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Everything posted by raynebc

  1. Isn't centOffset a control for non standard tunings (ie. not in A440)?
  2. For a long time now, EOF's default "Accurate TS" option (a per-chart setting in Song>Properties) is enabled for new charts and will adjust beat lengths to account for both tempo *and* time signature (which is correct) instead of just tempo. This means non #/4 time signature changes will have a notable effect. To preserve your beat timings, you should be able to turn off the accurate TS song property, import the GP file, re-enable accurate TS and then take EOF up on its offer to alter the tempos to keep the beat positions intact. Please let me know if you find this doesn't work for your chart or if you can demonstrate that the beat lengths calculated based on a beat's tempo and time signature are not accurate.
  3. You can in fact import them directly into EOF. There was a bug I just fixed with extended sustains during Feedback import, but the current Windows beta imports extended sustains, disjointed chords, lyrics and pretty much everything Clone Hero has to offer: http://ignition.customsforge.com/eof/download/267
  4. "Track>Guitar>Set tuning>Preset"
  5. Those entries are there to let you know they have to be bought.
  6. OK. I'll work on making that functionality sometime soon. About the bonus arrangements being rare in official charts, are they scored or have stats tracked in any unique way compared to alternate arrangements?
  7. It shouldn't be too hard to make it automatically remember the last arrangement path and type the user defined for a track. Doing it this way would be less of a hassle than having to design a dialog with drop downs, etc. An alternative (which I think I would consider the best option) would be to add a "Set as default" menu function so you can set your preferred arrangement settings once per track and not worry about one-off instances (ie. working on a song with 5 guitar arrangements and no bass arrangements) changing your preferences. Let me know what you think.
  8. @@firekorn I think it's appropriate to make default arrangement paths/types match what the toolkit had been assuming. I also think it's sensible to make the tracks with the highest default fret limit the lead guitar arrangement or representative bass arrangement. Please let me know if you agree with these EOF changes: ->Make PART REAL_GUITAR_BONUS rhythm path, bonus arrangement by default ->Make PART REAL_GUITAR rhythm path, normal arrangement type by default ->Make PART REAL_GUITAR_22 lead path, normal arrangement type by default ->Make PART REAL_BASS bass path, alternate arrangement type by default ->Make PART REAL_BASS_22 bass path, normal arrangement type by default And also with the added warning and arrangement override during save if the user has either no representative or multiple representative arrangements for a path (lead/rhythm/bass) that is present in the project. @@dan_A Changing the order of tracks in Song>Track would be messy because at this time it's based off the track ordering internally to EOF and that cannot change. I can make a user preference for CTRL+Tab and CTRL+SHIFT+Tab to skip empty tracks if you would find that helpful, let me know. There are CTRL+SHIFT+Up/Dn shortcuts to cycle to the next/previous track of the same type (ie. pro guitar), but it doesn't take into account whether the track is empty.
  9. This kind of thing was planned at one point, but it would be a lot of work. It would also not be very useful now that one EOF project can have the maximum number of arrangements that can be present for a song. I'm not aware of any rhythm games that support custom tracks like this, they generally all have to use pre-defined names. I see what you mean about it not contrasting in that scenario, but what about making the highlight color blue? It appears to make all selected lyrics stand out regardless of whether they're in piano roll scope, out of scope or pitchless. @@firekorn I'm not opposed to making each guitar track a particular path by default (ie. PART REAL_GUITAR default to being the lead arrangement), but we'd probably want to get some input from the authors in general. By default, both real bass tracks are set as the "normal" representative bass arrangement. I can make it so that "PART REAL_GUITAR_22", "PART REAL_BASS_22" are alternate arrangements by default and that "PART REAL_GUITAR_BONUS" is a bonus arrangement by default if you think that will help. Otherwise the quickest fix I can do is for the save function to only allow one arrangement of each path to export as representative and forcibly change others to "alternate" if necessary. I'd want to display a warning for this during normal save, as well as warnings if the representative arrangement for a path is not authored. Let me know what you think about these changes.
  10. Changing the track's name now, after almost two years, could be troublesome (confusing to users, complicating MIDI import, etc). I can't see why it should be restricted by its name though, EOF allows bass tracks to be authored in PART REAL GUITAR, and guitar tracks in PART REAL BASS. It's useful for authors to have the flexibility.
  11. I hadn't decided yet whether the bonus track should be marked as a bonus arrangement by default, but I suppose that makes sense. Should I make that so?
