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Everything posted by Buckeyefrank100

  1. Missing a lot of chords in they rhythm that I don't think I'm missing. I always have problems registering notes on songs with a lot of stumming. Rhythm and bass are included. I am having a lot of problems with lead for some reason this week.
  2. My submissions for the week. This song was fun to play. Rhythm - 99.02% with 157 streak http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216200435_1_zpskgy0rlgn.jpg Lead - 95.41% with 106 streak http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216200952_1_zps1t7tzaqb.jpg Bass - 98.2% with 94 streak http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216201511_1_zpsyfn1r8sl.jpg
  3. My submissions for the week. This song was fun to play. Rhythm https://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216200435_1_zpskgy0rlgn.jpg Lead http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216200952_1_zps1t7tzaqb.jpg Bass http://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181216201511_1_zpsyfn1r8sl.jpg
  4. This is only my second week but i like the more accurate version but i have not played the easier one. I think the more accurate one should be a beginner song. There's only a couple patterns with a few variations. The slides on lead are a little tough but RR can help with that.
  5. https://i1072.photobucket.com/albums/w378/buckeyefrank100/20181213205035_1_zpsoed2qynl.jpg Looks like this works... kind of. 98.77% on beg rhythm.
  6. Text seems to be working but I cannot seem to submit a screen shot. I create the reply and the image shows up, when I hit the post button I get taken back to the first page and nothing posts.
  7. Is there a reason I cannot post to this forum? I can post text but my screen shot will not post from Steam. I am new here so just trying to learn the ropes
  8. I am very new to creating custom DLC. I have created one for personal use for practice purposes but nothing on the scale of a song... yet. Unless someone specifically wants it, this will be strictly for personal use and will not be published. I found a version of If This is It by Huey Lewis and the News but it only has the bass line. I found a guitar pro tab also that seems pretty accurate. So I took the psarc file and brought it into the editor and was able to get the EOF file. I then was able to figure out charting the song for lead guitar, rhythm guitar and bass. It's not perfect but is a decent EOF file. I added a few additional seconds at the beginning of the song as well and re-encoded the file. I'm wondering what my next steps are to get everything back into the psarc file. Do I need to redo the audio portion since I added some time at the beginning? There was a vocal file included also. Will I need to redo or adjust that? How do I get the different tracks from EOF into a format the the editor will accept? I only see the 1 file and the rhythm guitar is loaded. Sorry for the bunch of questions. I just need a little guidance as to what steps to perform. Thanks in advance.
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