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Holla at you, first I've got to say this community is one of the best I've seen so far! Everyone of you please feel complimented, you guys are so devoted and so friendly to new and beginner people like me. There should be more people like you in the internet. So, coming to my topic: I'm a bloody beginner, never touched a guitar before Rocksmith2014 but 21 days ago I picked up Rocksmith2014 and have 4 Songs on 70-80%ish. It's Drops of Jupiter, Numb (love both songs), Blitzkrieg Bop and Otherside. Sometimes I just plug my guitar to my amp and repeat those riffs and surprisingly it sounds really good and clean. Also I'm able to play the Smooth Criminal mainriff - more or less. So yesterday I thought let's try Nothing Else Matters, Stairway To Heaven or I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. But it was really terrible. Are there any songs which you can recommend based on the songs I've played already? I've also took a look into Rocksmith Championship Songs but most of them were too hard for me to play along. I've tried Fly Away, Boomfunk MC's, Game Of Thrones Theme and I couldn't play anything of it. It doesn't matter if it's DLC or CDLC. I really want to improve. Please help me stay motivated. Before I play I'll do a warmup with different scales for like 10-15minutes is there anything I can add to my warmup exercises? Thank you in advance.
Prepare yourself for... Rocksmith 2014 Championship -= Week 214 =- READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last week's winners: Lead:Beginner: @@PinkKnightie Intermediate: @@Anwyn Advanced : @@MaZtoR MasterClass: @ GoG: @ Rhythm:Beginner: @@RSjeffH Intermediate: @@sakkidaisuke Intermediate 2: @@Anwyn Advanced: na Masterclass: @ Bass: Beginner: @@klaw Intermediate: @@Telboy Advanced: @@Rodman Masterclass: @@sushicat2112 Congrats to all winners. Well done! This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Neil Young - Rockin in the free world (3) chosen by @RSjeffH Intermediate: Knorkator - Konrad (4) chosen by @@fripponomic Advanced: Children of Bodom - Oops, I did it again (Rods Drop D Version) (6) chosen by @@Rodman you can also use the originally low tuned D Drop C version - exactly the same chart. MasterClass: Megadeth - Bodies (9) chosen by @@Molice Rhythm Path: Beginner: Neil Young - Rockin in the free world (3) Intermediate: Children of Bodom - Oops, I did it again (Rods Drop D Version) (4) Advanced: Megadeth - Bodies (7) Masterclass: na Bass Path: Beginner: Knorkator - Konrad (3) Intermediate : Neil Young - Rockin in the free world (5) Advanced: Children of Bodom - Oops, I did it again (Rods Drop D Version) (5) Advanced Bonus:Megadeth - Bodies (6) BStd Masterclass: Led Zeppelin - Lemon Song (as played 140 weeks ago) Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Exercise Challenges: 1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle 2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths 3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky) 4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle) 5th Exercise: Blues Comping 5 in E major (dirty Texas Blues style, shuffle) (more challenging lead guitar (adv), rhythm and bass more intermediate with a real audio track (no GP RSA converted) Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the exercises scoreboards Honorable list Diehard Member: AnwynGamutklawmacjmMaZtoRMellonFarmermissis sumnerMortaloNick K.PoutzyRodmanRSjeffH@sakkidaisukestijnw2000sushicat2112Telboy13wrentheseedlingClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggyNoonyDeloonyfripponomicTonedef Rock on!
Prepare yourself for... Rocksmith 2014 Championship -= Week 212 =- READ THIS FIRST =>> How and Why to Join the Championships Read this second =>> Rocksmith 2014 Championship Rules Last week's winners: Lead:Beginner: @RSjeffH Intermediate: @macjm Advanced : @MellonFarmer MasterClass: @JokerTheAnarchist Rhythm:Beginner: @RSjeffH Intermediate: @Telboy Advanced: @Rodman Masterclass: @JokerTheAnarchist Bass: Beginner: @wrentheseedling Intermediate: @Telboy Advanced: @PawF Masterclass: @JokerTheAnarchist Congrats to all winners. Well done! This week's songs are: Lead Path: Beginner: Metric - Gimme Sympathy (3) as played Week 66 Intermediate: Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio (5) chosen by @Mortalo Advanced: Native Construct - Chromatic Lights (7) chosen by @Gamut MasterClass: Polkadot Stingray - Electric Public (8) chosen by \@Gamut GoG: Dream Theatre - Beyond This Life (10) chosen by \@AlpaQ Rhythm Path: Beginner: N/A Intermediate Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio (5) Advanced: Native Construct - Chromatic Lights (7) Masterclass: Dream Theatre - Beyond This Life (8) Bass Path: Beginner: Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio (3) Intermediate : Polkadot Stingray - Electric Public (6) Advanced: Native Construct - Chromatic Lights (7) Masterclass: Dream Theatre - Beyond This Life (8) (BEAD) Share with us your opinion on this weeks songs difficulty scores (1-10). Exercise Challenges: 1st Exercise: Blues Comping 1 in A major shuffle 2nd Exercise: Blues Comping 2 in A major - straight 8ths 3rd Exercise: Blues Comping 3 in G major (funky) 4rd Exercise: Blues Comping 4 in E major (shuffle) 5th Exercise: Blues Comping 5 in E major (dirty Texas Blues style, shuffle) (more challenging lead guitar (adv), rhythm and bass more intermediate with a real audio track (no GP RSA converted) Everyone can bring up new scores that will be added to the exercises scoreboards Honorable list Diehard Member: (draft) AnwynFraggle BaggleGamutklawmacjmMaZtoRMellonFarmermissis sumnerMonstaS4MortaloNick K.PoutzyRodmanRSjeffHShocked MindSphinctostijnw2000sushicat2112Telboy13wrentheseedlingClassless, Fearless FreeBird Members in their endless battle with the fb police: 2groggyNoonyDeloonyfripponomicqt314xxxTonedef Rock on!