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  1. Past hour
  2. RSMods doesn't seem to do anything, still acts like it's trying to launch and then never does anything before the button in steam goes back to Play.
  3. Allora, ho provato i 5 CDLC di cartoni animati e sarò duro ma onesto... l'iniziativa è assolutamente encomiabile, e da qualche parte bisogna partire per imparare a creare questi file, d'altronde io stesso sto ancora imparando faticosamente. Purtroppo i tuoi CDLC sono ancora inutilizzabili. La cosa fondamentale che ancora manca è la corretta sincronizzazione di audio e note. Senza questa, semplice non si riesce a suonare. Alcuni brani ci sono quasi e basterebbero piccoli aggiustamenti ma altri sono grossolanamente fuori tempo. Questo mi fa pensare che tu abbia messo una velocità fissa in EOF, ma purtroppo quasi mai le canzoni hanno velocità costante dall'inizio alla fine. Purtroppo serve segnare cambi di velocità quasi ogni battuta in EOF. Il secondo problema (minore) è che manca uno spazio all'inizio di ogni canzone. Andrebbero aggiunti 10 secondi di vuoto all'inizio, usando EOF non è difficile. Sappi che queste due cose ma soprattutto la prima spingono facilmente la gente a segnalare i CDLC che poi vengono eliminati, quindi non te la prendere se cominciano a comparire bandierine rosse accanto ai tuoi CDLC! Non sono ancora in grado neanche io di fare CDLC ma se serve posso provare ad aiutare.
  4. Today
  5. Yesterday
  6. Improvements I tried Score Attack and improved a bit. I like this song, but I agree with @ cacahuate51 that the chart is difficult to read in the arpeggio parts. Good run, I had 0 mistakes after the first parts, but the last two sections are awkward to play and I don't even feel like practicing them...
  7. Without the mdmp it's hard to tell what's causing it, but you can try installing RSMods to see if it fixes the crash. https://github.com/Lovrom8/RSCDLCEnabler-2020Edition/releases
  8. Hello Rocksmith fans! It’s been an exciting week for Rocksmith+! First we received a song drop of Smashing Pumpkins songs from their latest three act album, AUTUM (2023) and as well tracks from Sharon Van Etten.… The post Rocksmith+ adds Bon Jovi and reveals Royal Blood for next week appeared first on The Riff Repeater.
  9. Same percentage but better streak and score.
  10. It was already answered in this thread back in 2015. It is unavailable to chart on this forum per site rules. Please read this: And this: https://customsforge.com/index.php?/guidelines/ CDLC Database rules No posting of official Rocksmith 1 or Rocksmith 2014 official content. That means included songs and official DLC. Live versions of official content are also not allowed. If you really wish to have it as a CDLC, there is nothing preventing you from crafting the chart for yourself and only yourself. the resources and guides are available on this forum. Learning to do so will enable you to chart other songs as well. Your other options are to learn the song the "old fashion way" or by using youtube videos to follow along with.
  11. … The post Rocksmith+ May 14th Song Drop Clue appeared first on The Riff Repeater.
  12. I get the gist of it, but I still lack the precision to play it clean
  13. Minor Improvement, had one attempt with 0 misses in the first half and one with 0 misses in the second half so 100% should be possible, maybe tomorrow it'll happen
  14. I watched a couple of your YouTube uploads, よくやった! Your dedication certainly comes across in the videos and it motivates me to playing more often as well How long have you been playing if I may ask?
  15. Thank you Mikson! For the last few months, I spent about an hour each day playing the RSC song that I think helps me grow the most. Playing through it once before I slow it down usually to 50% and start working on the parts I get the most misses in until it's clean and sounds great. At the end of the hour, I usually make one more attempt at the full song. This week I put my focus on both the Rhythm Judas Priest and the Lead Marillion song so It's about 50/50 of my time It'll certainly take quite a bit longer until I'm able to sightread as well as you do I also started taking lessons recently - the teacher doesn't know about Rocksmith but said I'm on a good track with my technique. We will focus more on general musicianship-related concepts instead (i.e. things Rocksmith can't help me with )
  16. The pack is no longer available, does anyone know where I can get aerials for rocksmith?
  17. couple of scores I believe this Is rhythm right ?? Rhythm advanced Felt better than the score I suck A break did me no good
  18. It's about 3 hours a day. Judas Priest was too difficult for me and I couldn't finish it Thank you
  19. Does anywhere compiled linux binary version exist? Sadly, too old sources and dependencies, no luck compiling...
  20. Last week
  21. Thank you so much. I have the direct connection mode, the cable with the miniplug, I am considering purchasing a USB audio cable just to play multiplayer
  22. I don't believe so, here's a screenshot of the folder though.
  23. Bass I dug out this screenshot from deep archives. I especially like the beginning/intro of this bass chart. I couldn't find a screenshot for this even though I played this twice before. So I played again and, without remembering the chart, I now managed to achieve 98% (previously 96%), which made me happy. Nice chart!
  24. Amazing scores! You are out of competition in the advanced class on lead! Have you tried lead path in the song Gates Of Hell? I wonder if you can achieve the highest score in masterclass? @ BubbleWrapDragon Also a great scorein the Marillion song, but we don't have a chance in this class at the moment I'm curious how much time you spend practicing the song per week, because usually you can make a big improvement from sight reading to the final result?
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