Hmm. The other day I was fooling around with avisynth/megui, it uses clt files for designating cuts for video editing. I think maybe between the clt and bik files there might be some audio volume settings going on. I was also fooling around with Bink and was able to convert a bik to avi video, the Alanis video from the PS3 Bandfuse files. When I tried mixing audio into the video all I was able to get was static. Today I fooled around with EOF importing the Bandfuse tabs from the rif files. Had success with Alanis and Megadeth. The import included the different difficulties and only real bass and real guitar parts, no voice or second guitar. The tabs for these two were three beats behind the mp3 so I compensated with 3 beats of leading silence, after that the tabs were right on. I also tried importing Testament but the tabs were 3 beats ahead of the mp3 and I didn't know how to adjust, I wanted to add 3 beats to the start but couldn't figure it out. Note: I downloaded your homemade bk2 video the other day, I was able to see it but could not hear anything... Today I clicked on your video and heard your music, don't know how or why. Note 2: I'm fooling around with a tor dl'd version of the ps3 Bandfuse files, not an iso but the files (as info).