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Everything posted by EeveeonE

  1. Important update: I’ve been busy lately. I updated half of my CDLC’s. I’m still testing CDLC to check if any needs updating/fixing. There’s a strange bug in Rocksmith right now which removes clean tones completely. I’m not sure what the cause is, I reckon there was a patch that broke it. As for where I’m at testing wise. I’m onto the Sonic CDLC. I need to make a statement about this because it’s important. I’m not going to edit this CDLC for a few reasons. At least the Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 songs. These songs are unique all the way through to the end, at least to my knowledge. They loop, and it’s annoying, but these tabs that I got for the Sonic Adventure 2 CDLC, they had the right notes in every tab. I’m finding there’s nothing that needs editing in these tabs. There’s not much point in editing a completed CDLC if there’s nothing to do on it. Which brings me to an important thing to ask anyone who plays through any of my CDLC. If you spot an error in the tab or syncing issues, or even tone changing issues related to the CDLC. Please write the issue on the CDLC record here at CustomsForge, it really helps, and I can get it updated. Also some suggestions to improve the CDLC’s will be taken into consideration. As for what I’m working on at the moment. Still ZHIEND – Scar On Face. I’m halfway through the rhythm. It’s taking some time because of something I’m working on at the moment. I’m searching for another six string guitar with an ebony fretboard. I might get the Ibanez Iron Label, but with a grey burst on a poplar burl top. This is gonna be my F# Standard guitar. Why the hell would I waste so much money on a six string rather than get an eight string? A good reason actually. I’m thinking of writing covers of songs, and for a rhythm guitar, I want something good to play it on. I don’t feel comfortable with the way a seven or eight string feels. I think by reducing the amount of strings, I’m doing myself a favour. What about my Lindo guitar, that’s seven string, why do I play it? It’s my tabbing guitar. I can determine lower notes up to B standard on this guitar. I will just grab my F# standard for tabbing a song with that tuning. It’s a lengthy process, I’ve found a few guitars, unfortunately, none of them are something I really want. The ones I want don’t exist, they are sold by scammers on Aliexpress. And what’s the deal with this hatred towards counterfeit/replica guitars thing? I can get the product being stolen by design, but this happens all the time in this day and age of the internet, there’s no point in trying to attack someone who steals your idea. It’s the internet, nothing can be done about it, once it’s there, it’s there. I hope some of you understand what I mean. I would go for the original version of a guitar, but only if they’re not overpriced, where a Skervesen would be £1800 for a six string, a Mayones is something like £3000. I’m surprised Mayones have been going for 35 years with prices like that, they said something about their guitars being affordable? Yep. All of us who work minimum wage in the UK make enough to buy a Mayones whenever we want. Now I can understand why someone would replicate a Mayones. It’s just ramping up the price for the hell of it. So you’re paying 80% labour on a Mayones I’m guessing.

  2. I’m writing this update to inform you all of what’s been going on. As I’m writing this, I’m playing a video game called Overwatch. Since my PC was fixed and upgraded, I had the goal to reach rank 1800. It’s been about 4 weeks since I had my PC upgraded. I went from rank 590 to 740. In between me playing Overwatch, during my kill cams that I don’t care about, I work on something briefly like a guitar tab, or a Rocksmith CDLC, and I do so whilst monitoring my respawn time in game. I work with all of this on one PC. I manage to fit 11-14 hours of Overwatch a day into my schedule, along with all the stuff I do outside of it. I play Rocksmith separately because if I was to play guitar during Overwatch, I’d be kicked for inactivity. So what’s the point of this update exactly? I just wanted to tell everyone what’s been going on. Also, what do I mean by ‘Make it to rank 1800’. I started playing Overwatch in June, then I quit, then I came back in October and began playing it a lot. Then I slowed down at around December, but I made it to rank 500 by February. In late April this year, I made this big decision to reach rank 1800. Why are levels so important to me? They’re not, but, I missed out on the launch, because I thought Overwatch was overrated and a copy of Team Fortress 2. Dead wrong, Eventually, I got the hang of Overwatch, I’m still learning things, I am a god genji main… just kidding. But I am learning heroes. If you’re interested who I play. I play well Genji, Pharah, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Orisa, Zarya, and all supports. I want to learn every hero. My weakest is Hanzo, I have a gold bow for him just for a laugh. So I’m making up for lost time. And collecting coins to buy new event items, at the end of the event of course. I’ve made 21000 coins since the Uprising event. And at least when an event comes out, I can spend a lot of time playing them. I also like the portraits for the levels in this game. The platinum portraits look amazing. Within 200 days, I’m expecting to be at rank 1800. At this rank, I will still play a lot. But maybe prioritise other things in real life before Overwatch. As for Rocksmith/Guitar tab related updates. I’m going to update a certain amount of CDLC, then work on a guitar tab. I want to get better at tabbing so that if a CDLC that needs updating is missing notes, I can tab these missing notes. My pace is slow, but considering what I’m doing, it’s quite a lot to do at once. Not to mention, I have to eat, drink, exercise, and sleep.

