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  • Birthday 07/25/1968

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    Shreveport, LA
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    Gaming, weight lifting, music, playing guitar and sex..... but not necessarily in that order.
  • Guitar
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  1. Happy Birthday RLWJR!

  2. Happy Birthday RLWJR!

  3. Happy Birthday RLWJR!

  4. I'll take a look at those links when I get home tonight...... Yeah, the lead for "I Am One" is doubled up too, which makes it additionally difficult. When I listen to the song, and I'm sure it's different depending on who is doing the listening, I hear a main solo with additional solo behind it that isn't necessarily a harmonization, but a separate lead. The tab I had seemed to be tabbing the backing solo..... I didn't think it was the predominate solo of the two, so I wasn't comfortable releasing the CDLC using that lead.....
  5. I have "I Am One" done with the exception of finding a good lead tab....... Haven't had much time to pursue it either...... But if I find one, the CDLC is already synched and ready to add DDC and pack it. Bout 10 minutes if I had a good guitar pro tab.....
  6. Awesome, awesome, awesome guys!!! Very much appreciated!
  7. First off Chlipouni, I love the DDC! I wouldn't even make CDLC if it wasn't available, so a big THANKS! Simple question though...... When I use the DDC through RST, and I check the box for generating a log file, where does that log file end up? I never can seem to find what directory it was generated in.
  8. If I have time, I plan on starting to work on "I Am One" from the VASTLY underrated "Gish" CD in the very near future.......
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