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Posts posted by bokkiej

  1. More Qs:


    Q: The song I'd like to chart has five strings, how do I get them in Rocksmith?

    A: FInd out the tuning of the bass. It's often BEAD instead of EADG. You can change the tuning according to the following steps: http://customsforge.com/topic/4750-going-low-a-workaround-to-get-bass-notes-below-c1-to-register-in-rocksmith/?p=34837 . You have to move the notes from the 5th string to the 4th string (+5 frets) since Rocksmith doesn't work with a 5th string.


    Q: My bass arrangement shows vertical green lines!

    A: That's because you feed Rocksmith a 5-string-bass-arrangement. You tell it to show which fret on the 5th string to put your finger on, but Rocksmith only works with 4 string max. for bass arrangements. See previous question.

  2. Followed your comments from our private conversation (posting them for other people to use):


    1: Have the song charted as a bass part as it should be played in the desired tuning. B-E-A-D in this case.


    2: Change the tuning to +7,+7,+7,+7 in EoF (normally B-E-A-D would be -5,-5,-5,-5 compared to E-A-D-G, but for the trick we need to transpose them an octave higher, -5+12 = 7)


    3) In the Rocksmith toolkit change the tuning of the bass arrangement to +7,+7,+7,+7 too. For me it does this automatically sometimes when you import the arrangement, but if it doesn't click on the "..." button next to the tuning and edit it.


    4) Then change the tuning pitch of the bass arrangement from 440 Hz to 220 Hz, this is the most important part, otherwise you would tell people to actually tune their basses an octave higher, and that could result in some snapped strings. With this we have countered the +12 transpose earlier in the tuning so we are at B-E-A-D.


    Result: http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/along-for-the-ride-r3363 :). Seems to work fine on my emulated bass. Rocksmith throws some in-game errors (doesn't show the name of the tuning, warns me about playing bass while I have it on emulated bass) though. They're probably not preventable?

  3. These were some things I encountered during the making of my CDLCs or testing of other peoples CDLC. Might be helpful to others  :)


    Q: My CDLC doesn't show up in game!

    A: See http://customsforge.com/topic/901-how-to-use-custom-dlcs-in-rs2014/ . If downloaded CDLCs do work you might have added the wrong app id.

    Another reason might be that your 'DLC Name' is the same as another one. Choose a different name in this field in RCST.


    Q: Rocksmith doesn't show difficulty bars in my CDLC! All the cool CDLCs have them!

    A: Do you even have different difficulty levels? If not, make them, or let DDC create them. If there are, there are probably too much sections (over 100). Make less sections. In DDC, you might increase phrase length for this. See http://ddcreator.wordpress.com/dynamic-difficulty-creator/eof-rules/ .


    Q: Riff Repeater acts weird: it doesn't start or go to a next section.

    A: Did you set seek granularity in Wwise when encoding the song to .wem? See http://rocksmithcustoms.wikispaces.com/ .


    Q: When playing my CDLC, tone drops to barebones (no fx), no matter if you change to saved tones with 1,2,3 and 4 keys you got barebones tone. If you exit the song issue will still persist and you have to exit and open again RS2014.A: You probably didn't add a custom tone for the arrangement.


    Q: The song I'd like to chart has five strings, how do I get them in Rocksmith?

    A: FInd out the tuning of the bass. It's often BEAD instead of EADG. You can change the tuning according to the following steps: http://customsforge.com/topic/4750-going-low-a-workaround-to-get-bass-notes-below-c1-to-register-in-rocksmith/?p=34837 . You have to move the notes from the 5th string to the 4th string (+5 frets) since Rocksmith doesn't work with a 5th string.


    Q: My bass arrangement shows vertical green lines!

    A: That's because you feed Rocksmith a 5-string-bass-arrangement. You tell it to show which fret on the 5th string to put your finger on, but Rocksmith only works with 4 string max. for bass arrangements. See previous question.


    Q: Notes show up too fast in the beginning! I'm not ready yet!

    A: Add a leading silence. See http://www.fretsonfire.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=50892 .

    • Like 1
  4. Hi,


    I've already made some custom songs which are at least playable and in sync. I've got that covered. However, I do have some questions about other parts of creating the custom song.


    1 - Phrases and sections

    I know how to make them. But, I haven't seen yet how to use them good. The effect I'd like to have is that a ) repeated parts adapt quickly to your skill, b ) it's easy to select a small part in riff repeater if you want to practice it (it's frustrating to have to play a large part which you already know just to practice a few notes at the end). If so, where do I place phrases and sections? About every x measure, more or less often, depending very much on the music... And can I use DDC to do this with minimal effort?


