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  1. Thanks... I wouldn't have worked that out by trial and error.
  2. Ok - what I hope is the final question on this topic: I've been very successful (at least by my previous standards!) in creating dynamic difficulty by inserting difficulty levels as explained above. What I observe is that Easy and Medium score attacks both use the very lowest level of difficulty. My guess (!) is that I need to have used the "Easy" and "Medium" difficulty levels (already existing tabs) in EoF? I'm probably going to play around with it to see if that works, but any input from those more expert would be happily received.
  3. Good point about fret hand position... I think I could do with some improvement there. I'll work on it.
  4. Thanks for the help everyone. I've done a first experiment: taken a copy of what I'd been working on and added a few difficulty levels in a very basic way - the most straightforward section (which would require least work to adjust) I create four levels of difficulty, whereas for a repeating section I just created two and did nothing to the rest. And it all worked just as I'd hoped. Really quite satisfied to be able to do this. Thanks for your guidance. I think I'm also after the sense of satisfaction of having done something as well as I can. Also, the DD is quite a lot for my benefit - I've found that I learn songs way way way faster in RS than from tabs and the DD is one of the things that helps.
  5. Thanks for the reply... I'd guess it was going to be a bit more complicated and quite a lot more work. I guess I could just play around with this and see how it goes... one question in my mind is whether I make any use of the "Supaeasy", "Easy" and "Medium" tabs in EoF? At the moment, I just put my track in the "Amazing" tab. From what I interpret from what you say, I guess the answer is "no, just ignore them"?
  6. I'm just finishing my second CDLC. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how things are working out - but so far I have used the DD Creator in the Rocksmith Custom Toolkit to produce Dynamic Difficulty. With the bass part for the current song, this seems fine (it's not a very complicated part). I'm not really satisfied with what the DDC produces for the guitar part though. I can see roughly what the algorithm is doing and as an algorithmic approach that seems fine... but it's not the same as the order of notes to make visible if I had free choice. (I'd like to think that I would pick a more "musical" selection that would enable the phrase to be learnt quicker.) Are there other ways to create DD? My guess is that I ought to be able to do something in EoF to create the DD, but I've not seen a single tutorial describe how to do it. Am I missing something?
  7. Ok - thanks. Those last two options look much simpler and easy enough to implement. I'll go for those then.
  8. Ok - I've read the tech notes tutorial, and from what I see, this is still not fully implemented. I tried following what you suggested as the shot of EoF shows: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u174/martynq/Screen%20Shot%202015-09-04%20at%2021.20.14.png However, this doesn't look right in Rocksmith 2014: it seems to be missing the hammer-on notehead - http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u174/martynq/Screen%20Shot%202015-09-04%20at%2021.27.38.png I also tried what's in tech notes tutorial, which is to use the linknext as a tech note on the first double stop: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u174/martynq/Screen%20Shot%202015-09-04%20at%2020.42.02.png This looked better - but it didn't detect quite as well as I'd hoped.
  9. Thanks - now I've looked at the Tech Notes tutorial, I've found there is a bit discussing double-stops combined with hammer-on/pull-offs. Looks like I'll have to get to grips with that. :-)
  10. The song I'm working on has a double-stop followed by a hammer-on for one of the two notes. In the tab, this is notated something like: 3 ~ (3) 0 H 2 where the 3 (a D on the B-string) is left to ring as the 2 (an A on the G-string) is hammered-on. There was no problem creating that within GuitarPro, but when I imported it into EoF this didn't seem to work properly. It somehow imported it as a hammer-on to exactly the same pair of notes (i.e., 3 & 0, followed by 3 & 0). It also said that the first pair of notes is linked to the second pair. I manually editted the note to the right frets, but it still doesn't work right in the CDLC that I'm creating. Is this sort of thing possible, or do I just have to work around it by dropping the tied-note on the B-string. i.e., does it have to change to something like: 3 - 0 H 2 Hope the question makes sense!
  11. Sorry - I should have searched in the manual pages first. It turns out that I didn't have the "save separate Rocksmith 2 files" option selected and that was what was causing the problem.
  12. I was about to try to start the Wwise stage of a project and discovered that there was no .wave file in my directory. I thought that EoF created these automatically. Has something changed in a recent version of EoF? (Or is it supposed to be created a different way and I've forgotten.) [i appear to be using version 1.8RC10 of EoF and I'm running it on a Mac... though I will, of course, be using the Rocksmith Custom Toolkit in Windows.]
  13. I'm sure that I saw in one of the tutorials somewhere how to add a drum-click count in to the CDLC one is creating, so that it functions like the official RS songs... but I can't find that info now. Can anybody point me in the direction of where I find that info?
  14. Thanks... the answers to those questions are yes, seems ok, sounds ok to my ears, yes, and does for me on my Mac... so I'll put it up and await constructive criticism.
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