  12. Hi, folks. The latest hotfix (9-28-2018) is in the first post. Changes are as follows: *Updated copy/paste, clone to/from and auto adjust logic to preserve disjointed status. *Updated the save logic to not warn about gems in the same disjointed chord being too close together to enforce the minimum note distance. *Added a "Save separate Guitar Hero files" export preference that will specify whether ghwt_drum.array.txt, notes_gh3.mid and note_ghwt.mid are created when the project is saved. *Corrected an issue where the new MIDI import logic (for handling disjointed chords) could cause some notes to incorrectly detected as auto HOPO notes until fixup logic redetects that they are not auto HOPOs. *Updated MIDI import to treat "PART GUITAR COOP GHL" and "PART RHYTHM GHL" as GHL tracks. *Updated MIDI import to read the GHL track difficulty tags ("diff_bassghl" and "diff_guitarghl"). *Updated MIDI export to write the GHL track difficulty tags even when PART RHYTHM or PART GUITAR COOP are renamed to define the GHL guitar or bass track. *Added a message that is displayed at the end of MIDI/Feedback import if the "Imports drop mid beat tempos" preference is enabled and leads to any beats being removed during the import, which could affect the grid snapness of notes. *Changed RS2 export to automatically add ignore status to any gem that uses a fret number higher than 22, to ensure the game correctly handles this note, which it would otherwise not score but would count against the player's mastery percentage for the song. *Changed the border color for selected lyrics' note rectangles to red instead of white to make them more visible. *Fixed a bug with the recent Feedback import logic (to process toggle HOPO and slider markers at the end of each track difficulty's import) that could cause notes/chords with W3 to be deleted from charts with multiple difficulties. *Updated RS2 export to only write the first 32 bend points for each note/chordnote, since having more of them would cause the game to crash. The warning given during save was updated to reflect that this action is taken. *Added options to the "Track>Rocksmith>Arrangement type" menu to specify whether the arrangement is the normal one (whose play stats are the one listed in learn a song and other places), a bonus arrangement or an alternate arrangement, for use in Rocksmith 2014. RS1 export will write any track that is marked as a bonus or alternate arrangement as an alternate arrangement since RS1 doesn't support bonus arrangements. *Added a "Track>Rocksmith>Picked bass" function that will specify that exported bass arrangements for RS1 and RS2 are picked bass instead of fingered bass.
  13. I think it's most likely to work if you use Windows-1252 (extended ASCII) encoding instead of Unicode encoding for the file before importing it into EOF. If that's not the case, please send me the lyric file in question for testing.
  14. Sounds good, I'll update RS1 export too. If somebody RS1 exports a track that is marked as a bonus arrangement, I guess I should make it export as an alternate track since it's not the representative track.
  15. RS1 XML doesn't have a bonusArr attribute, but it has a "represent" attribute. I can't remember if that game had alternate arrangements, but if it does, will the toolkit classify an RS1 arrangement with a represent value of zero as an alternate arrangement?
  16. Instead of having every combination of normal/bonus/alternate and combo/rhythm/lead/bass, I'll probably just add the normal/bonus/alternate as a "sub type" in a lower half of the arrangement type menu.
  17. OK. I'll need to figure out how to present this in EOF, probably something like a submenu where you pick "Normal", "Bonus" or "Alternate". I'm not sure what to call such a submenu though, since there's already an "Arrangement type" one to specify bass, rhythm, etc. Should that latter submenu be renamed to something like "Arrangement path" or something similar?
  18. I just need to know whether if EOF defines the properties as described, the toolkit will reflect that the imported arrangement is an alternate arrangement. If that's the case, I'll make the changes in EOF so the chart author can specify that a track is an alternate arrangement.
  19. @@cozy1 If EOF writes the arrangementProperties tag of an arrangement XML file so that the represent and bonusArr attributes are both zero, will the toolkit consider it as an alternate arrangement or would the user still have to configure that in the toolkit?
  20. According to this (at least based on the comments, without studying it very closely): https://github.com/rscustom/rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit/blob/master/RocksmithTookitGUI/DLCPackageCreator/DLCPackageCreator.cs#L626 If the "represent" and "bonus" attributes are both 0, it's considered an alternate arrangement. I can make that change in EOF (that if the author specifies the arrangement is alternate, both of those attributes are written as 0) if the toolkit developers will confirm that the toolkit does or would be made to honor that. Then I'd just need to know what information EOF needs to get from the author (ie. does a represent attribute value of 5 mean it is alternate arrangement number 5)?
  21. How is an arrangement defined as being an alternate arrangement in the XML file? Bonus arrangements have the bonusArr attribute, but there's not such an obvious one for alternate arrangements.
  22. That's a scam, I occasionally get that on various forums. I assume this is usually because of compromised advertisement objects/scripts on the site or something.
  23. I'm not sure how helpful it would be overall for EOF to write a separate file of preferences/instructions to be picked up by the toolkit. I'm not sure I understand all of your examples though.
  24. Honestly it's not clear if or when EOF will ever work on High Sierra. Apple announced that they're going to remove OpenGL support, so by the time EOF ever gets ported, it may have lost compatibility with OS X again. It would depend on whether Allegro adopts Vulkan, which doesn't even have first party support in OS X (it's provided by a third party library called "MoltenVK").
  25. EOF doesn't actually work natively in OS X High Sierra because Apple removed support for some old graphics library stuff. If it works well in Wine on OS X, that's good for me to know.
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