  3. I needed to write an explaination regarding the strange updates to my Megaman CDLC, and possibly Sonic CDLC. There are a few reasons I decided to edit all the Megaman CDLC. The first one being, most of them are missing notes, or were innacurate. I needed to edit the tab and listen to the song and read all the notes at the same time, to decide if there are any missing notes, or innacurate notes and fix this issue. The second reason is the song length. I can't remember which song, it may have been Megaman 3 Intro, but that song, looped 4-5 times, and lasted 4 mins... Some songs last 2 mins at least on Megaman songs, but it's still quite lengthy. The third reason is the file size. I find even with Rocksmith CDLC on my SSD, I am running out of space. I have a few other games installed, but Rocksmith takes up just over 15 GB and I have over 1500 custom CDLC's. I feel that now is a good time to bring up efficiency. If a song is looped without a unique ending, or unique notes throughout the song. CDLC's on average are around 6 MB's. Some are more, some are less, but you collect so many with that file size. It piles up. It's not a bad idea to shorten the size. It's a small amount of storage that is saved by reducing song length, but it gives room for other CDLC. Hopefully you all will understand. It's only a small edit, I load the .ogg file which is edited to be shorter. I put a lot of time and effort into my CDLC's, but not the tones. I still can't figure out tones. I can tell distortion and clean apart. But nothing bass related or Demetori - Ghostly Eyes tone.

  4. A big announcement kinda. I'm working music related stuff (writing, tabbing, and CDLC) constantly, I'm updating most of my CDLC and tabbing songs too. I've got a lot to get through. I just wanted to say that.

  5. Figured it out. It was the album artwork. But it was because it had Japanese characters and some other strange characters in the name. I did download it from some sort of song wiki. Thanks for the help though. I'll be sure to keep this in mind if the issue happens again.
  6. Neither of those fixed it. I still get the same error.
  7. I've installed all my Rocksmith CDLC creation on a new PC because my old one has crashed. And I just created my first CDLC on this PC with all the necessary software, and I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/AYUXC4e.png I'm using EOF v1.8RC10 (r1337) UltraStar Creator Wwise 2014.1.6 build 5318 Rocksmith Custom Song Toolkit (v. I have no clue what this error is trying to tell me. The first file name that it was looking for keeps changing on each generation. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  8. 66% lead done. Then I'm releasing it if all notes are accurate. I have played my guitar for at least 95% of the tab. The intro part of this tab was tabbed by someone else because I asked for help. I had trouble hearing the introduction. I even made a midi conversion of it, and it turned out the midi and the tabber were correct. Just the midi was less accurate. I'm hoping this tab will be good. And I may also consider releasing it. Since it's a big tab from a popular band.

  9. Update on the tabs and my PC. PC is, I'm hoping, going to be fixed very soon. As far as I'm aware, there's only one issue with it now, and that is I may need to reinstall the operating system. And an update on the Fleeting Reality tab. It's coming along nicely. I'm 40 seconds into the song. And I have most of the correct notes.

  10. Tabbing an impossible song... Hatsune Miku - Fleeting Reality. A lot of you have probably never heard of it. I'm no Hatsune Miku fan. But I heard this song from a friend, and I really liked it. That's also how I found Diaura - Lost November. And Crow'sclaw which I'm planning on tabbing. Speaking of which. I figured out 3 riffs by Clow'sclaw. The nice riffs from Grave Of Being (Intro), Sychte of Hell (about 0:50 seconds in.) and then there's Common State Of Violent Innocence, I think it was called that? But the nice riffs you hear in those songs, I've already figured out by ear.

  11. Well that sucks... my Hard Drive might be dead. Luckily I was only working on one CDLC at that time. However, all my future CDLC to be updated/created are now gone is my Hard Drive is dead. I was working on a Demetori song before it went, and I was improving the tab for it. But I can't be bothered until I get my PC back. I'm just hoping it's a little error so that not all my data is affected. I'm gonna start tabbing more often I guess after this.

  12. My computer requires an upgrade and it's currently sitting in the shop where it's to be upgraded. With some luck, I will have my computer within the next 1-4 days. I have to pick the parts and I'm considering upgrading it to become a beast. 16GB of ram is the plan, an alright motherboard, but not too... overboard with the price and what it offers. And a really good CPU with at least 3.60 GHZ I will say. Let's hope they have those components for my PC. If not, sad day :<

  13. Sad news... My computer broke again to this retarded Windows 10 bug where it thinks the computer is in sleep mode, so it has to turn off all peripherals and pretend it's on sleep mode even though the computer is physically running. I'm looking to get it repaired, and with some hope, it should get fixed.

  14. Sorry I've been inactive for so long. A lot has happened. I'll try to list it all.

    1. EeveeonE


      I'll list it here because the small input box is so bad.

      - I've been going to some important appointments.

      - It's the holidays.

      - I'm busy on secret projects. Unfortunately naught to do with Rocksmith.

      - I got back into Team Fortress 2.

      - I've been trying to get out and about a bit more.

      - An Overwatch update event came out recently, so I've been playing that a lot.


      An update on the Maid And The Pocket Watch Of Blood tab. It's coming along nicely. It's not 100% accurate. But no tab ever is. I've just completed lead. It took about two weeks sadly, because of being busy, but I've decided to dedicate most of my day to my schedule. My schedule is:

      - 1 level in Overwatch.

