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Posts posted by MadMaxx

  1. If nothing can be done it can't be done, at least I understand a bit about what's going on now and can maybe bend a few tempos around to suit myself :)


    rounding issues on normal and tech notes is nothing unusual, it was actually a lot worse a few month ago but raynebc improved the rounding a lot. It will still happen but in a lesser extent now, you should still  use the "Highlight  non Grid snapped notes" setting in the song menu to track down the notes that are not grid snapped, same goes for tech notes. A red tech notes mean that it does not touch the note head or its sustain.

  2. Thanks for the new version.


    Converted again knights and it runs now with the new version through without error msgs. Does it still not load in GP6?


    The new naming is better and an improvement, the version number would make it perfect but if i remember correctly the version number is not stored inside the .psarc therefore you cant retrieve it besides from the input name.


    The section names as comments are great, never the less i think that it would be also good to get them to show up in the window at the bottom even if you use only the ones from the bass arr. to show up as global Having the bottom window where the selectable bars are without section names makes it a little bit difficult to navigate through the tab.


    Volume issue is fixed but i have a new problem, for whatever reason in one of my customs there are occasions where drum tones are played instead of the guitars. With the older version it wasnt like that, not sure what the problem is but ill send you the file. This file does also have a few more issues that i noticed.

  3. I'm not aware that a section starting on a beat without a note could  (would?) cause problems in RR. I never ran into that issue.


    I have one or two customs that have the intro not selectable in RR. If i remember correctly they dont have notes/chords on the beat with the section name so it could be the cause of the problem. Ill give it next time a try and see if moving the section forward will fix it.


    Sustains going from one section into another can cause i think also a problem with RR.


    btw. when not having DD how do Section/Phrases need to be placed to get that dynamic blue line below the DD bars to work.


    I usually place Section the lazy way  with the "Also add as RS Phrase", its usually the fastest way but the blue bright line does not work using this method.


    The problem is probably that there are a lot of phrases with the same name. I guess that a Section Verse needs have the Phrases called verse1, verse2.


    Verse 1/verse1, Verse 2/verse2 instead of using Verse 1/verse, Verse 2/verse

  4. Yeah, I saw your double post. Hm, if it's bends, I might have an idea. Quick question: In Guitar Pro 5, if you author a bend to a note, does GP always place a bend point at the very beginning and at the very end? Because at the moment, I do add a bend point at the beginning (if necessary), but not necessarily at the very end of a note. Perhaps that confuses GP5...


    I dont know, i havent authored bends many times in GP i think @@raynebc will give you a better answer to this question.


    What i see in the Bend editor in GP5 is that a default half step bend does have 3 points, start, bend up and at the end is also one point


    looks similar to this




    Edit: checked the other types of bends and they have at least 2 points, a beginning and end point



    • but could you perhaps convert Rocksmith's main songs.psarc and try to open knights.gp5? If GP5 could give any hint as to where something is wrong with that file, that would be incredibly helpful. Thanks.



    It load in GP5 and throws the same error msg as i have mentioned in my earlier posts. It happens in measure 14 but it could also be measure 13 or 15. It could be the bend in measure 15  in the Lead arrangement maybe.



    I remove the bend that i described in my earlier post from the psarc that i send you with the chord issues, after i removed the bend and converted it to a gp5 file there was no error msg anymore in that position in GP5.


    Its definatly bends causing it and its probably a similar problem with knights.



    • Wait, are you telling me that GP5 actually tells you *where* it encounters an error?! GP6 just says it cannot load the file, which is extremely helpful... I'll look into your arrangement, but could you perhaps convert Rocksmith's main songs.psarc and try to open knights.gp5? If GP5 could give any hint as to where something is wrong with that file, that would be incredibly helpful. Thanks.



    It does not tell you the exact position therefore its a little bit vague but it does throw an error in close range. Not sure if your problem is maybe heavier, thats why it does not load. Anyway ill give the file that you mentioned a look and write you back.


    I did in the mean time a new convert and it had that error message in GP5 popping in endless loop and it was again a in a measure where a bend was. Had to kill the task hehe it reminded to to Win XP times hehe


    btw. i did above your last post a double post if you already havent read it.


