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  1. I can't seem to figure out how to get the tones i set to load in-game. I've made the tone in toolkit before exporting. I've set the bass and guitar to their respective defaults (in this case, i have given each a unique name songname-bass, songname-guitar), but when the song starts up in the game, it doesn't load, it just stays on whatever it was before the song started. If i leave the tone on "default" before exporting, it does switch to "default" in game, but I can't get a handle on how to change these. This is a single tone song for each instrumment. I have not done anything in EOF, nor am I aware that i need to for single tone songs, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. I can't seem to generate the WEM files from wwise. I followed the steps, hit convert, and it seemed to do it, but I can't find any cache folder or any wem files. Any tips?
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