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Nick Beat

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Posts posted by Nick Beat

  1. @ indigo242 Pardon me, my mistake, I think.

    Click on the arrow next to the download symbol, then click view record... That takes you to the actual item; then when you are there at the top right you can click on the approriate OS download....

    The download arrow itself should work unless you've got a blocker of some kind. I asked about Firefox because that's the case by default. I've given up on Safari because it's incompatible with so many things so often; and Chrome is also problematic for many things...

    I can give it a whirl and see what I get... But this will work in the meantime, I think.


    Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 4.26.00 PM.png

    Screenshot 2023-01-19 at 4.27.34 PM.png

  2. 1 hour ago, coldrampage said:

    I could pin it to the forums tutorial section and the #support channel in the discord, but that's about it. Changing the menu bar would require updating the actual site and I think only unleashed2K can do that.

    Ok, we’ll, guess we could set it up and when we’re happy, ask unleashed to do it or consider doing it….

    I’ll give it some thought once I finish marking term papers and come up for air.

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  3. Is it something you can do, @ coldrampage , or do we ping someone? (as it should be in the menu...)

    As you see, I try to help so as to ease the load for you and others, but plenty of times (even still!) it seems there's yet another thing I wasn't aware of, so if there were a list it would be easier to point people there.

    I'm happy to do the maintenance so long as someone 'feeds me' the data, if that helps....

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  4. No DLCs or no CDLCs? you want to be sure that in all this you didn't lose the dll from the Enabler (unless this other one does double duty?) and also that the IDs in your CDLCs match a purchased DLC which you have....

    @ coldrampage Why don't we create a 'debug' page where we can list all the options, add to it and/or update as necessary? that would this whole assisting process so much easier... (yes, it does mean we'd have to keep an eye on it, but surely that would be less work than what we're doing now?)

  5. Hi! So, the simple answer is that if you instal RS2014, make sure it works, first. Then, if you want to do CDLC, you will need to instal the DLL patch, and you will need at least one purchased DLC (a.k.a. ODLC, for ‘original’).

    It can be anything you like, however note that: if it’s Cherub Rock, all CDLC will work with no further fuss. If it isn’t, then you’ll need to use a utility to override the internal ID of the CDLCs to match the one you’ve purchased. Your choice.

    (I’m assuming that PC means Windows, as you’re building yourself: for Mac there are a few more issues).




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