      - 1 hour of Team Fortress 2.

      - Super Secret Project Thing.

      - Whatever I was working on before I sunk a part of my life into video games.

      - Important things in between all of this, I will have to make room for.


      Hopefully anyone who reads this will understand, the pro's of being unemployed and earning is you have a lot of time to yourself, and I like to think I'm working and earning by making custom DLC's and tabbing. Since I would much prefer a well paid job with hard labour than a minimum paid job and sitting on my ass all day, which is what this feels like most of the time.


  15. My next CDLC to update is for its tab. And I discovered it was duplicated all over the internet, and nobody could be fucked to edit it. So that's why my handiness in repairing broken tabs comes in. It's Demetori - The Maid And The Pocket Watch Of Blood. First of all, all the notes that are not chords in the rhythm path, where it goes 4 4 66 4 4 44. The chords are 66 and 44. And the single notes are 4. All the 4's and all these lonely notes, are supposed to be palm mutes. To make things worse, there are missing pinch harmonics throughout the entire tab. Sometimes out of tune notes. And no bends where bends are needed. And lots of missing vibratos and fret mutes too. And slides. And not only that. The tab is a mess. There are two lead guitars in the tab, but the tabber couldn't be yet again, bothered to tab other arrangements like the rest of Rhythm. As much as the tab is mostly accurate. It's mostly inaccurate dynamics, and lazy tabbing. I reckon this was originally a midi. And someone just dun did the ol' quarter, half, sixteen, and eight thing that most MIDI editors do, like myself. And left it at that. You can also tell it's a MIDI by the bleeding obvious missing guitar parts. Overall, not impressed with this tab, but I'll turn it into something beautiful. I'm sure of that.

  16. EMERGENCY CDLC TESTING. I found out some of my CDLC has bugs with them besides the 100% mastery which can be fixed with CFSM... AKA the most annoying software ever. I'm testing my CDLC from A-Z. I would appreciate it if I was told which CDLC to update to save me doing all the testing. IF you all go from Z-A (Artist)

  17. Desire Dream is complete. Unfortunately. I was only able to accurately tab two clean parts in the whole song because the others were not clear, or one was kind of playing alongside the piano/steel drums? Also, ask me anything any time. I'm always online here. That's why you see me post so many duplicate CDLC's because I've updated the inactivate user's CDLC, but only if it's a song I've played and want to learn, and also based on its popularity on here.

    1. EeveeonE


      The Desire Dream CDLC is complete and updated. I still seriously considering some kind of page where I can post images and post updates on my music. I have been writing covers for months since my writing from scratch is very out of key. I come across the odd riff that I have to write and remember because it sounded great. But I put these riffs in my covers.

      I am working on a theme for Tails and Cream. My two favourite Sonic characters. And this is a bit of the riff I came up with whilst tabbing Megaman 3. https://streamable.com/u64qc

      An example of my beginner work. I only added Rhythm and Harmony to this cover of Sonic 3's Chrome Gadget, and edited the bass a little.



  18. At least an 75% complete tab. That solo was tough. After this tab, got some urgent fixes to other CDLC, then back to tabbing.

  19. An update on the Desire Dream tab. It is now 33% complete. Within three days. So it's not bad. More progress than before. I only work about 3 hours a day on the tab. Maybe less. I used to work on it non-stop. But it got boring after a while, and I kept getting distracted.

  20. This is important to an extent. I'm now on my I believe, 200th+ CDLC? And my 5th done by ear tab or something. And I have some big plans to talk about and ask your guys opinions on. First one, should I make my own 'Music' related website or Facebook page? If yes, what would you like to see on this page? Secondly, there is a lot of CDLC to make. I'm not joking, everything from Midi's, to seven strings, to wrong BPM songs. There's a lot. And also a lot to tab. I have other hobbies too. But, I'm kinda thinking about putting my hobbies on hold and focusing on music for a while. To get all of this CDLC to a smaller list. Read below for the CDLC I have planned as well as tabs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scarevan
    3. Scarevan


      I like to heard your music!!


    4. EeveeonE


      I'll see what I can do. Right now. I'm in the process of creating the Lead arrangement for Desire Dream by Demetori.

  21. Are there any CDLC's you believe need updating?

  22. I'm tabbing Desire Dream by Demetori next, the lead path. However, afterwards, I want to tab a ZHIEND song. Please vote for which one here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12575734

  23. I'm strongly considering leaving the Ultimate Guitar community. The rules appear to be changed hourly. And it is 100% luck if my tab gets approved. Ultimate Guitar is filled with 14 year old's who play eleven string bass who think they're gods and are superior to every other player of a stringed instrument.

  24. Omnific reworks coming soon. I'm adding five string/six string bass support. However, I believe one of the bassists removed his B string and moved every string up, so the string gauge goes 100, 75, 60, 40, 20. Or around that. So for every song that is tuned up, will now be moved onto a six/five string guitar tuning

  25. I just donated to CustomsForge. Great website. If not for the content this website produces, I would not have been a guitarist.

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