    About sections, since they've been mentioned quite a few times: I thought about it, but there is a problem. In Guitar Pro, sections are, once again, a global property that is shared by all tracks, and also sections always start on the beginning of a bar. In Rocksmith, each arrangement has a separate section list that can be different (and sometimes is, as far as I can tell) and begins at an absolute time that could, theoretically, be anywhere within the bar. So if I do it this way, the sections in Guitar Pro would be defined by the first arrangement going in (which, by default, is bass, unless you change the order with the -a parameter), and might also be only approximately where they should be. I haven't paid attention to Rocksmith sections enough to decide whether this is a sensible approach, or not. What do you think?


    Alternatively, Guitar Pro supports a text above any beat in any arrangement, which would offer more flexibility. However, they are also much less noticeable than the section headers...



    read your comment too late.


    The worst part is that section names can differ from arr to arr, they can be set to be exclusive only to one specific arrangement that would make it difficult to pick the one arrangement that would be the default one to give you the names.


    In most cases i would go with the Rhythm 1 arrangement since its probably the one that overlaps best with the others. Lead is probably the worst since you have the solos divided into small peaces and having all those pieces in the tab is maybe not a good idea. In Rhythm 1 you usually have what is played behind the solo divided in bigger chunks making it more in line with tabs that you can download.


    The next problem is in cases when the song starts with a bass intro and the Rhythm guitar enters later.


    Anyway if things turn out to be too tricky i think using bass as what gives you the names is still better than nothing.


    Just wandering why bass is first followed by Lead and than Rhythm. Do you sort them by the name? Rhythm, Lead, Bass would be probably better since thats the order that i have seen in most tabs. I think its usually Vocals, Rhythm, Lead, Bass, Drums


    Anyway, I have a new version for you: https://github.com/fholger/RocksmithToTab/releases/tag/v0.9




    Now that i was able to import it into GP5 i noticed a few things.


    - section names are still missing even in GP5

    - as you said earlier the open notes during empty spaces are now gone even in TuxGuitar.

    - in GP5 for whatever reason i cant change the volume of the arrangements individually, bass works but Lead, Rhythm 1 and Rhythm 2 are grouped. If i change the volume of Lead it will also change Rhythm 1 and 2 to the same volume

    - In GP5 the names of the arrangements are for example Lead Level 0, not sure if the Level 0 is needed but i think it would be better to just enumerate the arrangements. If more than one of the same arrangements exist enumerate it.





    Rhythm 1

    Rhythm 2


    I think it looks that way more polished.


    - The drag and drop of the .psarc to the exe works fine, makes things much easier.

    - Naming is fine, it would be better without the folder per file but if it gets too tricky to name the gp file itself its fine how it is now



    - I have converted a few tabs and in GP5 i get sometimes a small error message, maybe because of bends? not sure, it seems like to happen in measures where a bend is. The file that i send you earlier with the chord issues does also throw an error at bar 192, maybe its the lead arrangement causing the problem. I also noticed that the last note in measure 192 is a bend on fret 22, the bend is by 2 half steps but the converted gp5 file shows a bend of 3/4. Tuxguitar works fine, no error screens there. Its maybe something Guitar Pro specific.


    Ill convert a few more maybe i can somehow see what is causing GP5 to throw that error message.


    Again an excellent update, the look and feel of the tab in GP5 looks more professional now, chord fingering is nice. Thanks you.

  9. Tried the new version with a few of my customs and its again a big improvement from the previous version, sustains seem to be better and the chord problem seems to be fixed too, at least with the ones i tried. Ill convert a few more maybe i can find some bugs.


    Thanks for your effort its definitely cool to convert the things buld with EOF back to GP and hear how much better it sounds in comparison to the original GP tab.


    For usability I may suggest that the most important feature is the integration into the Custom Toolkit, with automated updates through the toolkit itself. This way you will reach out to a lot more people and will get more feedback.

    And if you feel like your program is not yet ready for that, I guess you can just stick to the beta releases of the Toolkit :-)


    It would certainly also be nice if Mods would put in the announcement box a notice about this tool, buried in this part of the forum only a few people will notice it.

