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Everything posted by NoonyDeloony

  1. @@Shiroo thankyou for the chart, props on putting that together the bass line is indeed resplendent... But I did have a moan about the tuning and tone and apologise for that. Might just be my old ears can't process the awesome :( always enjoy your charts when they appear in the comp though :)
  2. A: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=343144028 I reckon beginner bass players should have a go of the advanced track... it's pretty simple if you riff repeat the last 5 phrases in learn a song until nailed you've pretty much learned the whole song as 3 of those 5 phrases are repeated through the start 'til you hit the little arpeggio or, what I'd like to call in this instance, "THE SOLO" :D. That little arpeggio actually gives me a sense of rock goddery when playing this track. It's my favourite bit but sadly it's a bit of a snore fest at the start. It reminds me of a club I used to go to in the 90's called the Krazy House (it's still open, full of kids... or "me, 20 years ago") This track would come on and circles of guys in face paint like kiss would fold their arms across their chest in an X and do the devil horns \m/ and REEEEEEEALLY SLOWLY mosh :)... was hilarious... more stories from grandma later :)
  3. Aw thanks @ :blush: I think I will mostly concentrate on advanced class this week so another video may be on the cards... I'll try smile more but my bass face doesn't allow that until the end :D
  4. Anyone got a suggestion for a decent tone for Beautiful people? The tone for bass is far from beautiful :( B: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342923246 Forgot to take a screenshot of Metallica so I'll play through one more time and edit this post. Think I'll be concentrating on the advanced song this week though. MC I enjoyed but Akatsuki sounds really out of tune and again, awful tone but it's a great song... I'd attempt to learn it but the tones and tuning is putting me off, the bass riffs are really fun though. sorry magna charterers :( no offence to your hard work. Metallica screenie :) A: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342933481
  5. Just intermediate and advanced entry for now with a video-diddlyo for Int (unseen footage of dork in natural habitat at the end) ... have played through Metallica once, will do it properly later. Nice track, not heard it for yeeeears! Thought I had Maz Manson but when I booted up RS, realised I must have deleted it so I'll redownload later as Bob's just woke up. Baby Metal will have to wait cos it's gonna take the day for my strings to settle in to that tuning. Anyhoo, STUFF!: I: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/41984609300893218/C580FC2C9E5478B61EF68840F99471877C59B6E5/ A: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=342626148
  6. I've always just copied and pasted the video address from the address bar in to the post box and it's just automatically showed up as a window... Great job on your play-through :) enjoyed that!
  7. well... My hair is exactly like his, so... 1 third of the way there :)
  8. @@MilkmanDan I was trying to see what technique you used on the "bends of hell" phrase but the dry ice was obscuring my view.. Are you playing a hammer on a full step from the fifth fret? As I haven't tried that method and it looked like you were getting success with that method :)
  9. Alice in Chains is equally unrecognisable... bends are like 70% of the song too... note to self, check for bends before picking songs for the selection list :( sorry folks for causing you pain and distress with that choice, Bassketeers. Guess it's, as me and my friend lovingly coined it, "crapped on my rice" this week for me... might entertain Junge too.
  10. Nope. Little Monster is poop. I've gone right off it. I hate that it's not recognising string bends and I get 1 in every 5 when I adapt to sliding instead. I can play the flipping thing, I just can't be arsed posting scores that aren't competitive because of the lack of registration. Bends. Up Youuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!
  11. The itty bitty improvement committee gave me more %'s :) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=340651613
  12. Getting quite a finger burn from the slides on MC track. Finding the twiddley bit at the higher end of the neck quite fun to play now , can nail it on 90% so hoping to bang it out at full speed in a few days. String bends on E 5th fret are posing a problem for me too but I can't tell if it's recognition issues or just shitty accuracy :( Hard work this song though, I like it :D
  13. @@Rodman that's a brilliant idea :) cheers for taking the time to put that together !
  14. B:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339379272 My entry is invalid I know but won't be practicing it this week anyway. Junge is a great song though but I bet it's more fun on guitar :) a 2. No intermediate entry yet as I'm going to see if Rocksmith has a better chance of recognising my other bass but the 9v's need charging first before I give it a go. NO RECOGNITION what-so-ever on my jazz bass. Corrected my intonation but still having some volume issues despite being cranked up to top DB's in audio... volume's still too low apparently. A:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339379666 Trapped Under Ice is my all time favourite 'Tallica track off RtL and it was f'king fun to play it :) There will be a few more plays of this one I reckon but the MC will be priority this week, a noony rating of 7. MC:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=339379743 Well, what can I say... started out o.k. then... err...what? what fret? what string? *screen* *fretboard* screen* *fretboard* my head was up and down like a fiddler's elbow. The song's amazing. I want to nail it, the fretwork was a surprise, I was expecting it to be much simpler but shit get's real further into the track. Personally this track is going to kill me or make me awesome :) I'm hoping for the latter... a Noony rating of 9... but that's likely to go down once I've played it more than once and riff repeated it 'til it's hanging in tatters :)
