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Everything posted by raynebc

  1. I've fixed this. Drawing a thick goldenrod measure marker with a thin red line inside it seemed a bit weird, so I figured simply drawing it as a thick red line if there is a section/phrase change at the measure marker would look better. Does that sound agreeable? Also, what kind of information would people like to display in the notes panel, ie. selected note grid snap status, name of current phrase/section at seek position, etc? Statistics like the number of open chords, barre chords, etc? Anything else that would be interesting to see at a glance?
  2. Make sure you didn't put EOF in a protected area of the file system (ie. not anywhere within the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folders). Also try right clicking on eof.exe, selecting properties and seeing if there is an "Unblock" button near the bottom. If there is, Windows may be preventing the program from running properly because it knows that the program was downloaded from the Internet, so click Unblock, click OK and then see if EOF will start. If it still won't, your antivirus software may be interfering. You can scan EOF for viruses and decide if you want to whitelist EOF at least temporarily to see if EOF will then start.
  3. I've been adding tons of macros that expand to context-appropriate text, so basically you'll eventually be able to have it display all sorts of things. For the scope of each line, you can use conditional macros (if, else, endif) that can be nested any amount of levels. By now, I've added enough macros that the existing information panel can be recreated with the following: Track difficulty: %TRACK_DIFFICULTY% %TRACK_SECONDARY_DIFFICULTY% %IF_SOUND_CUES_DISABLED%(Sound cues are currently disabled)%ELSE%Metronome: %METRONOME_STATUS% Claps: %CLAPS_STATUS% Tones: %VOCAL_TONES_STATUS% mTones: %MIDI_TONES_STATUS% Beat = %SELECTED_BEAT% : BPM = %SELECTED_BEAT_TEMPO% %IF_HOVER_BEAT%: Hover = %HOVER_BEAT% Key = %SELECTED_BEAT_KEY_SIGNATURE% : %SELECTED_BEAT_POS% Measure = %SELECTED_BEAT_MEASURE% %IF_SELECTED_BEAT_HAS_TS%%BEAT_POSITION_IN_MEASURE% %IF_IS_VOCAL_TRACK%Lyric%ELSE%Note%ENDIF% = %IF_NOTE_IS_SELECTED%%SELECTED_NOTE% : Pos = %SELECTED_NOTE_POS% : Length = %SELECTED_NOTE_LENGTH%%ELSE%None ;Vocal information %IF_IS_VOCAL_TRACK%%IF_NOTE_IS_SELECTED%Lyric Text = "%SELECTED_NOTE_NAME%" : Tone = %SELECTED_NOTE_VALUE% (%SELECTED_LYRIC_TONE_NAME%) ;Pro guitar information %IF_IS_PRO_GUITAR_TRACK%%IF_IS_NOT_TECH_VIEW%%IF_NOTE_IS_SELECTED%Frets: %PRO_GUITAR_NOTE_FRETTING%%IF_SELECTED_NOTE_IS_NAMED% : %SELECTED_NOTE_NAME%%ELSE%%IF_CAN_LOOKUP_SELECTED_CHORD_NAME% : %SELECTED_CHORD_NAME_LOOKUP%%IF_TUNING_IGNORED% (Tuning ignored)%ENDIF%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL% %IF_IS_PRO_GUITAR_TRACK%%IF_IS_NOT_TECH_VIEW%%IF_NOTE_IS_SELECTED%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL%Fingers: %PRO_GUITAR_NOTE_FINGERING% : Tones : %PRO_GUITAR_NOTE_TONES% ;Insert a couple pixels of padding if fingers and tones were displayed, so the next line has room to display nicely %IF_IS_PRO_GUITAR_TRACK%%IF_IS_NOT_TECH_VIEW%%IF_NOTE_IS_SELECTED%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL%%MOVE_DOWN_ONE_PIXEL% %IF_IS_PRO_GUITAR_TRACK%Effective FHP : %PRO_GUITAR_TRACK_EFFECTIVE_FHP% : Tone : %PRO_GUITAR_TRACK_EFFECTIVE_TONE% ;General information %IF_IS_VOCAL_TRACK%Lyric%ELSE%Note%ENDIF%: Hover = %HOVER_NOTE% : Seek = %SEEK_HOVER_NOTE% Seek Position = %SEEK_POSITION% : %IF_IS_VOCAL_TRACK%Lyrics%ELSE%Notes%ENDIF% Selected = %COUNT_NOTES_SELECTED%/%TRACK_DIFF_NOTE_COUNT% %IF_START_POINT_DEFINED%Start point = %START_POINT%%IF_END_POINT_DEFINED% : %ENDIF%%ENDIF%%IF_END_POINT_DEFINED%End point = %END_POINT% Input Mode: %INPUT_MODE_NAME% : Playback Speed : %PLAYBACK_SPEED%%PERCENT% Grid Snap: %GRID_SNAP_SETTING% : Catalog : %SELECTED_CATALOG_ENTRY%%IF_SELECTED_CATALOG_ENTRY_NAMED%: %SELECTED_CATALOG_ENTRY_NAME% OGG File: %LOADED_OGG_NAME% %FRET_VALUE_SHORTCUTS_SETTING% %KEY_INPUT_STATUS%And I can add any amount of new macros that are helpful for people to use. People wanted to have a Rocksmith informational panel, and this is the probably the best way it could possibly be. I'll provide various defaults text files (one best suited for Rocksmith, perhaps one suited for authoring in 5/6 button guitar games, etc) and people can customize and share text files however they see fit. I'm not immediately understanding what you said about the beat coloring, could you describe this further?
