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Locked Rocksmith DLC missing and not being fixed either by Steam or Ubisoft should return as CDLC




Given the problem that neither Steam nor Ubisoft wants or can solve regarding legitimately purchased DLC songs, I think it's time they should be accessible as CDLC. The rules for publishing CDLC of songs that can no longer be bought or accessed legally should be reconsidered.

I was a truly fan of playing songs like Hangar 18 almost every playing session, and is time to fix it by our means.


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What you're asking for is not going to happen. Yes, it sucks that purchased DLC are, for whatever reason, disappearing. But our stance on the issue of making CDLC of official content will not be changing as of this time.

You are free to make it yourself, however. Just don't share it.

I'll own you one day. 💜

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