    2 - Tones

    I didn't add tones in the first few songs but apparently this creates problems. I know how to add tones in EoF and RCST and how to reuse existing tones. But: how exactly is the way to go if only one tone is used in a arrangement? And if multiple tones are used? For instance, do I have to specify the tone with which the song starts in EoF in both scenarios or only the second?


    3 - Sometimes Rocksmith doesn't show the difficulty bars, even though RR and DDC seem to work in the Riff Repeater. ( What do I do wrong? Strange thing is that in one song it doesn't show for lead and does show for rhythm... (http://customsforge.com/page/customsforge_rs_2014_cdlc.html/_/pc-enabled-rs-2014-cdlc/along-for-the-ride-r3363).


    4 - in RIff Repeater, sometimes it accepts many faults for a succes, even when error tolerance is set on none or low. (https://www.mediafire.com/?e5822m2fyui11z9).


    5 - EoF whines about the measures not starting at the beginning. Do I have to accept it's proposition to add measures before it? It's easier for me when I do not, because if I have to edit something it's easier in Guitar Pro and when the measures aren't messed with in EoF it's easier to import.


    These are the questions I have on the top off my head :) I've seen and read multiple tutorials but they often do explain how to add a section technically, but that doesn't mean I know where to place what in the songs I have.


    If you need the EoF files to look for my errors, please say so, then I'll upload them :)

  5. Thanks for your testing. Will add palm mute some time, my guitar pro source didn't have them. Took the wrong version, using new version probably means resyncing so think I gonna have to add all palm mutes by hand. Or maybe it's easier in Guitar Pro... If somebody else wants to do it, be my guest ;)

  6. Hooray, I´m able to reproduce it! Problem doesn´t seem to be high cpu usage. It stays below 60% for the used CPU (I'm not reporting total CPU usage! Because that would factor in other cores but you said it doesn't use them so that wouldn't give useful results) and and also isn´t affected by changing priority to above normal.


    Open notes.eof, press F5, change playback rate to 25%, zoom to 1/1, play from the beginning, rewind with arrow or rewind button in GUI to before first notes, it automatically keeps on playing and notice: music is played about .15 seconds before it should according to the waveform graph. At least, it is on my pc ;). 


    Files can be found here, music files included.


    EoF r1308 used.

  7. Still trying to hone my skills... I've synced the mentioned song but somehow Riff Repeater is acting weird on me. When starting RR, it pauses for a few seconds and then says that I succeeded. That happened to me before on other CDLC's by me as well. Anybody an idea what I do wrong?


    Also, I made the error to put all notes in 'medium' difficulty. Have to fix that as well.



    Non-DD - http://www.mediafire.com/download/zwwykxr6ccr2vwp/Megadeth_Off-the-Edge_v1_p.psarc

    DDC - http://www.mediafire.com/download/j4x1j393sarfp53/Megadeth_Off-the-Edge_v1_DD_p.psarc


    Guitar parts divided in Rhythm and Lead (all solo's + rhythm on empty parts).


    Tab source: http://www.abysslord.com/megadeth/tabs/super/super.html


    EDIT: updated version can be found in the CDLC search!

  8. When syncing the notes to the music, I like to use playback rate of 25% and timestretch. This makes it easier to spot desync. However, when I'm working, sometimes the music isn't synced with playback. For instance, when I have added a leading silence, music still plays from the beginning. This isn't on playback rate 100%, seems to be random (so I can't tell how to reproduce), still occurs after pausing, and rewinding sometimes seems to solve the issue (maybe even always, not sure).


    At first I thought I was crazy but then it happened while the music clearly wasn't in sync with the waveform graph, so it really seems to be a bug.


    Using r1306.


    (Next to that, I have to applaud you for your efforts! :))

  9. There are some collaborative (for instance: discography) topics in which it would be nice if there could be multiple authors of the topic start. Co-authors would have to be added by the topic starter. In this way it's easier to maintain the topic. For me, that would lower the threshold to start a Megadeth discography since it wouldn't be only my responsibility to maintain it.

  10. Thanks for trying! I did spot a sync error in a copy-pasted sections to fill in a part where a guitar otherwise wouldn't have to play. I discovered I can just select all these notes and move them a little. Maybe next weekend I have some time to spare...

  11. Megadeth! m/


    71% on first playthrough so it can't be synced that bad ;) (I'm not good, mind you).


    * You might want to set app id to Cherub Rock, otherwise it won't show up in many people's list (it didn't in mine).

    * Riff repeater works :)

    * No DD, if you don't want to invest time in it, you might want to try DDC

    * are you planning on adding lead guitar as well? Otherwise (or actually in both cases) you might want to add the first part of the song to the rhythm guitar as well, since otherwise you're just waiting.

    * as you already know, no Album cover yet


    Don't have time to check the sync more precise and don't have the skills (yet) to help with other stuff.

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