolkit with the data contained in the SNG files In my mind, this checkbox is added to unpack older CDLCs in which the XML files were not packed with. For now, DDC is able to generate some XML tags that other tools don't generate : - transcriptionTrack - newLinkedDiffs So, I never use this checkbox at a first try to unpack a psarc file.
  23. The fixed bugs are only about DDC issues. I don't know if they generate any problems for the XML import in EOF... Do not hesitate to alert use about issues in the tools (they become complex and we need your help to detect the problems ;) )
  24. DDC v2.6 is available ...
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