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Everything posted by prokazz

  1. I had pondered to become more active here as someone very new to the bass....but this turn of events gives me pause. Thank you for pointing this out. We have to call this what it is - Selective Censorship. Now this is THEIR site and they can police it how THEY see fit... But it's a slippery slope to apply one's or a group's standards to everyone. Especially if it's a "unwritten" rule. A quote without context can be taken out of context. I for one have no issue reading a wall of text re posted (And imho that is not a "wall of text"). I do it for a living(News) and it is hard to boil down an issue to a singular line of text and still maintain intent. I want to know what the context of the quote is, and without the surrounding portions, the quote may not make have the intended meaning. I understand piracy, or personal attacks needing to be dealt with, but what he posted is not an issue to me. Choose to read it, or not - But let US make the choice to read it or not. That is all I am trying to get at. Sorry, I'm very passionate about the subjects like censorship. Especially in light of how helpful and amazing this site has been as a learning tool. Now ends my wall of text.
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