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Posts posted by DiversantBivnev

  1. 1 hour ago, coldrampage said:

    Yep it's true, the standard audio quality for odlc and most cdlc is 128k. The audio file is like 95% of the file size and increasing it any more will quickly add up for a rather small benefit most people probably won't notice (especially once you start playing over it).

    If you use the rstoolkit (instead of the much better dlc builder for some reason) you can change the maximum quality. For the audio quality to bitrate conversion look here and make sure you don't downsample in eof by accident when adding leading silence.

    Thanks, didn't make CDLC for a long time.. Tried once today.  Increased quality, at least file size became better.

    One thing I'm not quite agree with... is that it is quite noticable while playing along track (mostly considering of the original song and it's complexity of course).

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  2. Greetings!

    I've found out someday that Rocksmith uses low bitrate audio for DLC. Is that true? Cause I've read somewhere in this forum that max bitrate is 128k... I'm not that audiophile, but this is really low, and now I can't live knowing that.. Is there any way to get higher bitrate, making my own CDLC? I think that in metal music (for example) it does very bad effect, which can be heard easily and significantly affects experience... (not mentioning that much fun gets flushed away :(( )


    Cdlc work just fine, come and see.


    I haven't heard updates mess cdlc functionality, but sure its possible.

    There is no way someone (else) can say for sure what u have done to mess CDLC to not work.

    Just Re install and follow same instructions u managed to play those cdlc in the first place. Or just figure out what u have changed/deleted and change back? And finally if u think it cause of bad updates, just google and do Rocksmith without updates. I personally hate updates that are just for nothing or make things even worse, so i decide to update or not, i'm not victim of ass dated uppers.

    Hope u figure out issue. Just be patient, u will get cdlc work with help of this community or otherwise. Haven't check other topics but i think u should, since cdlc will work just fine. This topic is about "bad"/problematic cdlc and u have none. Something else than cdlc is messing around and to find out issue test and ask around, and u will rock again...



    Checked files, 1 redownloaded. And as seen in another topic tried launching Rocksmith from Steam (not from desktop shortcut). Don't know what exactly helped, but now it seems okay. Sadly there's still a bug when all tones disable and remains clean sound till restart, hoped it was fixed somehow.

  4. Hi everyone!

    I'm making CDLC for bass part. In .gtp file this part is made 
    for 5-string bass, so for Rocksmith bass I have to make 
    custom tuning C-A-D-G.

    When I import .xml file in Rocksmith Custom Toolkit I get this:

    And what I don't understand at all:


    Ingame when I start the song it checks the tuning as I supposed C-A-D-G, but afterwards not starting the 'highway' the game crashes.

    How can I correct all this?

  5. @@DiversantBivnev Note that all official DLC use the 128kbps and have the wwise quality settings set to 4.


    Also so far, no double blind testing have been able to show that 128kbps is actually problematic :


    That's quite a surprise to me. Nowadays 128kbps, I think is really low, never considered myself an audiophile, but compressing metal tracks in low bitrate makes the difference I hear. Otherwise I wouldn't care for the bitrate.

  6. When I make leading silence OggCat doesn't work for me and I use re-encode. Then I see that EOF lowers bitrate to 128k which is very low. What can I do to fix this?


    I suppose that similar issue is with Rocksmith Custom Song Creation Kit. When I make DLC I just use Rocksmith Custom Song Creation Kit and put my  .ogg file there (It's more convenient and obvious than wwise interface).


    Is there any option of which bitrate my CDLC should be?

  7. Using the EOF's re-encode option will get you the same result as using Audacity to add leading silence. It should work just about 100% of the time since the stream copy feature is a bit finicky.

    Using Audacity creates better quality ogg, while using re-encode in EOF makes lossy ogg. What should I change in EOF?

  8. @@DiversantBivnev well it can but not exactly in an obvious or efficient way. you can basically just copy and paste the 5 strings part on a 4 string part and GP will do his thing but that can radically change how the chart will be played so i would strongly suggest to always take a good look at the changes to make sure it makes sense.

    Thanks for an advice. Guess I'll have to try.

  9. @@DiversantBivnev - Uh, you've lost me with the mention of "red" and "blue" notes, if those are referring to the strings in Rocksmith. This would be on the Orange and Green strings (in standard coloring. Not 100% sure how the colorblind setting changes things).


    Also, if it's indeed in B minor, then you could play at least the intro and outro (the stuff on Guitar 1 in the songsterr tab) in standard tuning pretty easily using the open B string and fretting notes on the e string (starting with the 3rd fret for the G4).

    Red is the 6th string (E), blue is the 4th (D in standard tuning). I don't know - maybe it's better to make the parts in standard tuning. Are there any automated tools for that? (in Tuxguitar or in EOF)

  10. Sounds to me like it might be the case that the tab is in a different key than the song. From what I can see online, though, even the artist has confirmed the tuning (though I think they use something slightly different in DADF#BD) and capo. Which I then guess makes me question the audio: Is there any chance that it was pitch shifted from the original somehow? You can download the TONART demo which can detect the key of the audio (and also whether it's tuned to something other than A440, which is another possibility), and see whether that's compatible with what's tabbed.


    Edit: With the audio in the file you included in the original post, I find that it's in B minor (and maybe around A444, though that difference shouldn't be too unbearable), with the first notes alternating between B3 and G4. The tab you posted seems to be in A#/Bb minor (the note that's the bass for the intro and outro riffs is four semi-tones up from F#, so F# -> G -> G# -> A - > A#). So, either the audio you have was shifted up a semi-tone somehow or the capo should be on the 5th fret.

    I don't know if something with capo position, but to my hearing something's wrong with the tuning itself. 6th red, 8th blue notes being played (those at start) sound like something far away.

  11. It does mean capo. EOF imports the capo position and the tablature looks like it does in the Guitar Pro file. In EOF, the MIDI playback of the beginning of the song sounds like it does in Guitar Pro. You said the toolkit reflects the correct capo and tuning, but does the chart tell you to set those correctly in-game?

    The game asked to retune my guitar. And then checked the tuning with capo on the 4th fret.

  12. The tablature used may be incorrect. If this is from a Guitar Pro file, does the tab sound correct when you play it back within TuxGuitar/Guitar Pro? The fret numbering may be wrong, the capo positioning may be wrong or the tuning may be wrong. If you play the tablature on your guitar (outside of game), does it also sound incorrect?

    The tablature sounds correct in TuxGuitar.


    Does "offset 4" mean capo on the 4th fret? Cause when I tried setting offset to 0 the result seemed similar to the MIDI notes sound in EOF. 

  13. If you use the MIDI tones feature in EOF, do the tones sound correct (ie. correct fret numbers, tuning, capo)? In the toolkit, does it show the correct tuning and capo?

    It doesn't sound correct with MIDI tones on. What should I do?

    In toolkit arrangement shows correct tuning (Open D, Capo fret 4)

  14. By "ruining it" do you mean the notes in the guitar arrangement are overwriting the notes in the bass arrangement?


    If so, select a new track SONG->TRACK->PART REAL_GUITAR_22 before you import the guitar track.

    No. I mean that BPM / rhytm adjustments made for bass track are affected when I add guitar track from GP5.

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