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  1. i love Andy James The Storm, but i get stuck in loading with the amps. could you maybe re-upload the p.psarc file?


    anyway, thankyou for tabbing and uploading songs to rocksmith 🙂

  2. Dream Theater Pack: Pull Me Under On the Backs of Angels Metropolis Part I: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" I think i requested exactly these songs a long time ago. XD I hope there will be second pack in the future with other good songs we are missing. :)
  3. Dream Theater Pack: Pull Me Under On the Backs of Angels Metropolis Part I: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" I think i requested exactly these songs a long time ago. XD I hope there will be second pack in the future with other good songs we are missing. :)
  4. There will be Dream Theater song pack For 9/27 ! :D http://theriffrepeater.com/song-speculation-dream-theater-makes-rocksmith-debut-metropolis-petrucci-myung/
  5. http://theriffrepeater.com/song-speculation-dream-theater-makes-rocksmith-debut-metropolis-petrucci-myung/ :D
  6. hi, what's up ? can you (or Nacholede) please do: John Petrucci - Jaws of Life ? :D (it would have to be B Standard tunning i guess)
  7. i always was logged in and didn't have this problem before (i always use Internet Explorer). yesterday i used CCleaner on my computer after a long time i didn't use, then i had to log in again. after i did it when i try to enter CDLC IGNITION it asks me to sign in, i do it, but it takes me to the home page, then i try to enter and it happens again...log out and in didn't help. i tried to enter with Google Chrome and it works, but i prefer to stay in Internet Explorer... i don't want much do use CCleaner again because everytime i use it it messing my favourites' places/order. please help me to fix this. thanks.
  8. you need to add custom tone to your song..
  9. cool ! im happy to have you here ! we need more christians and worship songs here ! :D
  10. i just splitted the E Standard folder (had 1100 songs there) into many folders (like 150 songs in every folder).
  11. now it works,thanks ! but i have another problem..Start Rocksmith - With Enabled Setlist(s) is not working for me..
  12. i have enough memory. if you mean RAM,i have now 3 GB...(i know it's bad)
  13. yea,the tuning search problem is fixed now :D but now i have this one (if you understood it)...
  14. i have many setlists by tunings. i used this toggle and then disabled all the songs for every setlist. when i get to E Standard setlist (i have there most of my cdlcs - like 1000 songs there) and try to do the same it's starts to work slow and stuck and then it shows endless error,and deletes lines at the E Standard setlist table...it's something about data grid...don't remember exactly..
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