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Status Updates posted by EeveeonE

  1. To let you guys know, I’m never inactive from CustomsForge. The only times I’d be inactive is when I’m dead, or if I’m away. I am going to tab a bit earlier than expected. I’m just creating this ‘Death’ CDLC, not a request, it’s actually one of my favourite Death songs. Also if you haven’t, check out my Rocksmith requests link on my profile. There you can read about the bands I will most likely make requests for, and even if the tab is slightly wrong, I will correct it. Don’t be afraid to request from bands I never heard of, because I might make them too, if the songs are, to my ears, good. And good can be defined by many things. It might be melodic, progressive, heavy, there are many factors I look out for in songs, it’s hard to say them all. Also, for those who want spoilers of what I’m tabbing, here’s the list of what’s to come. I have no doubts that there is a tab I can’t complete. Or maybe I’ll post it below… because CustomsForge still hasn’t made a better text submission system that allows gaps. On the subject of gap, bad tabs. I’m seeing more and more of this crappy ‘I’m gonna pull a tab from a midi’ or ‘Pull a tab from another tabber’ thing. I’ve deleted, and counting, over 800 CDLC’s due to one of the following things: Bad tabs, bugs, bad note tracking, no dynamic difficulty, or lack of instruments. Because I first, listen to a band and if I like a lot of their songs, I will most likely want to or enjoy learning them. And I download all the available CDLC unless there’s an album I hate… like that Slayer album that went from metal to punk, what the funk? And the tab quality has gone down over the years I guess. You don’t even need to be a tabber to upload a tab. The requirement for a tab to be uploaded, to Ultimate Guitar at least, because I’ve seen some shit tabs on here, I’ve seen worse, but Ultimate Guitar, has my trust. I want them to make the requirement ‘The song must have the right dynamics, and that must be 95% correct at least’ it’s fair, because any shmo can upload a Slayer tab, and say ‘I tabbed this by ear.’ but there’s missing palm mutes. I wouldn’t call it a Slayer tab then. And you would have to be a fool to upload a Cannibal Corpse tab without palm mutes… like the 40+ people that currently do. Not every song will have them, but if people are taking the time out of their day to download a tab, check it, check the info, check the song exists, they can probably listen to it too. That’s what I’d do if I was approving tabs. That should apply to every tab submission place, if not, there’s no point in giving these tabs out. Below is the tabs I’m gonna make:

    1. EeveeonE





      - Drift Stage – Main Theme

      - Crow'sclaw – Maid, Blood, R’N’R

      - Crow’sclaw - Planetarium

      - Crow’sclaw – Bell of Avici

      - Crow’sclaw – Locked Girl

      - Crow’sclaw – Shoot Me, Take You

      - Crow’sclaw – An Old Alien

      - Crow’sclaw – Hibernation Sickness

      - Demetori – U.N. Owen Was Her

      - Demetori - The Mad Piero Laughs

      - Demetori – Wind Tour

      - Thunder Wolves - Can’t Help But Missile

      - Thunder Wolves Soundtrack - Operation Explosive Freedom

      - SOiL – Hear Me (Might tab)

      - SOiL – The Last Chance (Might tab, have intro) https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/soil/last_chance_guitar_pro_1448672

      - BLANKFIELD – Light Stream

      - BLANKFIELD – Stage 1 (Light Stream Cover)

