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Everything posted by Gamut

  1. Been busy with business this week, but I made a little more time for rocking out. http://i.imgur.com/nJyAUQh.png Worked on the MC a little. With all the different arpeg fills int his song, it takes a lot of effort to learn to do properly, and I just didn't have that much time to put effort in this week. http://i.imgur.com/CIXX45p.png Gave this tune a sightread on my way back up from Drop B. That's some solid Sabbath right there! ^_^
  2. @@Rodman Happy b-day, R-man! :beer: :beer: :beer:
  3. Let's play the hard ones! http://i.imgur.com/AyKFXuH.png I love Rush, Geddy Lee and all. Haven't played this in a while, but it's nice to come back to. Probably the first play I've ever felt like I can do the hook justice! Alright, time to climb down to Drop B and get our ass kicked! Whee! :godmode: http://i.imgur.com/ex8UOyv.png Did a blind sightread on it because I lack common sense. This song does NOT LET UP. It's just a constant barrage of intricate melodies. Pretty killer tune! My metal buddy got me into August Burns Red in high school. I've listened up to Constellations, but this one's new for me. Should listen to this album... http://i.imgur.com/JbyvsJp.png Knowing what I was getting myself into didn't help much!
  4. Rush and August Burns Red? Sounds like another great week to me! @@MaZtoR Enjoy the vacation, party hard in Americaland!
  5. Nailed the chuggy arpegs and did a decent solo. This came out after: http://i.imgur.com/R5lne10.png Gonna call it a night. Might squeeze a little more out of this tune before the week ends, but I'm not exactly at my prime in the morning, so I doubt it. :lol: I'm content with my efforts this week - I feel like I'm improving again!
  6. I cannot get through this song without fudging at least one chord switch, and I just do not have the stamina left for the shredding by the time I get to the solo. http://i.imgur.com/M2xpom3.png But once I got through SA I did find another couple percent. Still have some time, might go for a couple more.
  7. http://i65.tinypic.com/ofn1o3.png Wise Gamut can top what took Kid Gamut a week, in ten minutes! How far Kid Gamut has come.
  8. This is a good idea. I wouldn't stop a trivial thing like it not being "official" stop you from posting a score on it, though! :D http://i66.tinypic.com/j7swzs.png Forgot about this killer tune. Kid Gamut on Week 60ish struggled with this all week and got to 81%. Wise Gamut of the present can apparently just do 78% off the cuff without any preparation. The best score posted last time was 88%. I think I can maybe even do 90 on this if I try.
  9. I'm back, and with bigger numbers! http://i65.tinypic.com/rrlilx.png First attempt after actually RRing the hard parts. I think I can still find another percent or three. After an excessive amount of practicing, all the way from 70% to 100% speed, I can consistently only drop 2-6 notes during the blistering bit in RR... but every time I play it in the middle of the song, it's a mess. :ph34r: Still, it blows my mind that my hands are approaching this level of shred. I am augmenting...! http://i68.tinypic.com/2l8i81w.png This one's kind of growing on me. Kinda reminds me of early Maiden. Really easy but solid groove, into some wacky arpeg solos that are kinda fun to do. Pretty easy as far as Adv goes, though a bit on the fast side.
  10. Kind of, but not really. When we played it last, there was no GoG class, and difficulties were distributed differently. MC was 9-10, Adv was 7-8, and Int was 4-6. Even back then, I'd say Testostyrannosaurus was a little underrated. But I don't know about GoG status... seems like a 9 to me.
  11. When we played that song last, it was actually rated as Advanced on lead. :ph34r:
  12. Let's play Frip's tune! http://i.imgur.com/DMEJyLs.png Really percussive song. Not so much about melodic things - it's more about technique and dynamics than hitting the notes. Rocksmith doesn't do a good job at rating your performance on this one. :lol: Played Sorairo Days a few more times, but only went up a little over a percent over it, so I didn't hit PrtScr yet. I'll be back after I RR that killer solo!
  13. Feels so good when your song gets picked. I hope you guys like anime theme songs. http://i.imgur.com/oMCRBFE.png This song keeps you on your feet - there's a lot of alternate chords on the same grooves. The anime it's from, Gurren Lagann, is my favourite of all time. It's about people who live in underground villages to hide from the dangerous world on the surface... until they find a robotic head, drill out, and start kicking everything's ass. http://i.imgur.com/zdYmBad.png LIVE TO FLY! FLY TO LIVE! DO OR DIE! Oh, uh - that's not what we're playing. Ehhh. Song is okay, but it's no Aces High.
  14. Adv sightread: http://i.imgur.com/ASErphm.png Been out partying and womanizing a lot this week, -my only free day to be a guitar hero is today. Here we go!! *tryhard face*
  15. http://i.imgur.com/4hQXZYb.png Those little layered melodies are pretty tricky, but other than that, Black Sheep is a straightforward, catchy song from a movie that does my homeland proud. Thanks for giving us Metric and Scott Pilgrim, Canada! :maple_leaf:
  16. Yeahhhhh... most of my guitar session tonight was spent trying and failing to match myself on To Take the Black. Followed by copius amounts of chorus RR! :lol:
  17. Little nudge on the MC: http://i.imgur.com/kypAtR1.png
  18. @@MaZtoR sure is honing the craft, this took some doing. http://i.imgur.com/oV90jsv.png The biggest issue I have with this song isn't the solo, the break, or the hook... but the chorus. The alternating chug-chord--slide-shift triplets are just ever-so-slightly too fast for me to pull off consistently, so I drop combo all over the place. Nothing a little RR can't iron out, though - I can see myself getting 98 or 99 on this. http://i.imgur.com/CIe8PDD.png Finally got around to sightreading my class. I like this Aria tune a lot better than the last couple... but there's no way it's a 9. I was waiting the whole time for a blistering solo to make up for the easy riffs, but when it came, it was just some straightforward B string stuff. Would even say it's easier than To Take the Black.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/LkmeGMw.png This pretends like it's gonna be a ballad for a minute... but then it takes a left turn into a punk tune?! Like most of your punk tunes, it's really easy stuff played really fast. The challenge is in getting those tiny muting details just right. By sheer coincidence, this song uses the exact same chord progression as one of my songs I've been writing since the summer, but mine's in 3/4 and just stays a ballad the whole time. :ph34r: http://i.imgur.com/3idrlZl.png Oh hell yeah, hit me with that one again! http://i.imgur.com/prTRykR.png Felt just as good the second time. What a fun song to play~
  20. It's time... to... http://i.imgur.com/T2SYznb.png Those bends still whoop my ass, but at least I can put my hand into (most of) the right places now! :lol: Next on Gamut Guitars: Superbus 100%?
  21. Curse you, ever shifting time continuum! I wanted to tryhard on Ghost and Monster Truck. :( I guess I'll just have to tryhard on Heartbreaker instead!
  22. I discovered Ghost through this competition too, way back when we played Cirice, and I fell in love. Square Hammer is a little on the difficult side for intermediate, but play wherever you're comfortable~
  23. I ~guess~ I should give my class a couple runs. http://i.imgur.com/ci9gHWf.png But gonna spend the rest of the night in D! :D
  24. http://i.imgur.com/DY01S42.png Better at the solo, way worse at comboing. I will get that last 1%!
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