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Posts posted by AntonZap

  1. Man online play would really be awesome, but what I really would like to see as a more realistic update would be improvements to the game engine itself, for example:


    1-Even more tone slots, specially if you chart customs, there are times when you wish you could go nuts with the tones. Also applies to your custom pedals, having only 3 tones to switch at any time is really limited.


    2-Recording ingame, like an option to save the audio from the last 30 seconds or something, because I know I can set up a program like bandicam, but there are times in session mode where you hit a sweet riff, then forget what you played, and become unable to go back to it (Makes you wonder how often it happens to musicians really), and speaking of session mode--


    3-More patterns for the AI in session, if you play long enough you learn their patterns, and more often than not lately I've been using backing tracks that provide more variety when playing instead of using the mode ingame.


    4- My personal favorite would be to integrate multitracks into the game, kinda like bandfuse does, maybe the hardest one because of the legal side connected to the songs, but hey, a man can dream.

    • Like 3
  2. Thanks a lot @@Aquilae, I was struggling to get that same effect working for Californication, but with your detailed explanation I was finally able to do it.


    Also I want to thank @@raynebc for the work on EOF to make handshapes work as good as they do, however, I'd like to ask if it's possible to automate the process above?, it's a lot of work when the song constantly changes the base chords.

  3. Particularmente nunca logré hacer que handshape funcionase, pero si lo que quieres es que se mantenga en pantalla la posición, por que no pruebas con la función de arpeggios (Selecciona las notas/acordes necesarios y usa el comando ctrl+shift+G) a ver si el resultado te agrada?

  4. I started listening to them since 2007, remember that I listened to the pretender somewhere and it blew my mind, been a fan ever since, and gave their older works a listen later.


    Thanks a lot Wepeel, it'll be useful to make a couple from color and shape in the future my version of Miss the misery has a long overdue update, but I couldn't figure out the proper way to play the solo, so I'll be really grateful when you can share the wasting light book.

  5. I never experienced that particular error, but from past experience, all errors I had regarding EOF in the past were fixed by updating EOF and redoing whatever was causing it. In your case try to update, load your project, erase all tone changes and create them again, and see if that fixes it.


    If not, try to create a thread or asking in the development section, those guys are constantly working to improve the programs and I'm sure they could use a bug report.

  6. You mean that the sound ingame is the preview and not the song, right?

    In your project folder you need to have both the song and the preview, both in .wav format (you can use audacity to convert any audio file to it, or use EOF that creates the files when you select an mp3 or ogg as your source), for this I'll be calling them:

    audio: songname.wav

    preview: songname_preview.wav


    In the toolkit, you'd have to select the "songname.wav" file for the audio, and if there's any file following the syntax "songname_preview.wav", it'll be included as a manual preview.


    Even more, the latest version of the toolkit generates a preview automatically if there's not any songname_preview.wav file in the folder.

    • Like 1
  7. Awesome. I never understood all the "controversy" related to Angel of Death, so it's good to see them releasing a song and proving that they don't care either.


    Just a heads up, the theriffrepeater.com link you posted goes to the All that remains pack instead of the Slayer one.

  8. Hello, I'm working on a track, that plays perfectly ingame without DD, but whenever I try to use the toolkit to generate DD this comes up




    Any ideas?, this only happens on the lead arrangement, the rest are generating fine. Thanks for your time.

  9. Here's what I mean: When I'm scrolling through my song list on the game and spot a song that has a custom tuning (For example open tunings or other special ones) more often than not I tell myself that it's not worth to re-tune my guitar just to play one or a couple of songs.


    So lately I've been deleting all the songs that don't use standard or drop tunings (Game loads faster that way) from my game folder, and also the same goes for all that goes lower than Drop C.


    So, to avoid downloading any song that's not in standard/drop and is lower than Drop C, I'd like to know if this is a function that could be added to Ignition, or if it's something doable now, please let me know how.


    And I know that I could just check the tuning column on the search, but sometimes one just gets careless when you see a song that you like to listen appear on the database.


    Thanks for your time.

  10. My first goal was to sing and play at the same time on a gig, now that I have, I decided to aim even higher, so my next step is to play the Instrumedley by Dream Theater perfectly :lol:, and since I have a lifetime to accomplish that, there's no pressure xD .

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