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WIP - Fude Pen YuiAzu version


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Started this earlier this year and I mentioned this on the Customsforge Discord. There's still no way to call "dibs" on a chart and forums are forever, right?

I haven't touched this in a little while due to life catching up to me. It's fun enough to play so far and is a wonderful deep cut from the K-ON! soundtrack.


Download Fude Pen Ball Pen - YuiAzu Ver alpha1


Eventually I'll get back to it.



Lyrics, title in English and Japanese, Album Art, Song Preview, Practice Sections


In Progress

Lead 1 - Combo arrangement

Chart is about half way done. DD was automagically generated by Rocksmith DLC Builder 20210403

Better tones - Currently have a low gain amp that matches somewhat more to Yui's amp than Azusa's. I've never been good at fiddling with amp knobs. Guidance and tone suggestions appreciated.


Need to Do

Lead 2 would be just Yui's part

Rhythm 1 would be just Azusa's part


Nice to Have

Bonus Lead - Play along to the main melody a la Poker Face style

Bass - a la More Than Words style


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