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Found 3 results

  1. First concerning issue I've come across with CFSM. I noticed today when loading the program, the log states Thinking maybe CFSM got corrupted I uninstalled, deleted the documents folder, downloaded a fresh copy and installed. On the upside, multi-thread scan is truly working for the first time I've enabled it, and the auto monitor feature is back again [lost that earlier today as well]. However, that log message continues. As I understand it, that rs1comp is the import tool dlc? I have also attempted to verify through steam, which downloaded a fresh file, only for CFSM to tag it as corrupted.
  2. Recently I decided to try to repair my CDLC that had the 100% bug, from 93 songs 14 seem to fail the repair. 5 are corrupt and 9 are maxfive is there a way to fix these CDLCs?
  3. Today I finally finished my very first CDLC, but opening it corrupts my save file(s). After having messed around with EoF, Wwise and The Custom Song Creator Toolkit all day I finally ended up with what I thought should be working cdlc for "Nick the Stripper". Wanting to try it out for myself, I loaded it into my dlc folder and booted up Rocksmith 2014. Upon selecting my profile, however, I was surprised by a message stating my save had been corrupted. Slightly disappointed with my loss of progress I still went through the initial set-up again in order to try out my newly-made dlc. I could play through it just fine and for the most part it seems to have turned out nicely, so I decided to work on a custom tone for the song. I made what I thought a fitting tone and restarted the game only to be told again that my save had been corrupted. I went through the set-up, closed Rocksmith 2014 and opened it again to be told the exact same thing. And so I closed Rocksmith again, deleted my cdlc and rebooted Rocksmith, went through the set-up, rebooted once more and this time found my profile intact. And so I suppose it is safe to say the dlc is causing my save file to be corrupted. And now I'm wondering, what is it I did wrong to make my cdlc mess up my saves? Is there any way to fix this? Does this happen to others? I'd like to try making some more, but there is no point if it's just going to ruin peoples' games.
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