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About D-Rock

  • Birthday 06/13/1987

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  • Guitar
    Yamaha Pacifica 112

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  1. Happy Birthday D-Rock!

  2. Will try to practice more tomorrow :( https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/907905674533486908/E35B095B7D248450E0014A568E93217F53386848/
  3. I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this here - so please forgive me.. Rocksmith doesn't recognize my palm muted powerchords.. Can someone give a helping hand? I already checked that thread about note recognition.. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/907905263567326399/4498C0AC3501FB8B6F5D439585662E72FD33E633/
  4. So finally I am able to participate at rocksmith championship aswell.
  5. Hello folks, Are here some people who can recreate a song just by hearing? It's Aerosmith's I Don't Want To Miss A Thing Song covered. He is using a backing track in the background and is playing single notes instead of vocals.. Here is a link to the song: https://youtu.be/4oWB0tyHsEg?t=28 Is there someone who can help me out? I'm able to recreate the first verse but when the chorus kicks in I'm totally lost.. I was trying to create my own CDLC but it's hard when you just started out on Rocksmith and can't see and/or understand what notes are picked.. :/ Cheers
  6. Yea I think every now and then need to check Steamsales Congratulations buddy! Everytime it makes me happy when I see parents involve their kids and spend time with them. I promise I'm going to join the Championship by the end of the next week. At the moment I'm really busy with work and other social activities - I'm living in Munich and letting friends from different countries and cities sleepover (it's like a fulltime job adding the fact to show them around aswell, pubs, bars, clubs and sightseeing stuffs). The day before yesterday I caught myself having a guilty conscience about breaking my streak and not playing on one day :D And yes you're absolutely right there is always someone who's put more effort and time and is therefore more skilled - it's just I need an excuse for not being that good yet.
  7. I have never played RS1 so I think I'm not able to import them - but thanks anyway!
  8. Thanks, both Finger Warm Ups are great and your idea of starting slow is fantastic aswell. I'll put it to my exercises.
  9. Yea I tried songs supposed to be for beginners, I'm just wondering how other beginners can achieve 90% or more. I don't know, I think even those beginner songs in the championship are too demanding for me - at least for now. Will do it next week, when I accomplished some progress this week. Thanks for your advice! Very appreciated.
  10. Holla at you, first I've got to say this community is one of the best I've seen so far! Everyone of you please feel complimented, you guys are so devoted and so friendly to new and beginner people like me. There should be more people like you in the internet. So, coming to my topic: I'm a bloody beginner, never touched a guitar before Rocksmith2014 but 21 days ago I picked up Rocksmith2014 and have 4 Songs on 70-80%ish. It's Drops of Jupiter, Numb (love both songs), Blitzkrieg Bop and Otherside. Sometimes I just plug my guitar to my amp and repeat those riffs and surprisingly it sounds really good and clean. Also I'm able to play the Smooth Criminal mainriff - more or less. So yesterday I thought let's try Nothing Else Matters, Stairway To Heaven or I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. But it was really terrible. Are there any songs which you can recommend based on the songs I've played already? I've also took a look into Rocksmith Championship Songs but most of them were too hard for me to play along. I've tried Fly Away, Boomfunk MC's, Game Of Thrones Theme and I couldn't play anything of it. It doesn't matter if it's DLC or CDLC. I really want to improve. Please help me stay motivated. Before I play I'll do a warmup with different scales for like 10-15minutes is there anything I can add to my warmup exercises? Thank you in advance.
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