  10. select measure 65 and change the bpm with the "adjust note" option activated, its important to double the bmp. after that the notes will be in the right position. With double i mean the BPM number multiplied by 2


    Next step is to normalize the bmp again but without moving the notes. You change again the BMP but this time you do it with the "adjust notes" deactivated.


    job done.


    For the future, whenever this happens you can be sure that double the bpm and than halve will work.

    • Like 1
  11. @@Alex360 Removing those particular ones did not solve it. However, deleting all the tech notes did fix the crash. Now I'll just have to figure out what exactly is making it crash.



    I once had the same problem with tech notes, there was something that the game didnt liked. I deleted all and added them in groups till i had found the ones that were causing the crash. It was a painful try and error.

  12. Thanks for the new version, i gave it a quick try and slides, sustains and bends are indeed much better now.


    GP5 support would be great especially since its the most used version.


    As suggestions it would be nice if the output file name would be the same as the input name. If you dont plan a gui it would be nice to just drag and drop the psarc over the exe and the default command gets executed to convert it to .gpx or eventually to .gp5, maybe a .bat can do that too.


    Not sure if its a limitation of tuxguitar but i cant see section names.

  13. As for the chords, yeah, it appears some ChordIds appear more than once. So far I'm ignoring the second occurence, but perhaps I need to merge them somehow.



    Not sure if helpful but i think chordIDs are not unique for the whole custom, they only live inside the arrangement


    If i remember correctly for example ChordId 5 in the Rhythm arrangement is not automatically the same chord as ChordId 5 in the Lead arrangement.


    btw. i have converted a few more customs and they dont had the chord problem

  14. i converted a few of my songs and the results are quite good. Giving feedback is a little problem because i only have GP5 and the Tuxguitar version that can import .gpx files, not sure how correct Tuxgitar can import them.


    The cmd window was showing me on a few .psarc files a warning like


    Warning: ChordId 7 already present in templates list.
    Warning: ChordId 8 already present in templates list.


    In that .gpx file a few chords were wrong, the tab had a chord like this









    but it should actually only be a 02 E chord, not sure why it added 77, i gues that it merged chords with the same id? not sure.


    Same song/arrangement different chord









    next example









    Here again, it should be a 1/3 power chord but the pgx tab does have 77 added.


    Next thing that i noticed is that empty space gets filled with an open E, same goes for sustains (you mentioned sustains not working)


    Anyway i think that even raynebc had the issue with chords getting merged a few weeks ago when he added musicmidi support.


    Besides those things your work looks so far excellent. Thanks for your effort.


    btw i did a custom with slides from fret 20 to 22 and from 22 to 24 and in the game it works fine. Just saying because the warning in EOF says that it could cause a crash. What type of slide does cause issues?

    This was a Rocksmith 1 era warning, but it doesn't sound like it applies to Rocksmith 2, so I'll look into conditionally suppressing it (ie. if only outputting RS2 XML).



    yep especially if only outputting RS2 XML. It only needs i think a check for slides from 24 to greater like 25, thats probably would let RS2 crash as firekorn in the post above stated

  16. btw i did a custom with slides from fret 20 to 22 and from 22 to 24 and in the game it works fine. Just saying because the warning in EOF says that it could cause a crash. What type of slide does cause issues?


    This is the part in my custom. Its a  linked next slide, 20 linked next to 22, 22 linked next to 24, 24 as a single note



  17. Well if it hurts it cant be right. Have you tried to play like giving the OK sign? Thats usually the most common strumming hand position.


    Edit: you can let your pinky finger lightly touch/anchor on the mounting rim of the bridge pickup. If a song gets faster you let the pinky go from the bridge pickup.


    It depends a lot on what type song you play, based on that you adapt to it.

    • Like 1
  18. Oh thats a tough choice. The question is, is the access to the operations with toggle as fast as without toggle. I have been trying to think about a few examples but its quite difficult to decide.


    I think a version without toggle is more straight forward with direct access but the toggle is maybe the better design choice. But i dont know.


    If you dont want to put too much thought in it just do the version without toggle that should be fine for everybody  i think hehe.

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