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Fingerings not showing RS 2014


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I'm having an issue where my fingerings from eof are not showing when I run the file in rocksmith. I believe I read that only chords will show the fingerings? I have a fingerstyle song where I do have chords but they are arpeggiated. How exactly do I arpeggiate the chords in eof so that my fingerings will show properly? I see there is an arpeggio dropdown under pro guitar but I don't know what to do after that. Thank you!

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Select the range of notes (click first note, hold shift, click last note, let go of shift)

Press CTRL+SHIFT+G to create an arpeggio group.

Press CTRL+SHIFT+H to create a handshape.

These two steps will add the arpeggio handshape and give a purpleish bar under it.

Don't forget to enter finger information for the chords (EOF will ask you to do it when you save).


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Streaming Rocksmith 2014 to Discord Tutorial

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Blues is right, I've not actually used arpeggio notation in a chart, only handshapes. But I figured I'd tell you how to do it anyway. 😅

I'll own you one day. 💜

Custom Shop Solo II.png

Streaming Rocksmith 2014 to Discord Tutorial

If you have account issues, DM me on Discord with your email and display name.

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