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    fender strat
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    fender jass

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  1. That was it looks like I had a 1 on the dll removed it and it started working. Thanks for the help
  2. I'll give that a look
  3. Hope i'm on the right page for this. i recently redownload R.S as well as custom forge. I have the link i need D3Dx9_42.dll on my computer. i was able to download some songs they show up in my play list. i am able to tune the guitar and once that is done nothing else happens. no tab lines or anything. not even the music plays. am i missing another file or has any one else ran into this problem. any info would be greatful
  4. hey thank, and funny thing is, installing the rocksmith now , and just saw a few of the songs I had on the old laptop. do you know if your steam account puts those with your account? because I didn't put the songs there.
  5. my old laptop crashed and I now have a new one, does anyone have the D3DX9_42.dll file? or know where I can find it.
  6. join the club I have had this problem for 2 weeks
  7. yeah I have been reading some of the question posted on here, thanks might just break down and buy it for my laptop
  8. does any one know of a way to use this for a xbox one. any info would help a lot thanks
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