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Posts posted by shaggy_malagy


    Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship!



    -= Week 396 =-


    FAQ: => How and Why join the Championships?

    => Rocksmith 2014 Championships rules



    Last week's winners:






    Congrats to all winners. Well done!

    (If anyone's scores weren't added yet and it's wrong let me know)

    Rocksmith Championship Leaderboard



    This week's songs are:


    Lead Path:

    Beginner:  U2 - Elevation (Live) https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/17409
     *apparently broken link, try this? https://dl.mcom.fr/files/69096858fcb6++584eaf7b-6313-4aa3-a915-16e056d22880

    Intermediate:  The Beach Boys - I Get Around https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/8701

    Advanced: Foo Fighters - White Limo https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/11182

    Masterclass:  Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/2662

    God of Guitar: Jeff Loomis - Jato Unit https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/21817


    Rhythm Path:

    Beginner: n/a

    Intermediate: The Beach Boys - I Get Around https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/8701

    Advanced: Foo Fighters - White Limo https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/11182

    Masterclass: Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/2662

    God of Rhythm: Jeff Loomis - Jato Unit https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/21817


    Bass Path:

    Beginner: U2 - Elevation (Live) https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/17409
    *apparently broken link, try this? https://dl.mcom.fr/files/69096858fcb6++584eaf7b-6313-4aa3-a915-16e056d22880

    Intermediate: Foo Fighters - White Limo https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/11182 (5.5)
    Int Bonus: Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/2662 (5.5)

    Advanced: The Beach Boys - I Get Around https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/8701(6.5)

    Masterclass: Jeff Loomis - Jato Unit https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/21817 (7)

    (ed. Rod 26.5.)



    Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


    Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:

    Let us know your opinions on the accuracy of the difficulty scores (1-10) for this weeks songs.


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  2. heads up, i've finished testing, so new week will start about 7pm-ish GMT, basically after i've had a few attempts and posted an MC score myself! get your last attempts in now

    (also, i'm late reading through all this weeks posts too... if you all want extra bass divisions sorry but that can start next week, taken me long enough testing this week as i never normally play bass, so been a bit clueless catching up again. been fun trying the bass for a change, but may have fudged the difficulty selections a bit, so feel free to give *constructive!* feedback)

    • Like 1
  3. so... my testing was probs waaaaay off, considering this is the best I can manage with my duff guitar atm.

    bends aren't registering between 14-21st fret. probs take a break until i fix a guitar up properly cos really annoying.







     improvement on satch boogie though not totally derping the tapping part



    • Like 5
  4. the audio exclusivity settings for rocksmith are a bit of a troll imo, while I did manage to finally get it working, rocksmith still decides when it does or doesnt want to give me a pop up warning or 2 about the sound not functioning correctly on game launch (just click ok, sound still works fine for me), and not sure if this option also relates to seemingly more random crashes in general, not too many to be super annoying, but def a bit unstable... however, it was the necessary evil for me to get my setup working for streaming with a mic working and recording videos with audio.


    go to options, audio and audio exclusivity unchecked. after restarting the game, if it still you leaves you with no audio at all you might have to close again and reconfigure the audio setup in the desktop sound/speaker options in the bottom right of the taskbar. make sure the Rocksmith USB cable also has exclusivity unchecked, and while in the tab for good measure just check all the other signal pathways are sending/receiving to all the right places as well ie headphones as headphones, mic as mic, rocksmith usb NOT as the headphones mic etc, mine were all scrambled for some reason. I don't remember the exact process I had to follow in the end, just that I remember it was a bit of hassle, but more than a few people have googled the question so better info is out there about it if this doesnt work for you




    can't recommend streamlabs (OBS/SLOBS) enough, havent tried the option myself yet but pretty sure I saw it can auto stream to any/all of twitch/mixer/youtube simultaneously, take your pick of platform(s), or, though i'd say def primarily for streaming, the record option also works great with or without streaming.


    i'm off to research more on this shadowplay option and playing out my own amp

  5. might be some disagreement on ratings, been testing on a ropey guitar last minute and dont play bass etc... give feedback and can shuffle selections around a bit if needed, if everyone would rather skew the difficulty a little lower or higher meelo/RgDkA already made a few points to me already but see what everyone else thinks

    (edit) nm im slow, already changed!

  6. Welcome to the CF Rocksmith 2014 Championship


    -= Week 328 =-


    READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships
    Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules



    Last week's winners:

    • Lead:

    Beginner: @ ---

    Advanced : @Snakewizard
    Masterclass: @shaggy_malagy

    • Rhythm:

    Beginner: ---                   

    Intermediate: @@diceslinger
    Advanced: @@DropZone90

    • Bass:

    Beginner: @@KJParsley

    Intermediate: @RdGkA

    Advanced: @@diceslinger


    Congrats to all winners. Well done!




