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Everything posted by Wepeel

  1. @@on11_san, Give me some time (it's 6am here and I need to go to bed), but I'll try and help you figure this out.
  2. That article won't be relevant to your problem. That was a bug in OS X Lion that has since been resolved. Also, RSInjector doesn't open in any sandboxed apps. It basically just forces Steam to run RS2014 in debug mode which is what allows cdlc to run. I'm wondering if it's a DropBox problem. It didn't used to download the file as a zip, it would download it as a straight app. Try this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhmocw8rcbjda26/RSInjector.zip?dl=0 I compressed the app myself and reuploaded it. I also redownloaded it and can confirm it works fine on my system after unzipping.
  3. Where did you download your version of RSInjector from? The link I posted in the instructions is an uncompressed app. If you downloaded it in a zip/rar file from somewhere else that's probably your problem.
  4. RSInjector works fine on Mac, and I can confirm it works on El Capitan as I upgraded today. It runs without issue on Mavericks and Yosemite as well. Follow the steps outlined in the 2nd post of this thread and you should be up and running in no time.
  5. I have a pair of Audio-Technica M50x's, and I love them. They're comfortable, have a wide frequency response, and a high output. Also the cables (they come with 3 different types) are nice and thick, and well insulated. They're not very expensive, and well worth the money. http://www.audio-technica.com/cms/headphones/99aff89488ddd6b1/
  6. Yeah, I disagree with #1 as well, though I understand why they chose it. It is one of The Black Keys' most commercially successful songs. Most of what would be on my top 10 list ended up being in the "honourable mention" section in that video. It will be really interesting to see what direction they take with their next album. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long, although I would expect it to be at least another 8-12 months. Dan has to finish his affair with The Arcs first.
  7. Tomorrow nights Arc's show at Bowery Ballroom in NY is being broadcast on Yahoo Screen: https://screen.yahoo.com/live/event/the-arcs?eml=2015September25/2742772/6358759&etsubid=144485990 Tickets for the NA dates are on sale now too. I just picked up a pair for the Dec. 10 show here in TO.
  8. There are several customs that can cause this as well. The list is here: http://customsforge.com/topic/4863-list-of-crashers-jammers-dead-toners-and-misc-problems/
  9. There's a tool you can find here to help restore your corrupt profile. In order to stop it from continually being corrupted though, you'll have to figure out what custom(s) is causing the problem. Also make sure that you're allowing the game to finish auto-saving before closing the game, and that you're quitting the game in the proper way.
  10. You can use the in-game mixer to lower the volume of the music track.
  11. You need to jailbreak your PS3. You won't find any help or instructions for that here (I'm pretty sure it's against the rules). You'll have to google it to figure it out. Or go the easy route and just buy RS2014 for PC or Mac.
  12. Not all customs have dynamic difficulty (usually referred to as "DD" here). If the bar at the top that shows the difficulty level is short and thin and all orange, then there's no DD. You can ask the charter to add DD to it for you in the comments for the song. It's technically possible to add DD yourself using the toolkit, except that the toolkit doesn't have full Mac support and packing/unpacking functions don't work. And since those functions are essential to creating and editing customs, us Mac users are out of luck.
  13. @@RussTCB, are you using a legit version of RS through Steam? Steam should be keeping your game up-to-date automatically. The current version is v165.267558.
  14. From the main menu of the game, press "Space" for Tools. Then go to "Options" and then "Audio Settings". You'll find "Real Tone Cable Gain" as the last option on that screen. The game will make you recalibrate immediately if you make any changes to the real tone cable gain.
  15. Did you try recalibrating your guitar inside the game? I would suggest resetting everything to the default settings (in the options menu), checking the level of the Real Tone Cable Gain inside the game (I believe 3.1db is the default) and then recalibrating your guitar (from the Tuner screen).
  16. That's a pretty good list. I always find it hard to narrow down a group's songs down to just my "top 10". I'm a pretty big Foos fan, and I don't really think there is a song in their catalogue that I don't like (demos aside). They're not all gems, but it's still hard to whittle it down to 10 songs. Having said that, here's my list: Walk This Is A Call For All The Cows Something From Nothing Feast and the Famine If Ever New Way Home My Hero Alone + Easy Target Marigold Arlandria These Days Darling Nikki They're in no particular order, and there's 13 songs in that list. And the next time I read this list I'll probably want to add/switch songs, depending on my mood.
  17. You need to buy RS1 and the disc import tool.
  18. I'm glad you got it working. Converting is pretty easy. Just follow all of the steps listed in the instructions. Some users have been reporting problems with the latest version of the Toolkit not converting songs properly though. If you run into any problems, try this version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtowc44nlckn1n5/RSToolkit.zip?dl=0 It's a few versions old, but it's the one that I use and I haven't had any problems with it.
  19. You don't open or run the custom files. Just save them and then move them from the downloads folder into the dlc folder. Then, with Steam open, run RSInjector to start the game.
  20. Make sure you're clicking the correct download link on the mediafire page, or try a different custom that's hosted on a different filesharing site. There are no missing settings or apps that you need to download the customs, you should be able to download them in your browser like any other download.
  21. Follow these instructions (2nd post in the thread): http://customsforge.com/topic/10547-how-to-add-custom-songs-on-mac/
  22. Unfortunately, that's just the way that Ignition works. The main download link is almost always used for PC files. Some charters are nice and make the link open up a file listing for the multiple platforms, but not everyone does this. To see the link for the Mac version you have to click on the Ignition entry to bring up the Information panel and then select "Go To Record Page", or copy and paste the link from inside the "Author's notes" section of the Information panel.
  23. Try this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtowc44nlckn1n5/RSToolkit.zip?dl=0 This is the revision I use, and it works fine to convert files. Some of the later revisions after this one cause the game to hang with converted files. Also, just to eliminate it as a cause, make sure you've actually purchased Cherub Rock. It has to be licensed to you in order for customs to work.
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