  4. It depends on whether you wanted to use the feature as another information panel or if you want to use it as a notes/todo list for each chart. I probably wouldn't have EOF create a text file for each new project though.
  5. Unicode characters aren't supported in lyric import, there is no easy way for me to improve that. I don't know if the toolkit supports a vocal XML file encoded in extended ASCII, it might not work. If you have an EOF project for which the equal characters in lyrics don't convert to hyphens when the vocal XML file is written, please send it my way. I fixed it so the notes panel won't draw on top of the second piano roll. I'm still working on improvements such as tracking whether the panel was open from the previous EOF session, as well as allowing a file to be browsed for so you could easily switch between different text files, such as one with Rocksmith related shortcuts, one with statistics, etc. I might do a most recently used submenu, but that would be quite a bit more work.
  6. I can't immediately reproduce that problem. Please provide some sample files and details such as which timestamps are affected and where the lyric coupling isn't working (in EOF, in-game, both).
  7. What version of Windows is this? Are there any special characters (ie. accented or Unicode characters) in the folder path where EOF exists? To rule that or permissions issues out, it could be worth putting EOF at the root of a file system such as at C:\EOF. Also, it's possible that something about the EOF folder is going on such as it is marked as hidden or another program is monitoring/tampering with access to the folder. For example, I've been told that cloud syncing programs like Dropbox behave in a way that can interfere with EOF's and other programs' ability to read/write files.
  8. I looked at the XML generated for that first chord in your picture (the one at around 1:58), but it looks like I'd expect: <chordTemplate displayName="Daugno3" chordName="Daugno3" fret0="-1" fret1="5" fret2="0" fret3="0" fret4="-1" fret5="-1" finger0="-1" finger1="2" finger2="-1" finger3="-1" finger4="-1" finger5="-1" /> <chord time="117.727" linkNext="1" accent="0" chordId="23" fretHandMute="0" highDensity="0" ignore="0" palmMute="0" hopo="0" strum="1"> <chordNote time="117.727" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="0" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="2" sustain="0.001" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> <chordNote time="117.727" linkNext="1" accent="0" bend="0" fret="0" hammerOn="0" harmonic="0" hopo="0" ignore="0" leftHand="-1" mute="0" palmMute="0" pluck="-1" pullOff="0" slap="-1" slideTo="-1" string="3" sustain="0.001" tremolo="0" harmonicPinch="0" pickDirection="0" rightHand="-1" slideUnpitchTo="-1" tap="0" vibrato="0" /> </chord> <handShape chordId="23" endTime="119.331" startTime="117.727" />I don't know why the game isn't showing the fingering for this.
  9. You can upload it to any file hosting service that's convenient for you, or just copy and paste the XML file's contents to a pastebin type website like https://pastebin.com/
  10. Can you provide me with the EOF project or the XML file that it saved for that arrangement? I can check to see if the XML generated for that looks the way I'd expect.
  11. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (4-14-2018) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Fixed a bug where toggling lane 6 (black 3 gem) for an existing note in a GHL track would remove all other gems from the note. *Added a "File>Display>Set 3D HOPO image scale size" function allowing the size of non GHL HOPO gems to be changed in the 3D preview. By default, HOPO notes will display 25% smaller than other notes in the 3D preview panel. *Added new logic to MIDI import that will automatically resnap notes that lose grid snap due to math errors during the import's timing conversion. *Added a "File>Display>Enable notes panel" function that will increase the program window size by an extra panel width as necessary (the resize is skipped if either the Into panel or 3D preview are disabled in File>Preferences) to display the contents of the notes.txt file in EOF's program directory. This can be edited to display things like your favorite keyboard shortcuts, to-do items, etc. Disable and re-enable the notes panel to reload any changes you have made to the file while EOF is already displaying the notes panel. The notes panel will be allowed to take up all space on the bottom half of the EOF window that isn't in use by the Info panel or 3D preview. The default content for notes.txt is a set of keyboard controls for 5 lane guitar/bass, drums, lyrics and pro guitar notes. Most of them fit when EOF is using the shortest program window height (480), but the rest require a window height of 600 or 768.