    This week's songs are:

    (not linked properly, apologies)


    Lead Path:

    Beginner: Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble (4, as played on week 265)

    Alternative version: TS - IKYWT

    Intermediate: Bob Marley - Natural Mystic (5/6)

    Advanced: The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down (6/7)

    Masterclass: Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World (8/9)

    God Of Guitar: Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie (10) on disc



    Rhythm Path:

    Beginner: Bob Marley - Natural Mystic (2/3)
    Beginner bonus:
    Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble (3), NOTE! Different version than lead.
    Intermediate: The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down (4/5)

    Advanced: Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World (7/8)
    Masterclass: Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie (8/9)



    Bass Path:

    Beginner: Bob Marley - Natural Mystic (2)
    Beginner bonus:
    Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble (3), Version from rhythm is recommended, version from lead is slightly broken, but is essentially same tab.
    The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down (5)
    Advanced: Joe Satriani - Satch Boogie (7)

    Masterclass: Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World (7)


    Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10).


    Exercise Challenges:

    1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle
    2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2
     in A major - straight 8ths
    3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky)
    4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle)
    5th Exercise: Blues Comping 5 in E major (dirty Texas Blues style, shuffle) (more challenging lead guitar (adv), rhythm and bass more intermediate with a real audio track (no GP RSA converted)

    Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the exercises scoreboards



    Honorable list Diehard Member:
    (draft - to be updated after CCL update)

    Classless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police:


    Let's Rock!

    • Like 4
  7. nooooooo was doing testing for next weeks songs, tripped up on wires and guitar took a tumble...




    and have another engineer round for my internet soon so probs gonna be offline for a few hours testing this ongoing internet fault, just for extra inconvenience.

    gonna be spending that time fixing another guitar into working order, hopefully new week start wont be disrupted but hang tight if its a little later than expected

    • Like 2

    swear i got way more than this but my guitar is a bit trash in anything but e standard (and a bit temperamental in e standard as well)

    hit the notes, sounded fine... didnt register. but... i think i've finally figured out why!




    GNR tickets for May woop!


    hopefully my dad wont get too hurt this time attempting to join in a pit. i did warn him that despite being a pretty big tough guy he was still getting a bit too old for that now, but he insisted... so with me watching from the edge, i see a younger girl with her head down and arms flailing wildly deliver an accidental but still rather savage elbow to the side of his head, oof, before he quickly retreated, a bit shaken and embarrassed!


    not so sweet child of someones!

    I dunno how old your Dad is, but i´m 41 (mentality of a 10 y old) - kill me if i ever stop moshpittin, or grow up!!


    You should really play the other version of the song (better and also the only valid for this weeks scores ;) .... see topic start)




    Ha he's in his mid 50's now and going strong on the rock n roll front, no signs of slowing down. 


    I think the funniest one was seeing AC/DC at Wembley a few years back, he was a bit disappointed he could only get seated tickets at the back, tried to bribe the ticket guy £100 to let us down into standing, then when that failed, looked over the edge of the terrace, which must of been about 25ft drop down, looked at me and genuinely asked 'you reckon we could make it?'




    cheers for the heads up on the wrong version, i even checked to download the right one and still played the wrong one. must run in the family.


    • Like 1
  9. swear i got way more than this but my guitar is a bit trash in anything but e standard (and a bit temperamental in e standard as well)

    hit the notes, sounded fine... didnt register. but... i think i've finally figured out why!




    GNR tickets for May woop!


    hopefully my dad wont get too hurt this time attempting to join in a pit. i did warn him that despite being a pretty big tough guy he was still getting a bit too old for that now, but he insisted... so with me watching from the edge, i see a younger girl with her head down and arms flailing wildly deliver an accidental but still rather savage elbow to the side of his head, oof, before he quickly retreated, a bit shaken and embarrassed!


    not so sweet child of someones!

    • Like 5
  10. I used to work as a motorcycle courier briefly a while ago for a company called Rush Couriers in London, had the logo 'RUSH' printed on my shoulder bag and jacket. I was making a delivery one day when i heard a voice shout over from behind me... 'Rush rock!!'

    I turned around laughing to myself and shouted back over to the guy, 'Yeah man, they sure do!' He laughed back and said he gets tickets every chance he could.

    I explained I'd actually only very recently got into the band, having purchased the Rush song pack for Rock Band 2 in my earliest ever attempt to pick up playing drums on the cheap and cheerful, and how all the drum parts were so fucking awesome to play along to.

    Ended up chatting to the guy for another 20minutes, discussing songs/albums/gigs he'd seen etc, before remembering I was supposed to be working!

    Rush fans are the best fans.


    This news saddens me deeply. There are some bands I knew I would never get to see live, and some I could have but due to circumstances never got around to. Rush falls into the latter category. RIP


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