  15. This I am looking forward to the most too, it sound amazing! :D another excellent choice this week.
  16. Aww gutted that Alice in chains bass line is boring :( I never got round to checking it, I thought it sound alright but the complexity I clearly didn't pick up, or lack there of. Poo
  17. Final try with Video... like a woman possessed I tell thee! Not quite 100%, the anticipation of the last few phrases scared me in to messing up but on the whole... IMPROVED! :D http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338741738 Take this score and have done with it! :)
  18. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338736512 http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40858161219337789/07ABB4C81D19663EC1CF4CB2210F6E5E481419E5/ I have 2 scores again... the drastic difference is really irritating me with the %age and the score itself. Which one would you go with? High score or High %age accuracy? My mind is boggled :(
  19. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40858161215837430/BECA0A202AFA63FED848D02AE680BFAD3953FFE7/ Better accuracy again but DREADFUL score! I really dislike Rocksmiths contradictory score v's accuracy structure... I'd like to think accuracy would accrue a better score rather than just being able to play the simple parts of a song to garner a decent score... some of these phrases are long and just playing one note so it's unlikely you're going to bum out during the twanging of the open A string interval that's longer than the verse and chorus put together. Anyway, that aside, practicing the end phrases at the moment and gradually improving and given when I first played the song I'd completed a MASSIVE 6% of the song before thinking "fooky'ell this is unpossible!" and putting myself straight in to riff repeater on 75%, I'm pretty pleased with my progress :) @@MilkmanDan I don't think I'm going to manage 100% on this but you're right, the phrase at the end needs a fair bit of attention, I concentrated on learning the main verse for most of this week so I tend to start out well and then it just goes Pete Tong at the end :) I've noticed my memory is getting better though... one day I might know more than 2 songs all the way through on Master mode! :D
  20. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/40858161198273257/1C887CE995BF5ADB0F6CA1E7CB4538D7F149C85C/Arggh this is going to be a white whale of a song to nail 100% for me... I am hoping tomorrow that Nanny is going to pick the grandkids up so I can practice more tomorrow... all the feckin' day long! Better score but still shit accuracy :( meh! The 4th from last phrase (I think) kicks my arse every time!
  21. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/40858161185488896/54ECF2876ACBFDCCD801CF787C758F4A838A19A8/ Played until my fingers bled... well no, not really, Brian Adams did... mine have callous' like elephants knees, that said, finger dandruff might need vacuuming up because if the floor gets wet, it'll look like the magic porridge pot spilled over. I has a video but it's a bit rubbish, huge f'cups everywhere :) I maded this! It's pants, but my hat is awesome. I've clearly had too many cups of coffee today. Another score but worse accuracy (I didn't play 3 phrases at the end because, sucking) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=338043993
  22. Always just wanted to play, I'd played flute and clarinet and used to be able to play by ear as well as read music but I'm having to relearn all that now as after 20 odd years of not reading music or playing flute/clarinet it got forgotten and didn't transcribe to bass playing as easily as I had hoped. I'd played badly on guitar for 20-odd years, I knew 1 song all the way through (everybody hurts - R.E.M, which as you can imagine, went down REALLY unwell at parties.) and the beginning of Extreme's More than words (great for a guy wanting to get to third base with a girl... not so much the other way round) and the intro to Metallica's The Unforgiven. Guaranteed, my more competent friend, would whip the guitar out of my hands before I even got a chance to show anyone I could play 1 WHOLE song and jam off Skunk Anansi's weak as I am, singing it too, she's awesome :). So yeah, I got in to bass instead, because NO-ONE WANTS to grab the bass off you and jam out "YZZ"! :) I discovered from playing Rockband that I was more suited to bass playing and for a couple of years I just watched youtube videos of other people playing bass and kind of subliminally taught myself. I'd go to sleep imagining holding a bass and playing songs I loved (probably incorrectly) but one day, almost 2 years ago, my lovely other half bought me a bass guitar and Rocksmith for the playstation and I've played the damn thing nearly every single day (apart from 4 days I was in hospital after #2 son was born). Last Chrimbo I got RS2014 for my PC (prefer PC's to consoles) and this year I'm going to be getting a classical electric guitar for my pressie :) I want to be proficient I don't want to suck less, I want to ROCK MORE! I would love to one day be in a band but I'd love to teach my sons how to play, more.
  23. @@Palander, I've got 2 boys too, 1y/o and a 6 y/o. Surprisingly, the older one cares not one bit about my bass but my 1 y/o, he's well up for plank spanking, a ukulele and mini electric is on the cards for christmas. Hoping that by the time my #1 son gets to his teens he'll realise that playing guitar is cool :) If only my 6 y/o could sit so nicely as your kid and play along side me :)
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