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  1. Would Builder work with Wwise 2013? Or would I have to upgrade to a less out of date version? EDIT: Nevermind, clicked the link and it answered my question. Thanks again! Definitely making the switch to DLCBuilder!
  2. I noticed that you didn't even mention the whole Wwise conversion thing. Is it not needed because we're using CDLC Builder and not the Toolkit? That's dope if so!
  3. Hey guys, So I was trying to do some things that are way beyond me and I somehow damaged my rs1_compatibilitydlc_p file (the one with vintage DLC from RS1) to the point where it won't even read like half of my songs and of course I didn't back it up because that would have made too much sense. Can I bother one of you guys for a copy of that psarc file? Am I even able to request that? Please and thanks!
  4. Yeaaaa, I'm gonna give up until then. I'm still not understanding how I would get an xml file from EoF.
  5. In the Toolkit section, it mentions finding the song's xml file. I don't recall ever even saving an xml file outside of the tone. Help plz?
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