  12. I explained it in essence. How you author this will really come down to EXACTLY how you want it to appear in game. If you can display a guitar tab excerpt showing what you want to achieve, or cite part of an existing song in Rocksmith that does what you want, that may be easiest.
  13. You should be able to enable "Tech view" by pressing F4 (or using "Track>Rocksmith>Enable tech view"), place a gem on anywhere top of the individual note in the chord that you want to add hammer on status to, and then apply hammer on status to that tech note (ie. select it and press the H key). The tech note will display "h" to indicate it is applying that status to just that one note in the chord: http://i64.tinypic.com/20u8njd.jpg
  14. If the hammer on is at the beginning of the chord and not in the middle of it, you could see if applying a tech note to the desired string and giving that tech note hammer on status gets the desired effect.
  15. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (4-7-2018) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Added logic to prevent statuses that are only meant for tech notes (stop, pre-bend) from being able to be copied to a pro guitar track's normal note set. *Updated RS import to apply pre-bend status appropriately when strings of a chord pre-bend by different amounts. *Updated MIDI export to allow a GHL track's manually given name (from Track>Rename) to be used as the track name in the MIDI, allowing the author to use PART RHYTHM and PART GUITAR COOP to be used to author the GHL tracks and rename them as PART GUITAR GHL or PART BASS GHL and have both normal guitar/bass and GHL guitar/bass in the same chart, for use in Clone Hero. *Updated the render logic so that the GHL mode status of the active track is reflected in the program's title bar. *Improved MIDI import to check for the presence of both normal and GHL versions of the guitar and bass tracks, and to prompt which version of each to import. *Updated Feedback import to recognize open notes and B3 gems in GHL tracks. *Improved the track clone functions to also clone the track's manually given name if defined (Track>Rename). **Fixed a bug where the "Fingering checks include mutes" preference was not visible in the preferences dialog. *Added a "2D render RS piano roll" preference that adds some coloration to the piano roll (goldenrod colored measure markers, color-coded string lines). *Improved the GPA import logic to account for incorrectly encoded GP5 file names in the XML, such as where & is not written as & as per XML requirements. *Added 3D preview logic to uniquely display forced HOPO open notes, each of which will draw as a rectangle with a smaller black rectangle inside it. *Added logic to update the HOPO status in the 3D preview immediately when gems are added. *Rewrote Feedback import's HOPO detection to use GH3 rules: A single fret notes 65/192 beats or closer to the previous note/chord and isn't identical to the previous note (in terms of what frets are used) is a HOPO unless a "N 5 #" toggle HOPO marker reverses the status and forces it to be strummed. A toggle HOPO marker must be used to apply HOPO status to a chord, which is otherwise always forced to be strummed. *Added a GH3 option to "Edit>Preview HOPO" that will have the 3D preview reflect forced or automatic HOPO status as per GH3 HOPO rules. *Updated the title bar to display "(Stored tempo map)" when a tempo track is stored in the project from MIDI import, to make it more obvious that the project's tempo map will be overridden during MIDI export.
  16. It looks like the Go PlayAlong XML file is not properly writing (presumably this is Go PlayAlong's fault) the ampersand in the GP5 file's name. I've added code to the GPA import logic to account for this, but in the meantime, if you edit the XML file in a text editor (ie. NotePad) so the line with the tag looks like this: 1. Tighter & Tighter.gp5EOF is able to import it.
  17. It looks like both links are for the GP5 file. Could you provide the link for the XML file?
  18. I'd be disappointed if their tool wasn't more efficient than EOF at making DLC for their own game. Supporting different games with different features and requirements does complicate things at times.
  19. If it's a GPX file that was exported to GP5 format, sometimes Guitar Pro makes a mistake during conversion.
  20. I hadn't seen those screen captures before, but to me a piano roll did always seem like a sensible user interface for this kind of work. The color coded strings and thicker measure markers might be fun and easy for me to implement. Is there any interest for that?
  21. The easiest way to do this would be to change the time signature. The top number of the signature is how many beats are in a measure. So say the Intro section of your project is 10 beats in 4/4 before the Verse section begins, but you want the Guitar Pro file to have the Verse begin at measure 3. You can change the Time signature of the first beat marker to 5/4, which means each measure is 5 beats long. Then the Verse section would occur two measures into the project, and you can change the time signature at that beat marker to suit whatever you wanted. It's possible that the time signature makes a visible difference in-game, but I can't remember if it draws measure markers or anything like that.
  22. Are you talking about changing the measure numbering? You would have to add/remove beats or change time signatures to do that. Depending on how you sync a chart, the measure numbering may or may not reflect a Guitar Pro file may describe the same tablature.
  23. Based on past reports, Xonar's EAX emulation (may be called something like "GX mode") isn't compatible, and disabling that feature may allow it to be used by EOF.
  24. A surround sound card might be too exotic for the old Allegro 4 library. If your computer has any onboard, it may be worth trying that just to see if it works.
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