      - BLANKFIELD - Beater

  2. I’m happy to announce, I may be trying to tab Demetori – Shanghai Teahouse again. When I tried to tab it before, the Bpm went all funky. In the song that is. And I asked someone on UG to tab it out. So far, it hasn’t been attempted yet. But, with Ancient Temple, I found a nice trick to sync the entire song. First, I need to tab the Rhythm. The rhythm is the metronome of any song, at least now it is, to me. And that will decide what BPM a song is. Because the lead can be really easily tabbed if the Rhythm is done first. And I did that with Ancient temple, after tabbing lead… and found out there wasn’t as many BPM changes as I thought. And doubling the BPM if it’s around 160 or less, is possible to make a terrible BPM changing song, sync with the tab. It won’t work all the time, but it’s useful for tab reading. As for tabs I got lined up for the summer, I think I have about 16 or more? Ranging from SOIL to Crow’sclaw and even Thunder Wolves (That game, yeah). Also whilst I’m here. My new profile picture, is of my newest guitar. A Kiesel DC600 with Nightburst and Blackburst edges. It’s beautiful. It’s the best guitar I ever played. It’s the best sounding guitar I’ve ever played. It’s the highest quality guitar I’ve ever seen. Kiesel, you make the best guitars. And it was the cheapest custom guitar ever I think? This only costed $1500. Considering the parts I got on it were half price, that is not bad at all. For this quality, performance and sound, it’s everything I ever wanted in a guitar. The only guitar I want now, is one or two of few things. I want a new six string bass. I want Caliburst… or ocean to sand colour on it, with poplar burl of course. But, I either want a Skervesen Prometheus… which I’m unsure about because of their ‘6 month waiting time’. Well, my guitar from Kiesel, took 3 months to build. That has to be a standard surely? Double that is ridiculous to be honest. So I might go for a Vader because there are carbon fibre truss rods I think? So instantly it’s lighter. The issue with my Harley Benton is the E string doesn’t tune properly, and it’s just way too heavy. It’s 6-8 KG I think. It isn’t something that’s killing my guitar holders, but its annoying, it can sometimes hurt my leg depending on how I’m sitting. And there is no way anyone can wear this on their shoulders. Fuck that. Some idiot as HB HQ said ‘This is a usable six string bass guitar. We won’t replace the truss rods for carbon fibre, we’ll just use the heaviest materials we have’. So that’s why I might ignore Skervesen. I don’t know what Truss rods they use and if they even bother to make it light weight. But a Kiesel, I’m certain it would be light. Warwick. Whoa there, I’m not investing in the millionaires club. Neither giving them any attention. To be honest, I’d rather buy an Ibanez than a Warwick bass. I don’t see what’s so good about Warwick to be honest, they make nice looking guitars, but their pricing, regardless of whether you care about the environment, is ridiculous. A tree is a tree. They get cut down. They regrow. Nothing can change what the wood is and therefore the price shouldn’t matter. And this Kiesel is proof that cheap custom guitars don’t require any special labelling or special people to build it. So yeah. Also, I’m still playing HoTS. It’s a game I’m going back to and leaving. I can’t wait for the Overwatch Archives update.

  3. So I finally decided up upgrade my EOF which I haven’t upgraded in 2 years, in the hopes that it will fix grace notes and Guitar Pro imports in general. I don’t know if it has yet, but this software is garbage, regardless of how much I use it, it has the same issues every time.

  4. Sorry for not being active for a while. A few things. First, requests. I’ve been considering how I take requests, what requests I will most likely complete. I made a list of bands and games I will most likely create CDLC for, or maybe even tab if you’re lucky. Second, I’ve been busy with other projects. Third. I was practising guitar nearly every day for hours. But, I got into HoTS again recently. It’s one of those games that visually, it’s really beautiful, it could be more beautiful, but gameplay wise, it’s really fun. Other than Chromie and Sonya with heal talents only. But, gem only skins are stupid. RIP HoTS’ skin system for new heroes. So, CDLC and Tabs. What should you expect from now? CDLC, all the Omnific and Scale The Summit – In A World Of Fear. As regards to tabs. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t feel much guilt for using these for educational purposes. The reason being, why would you release your tabs for GP5 download and so on? People are gonna buy it and reupload it. Just look at my old STS. Most of them, do my knowledge, is their tabs. It’s because websites other than Ultimate Guitar, let them on there. And you know what, I don’t really give a shit what happens to myself or anyone who uses these tabs for educational purposes. My point is, if you want the tabs, buy them. The CDLC is free. And you should be supporting bands whenever you can. I’d buy all my MP3 files from Bandcamp if they even existed on there. It’s genius, you get all the song details, all the right names, song lengths, etc. No bullshit 1900’s quality wax music. I like to buy only from bands who I feel have put hard work and effort into songs, like Demetori, I would fucking love to pay £100 for all the albums and songs in the highest quality format, but because no such thing exists, I’m stuck to using YouTube videos. I do get pleasure in wasting my money on good bands and songs. As for tabs, I have two ‘Musts’ which should be completed before summer. Both Demetori. Here’s the hints. _____ Temple. __ ___ who sold the ____ Bonus, for a tab that I might make during the summer. It’s from a band called SOiL. I was introduced to them by my mother, with the song Halo, and being the person I am, I approached the band with an open mind. First album, meh. Second album, good. Third album and onwards, really good. It’s not like melodic in anyway. But, the vocals are great, the guitars are pretty good too. Simple, but good. One of the songs, is: ___ Me So, let’s hope I get all this CDLC done quick so I can tab these songs, and whilst I’m playing HoTS, I’m gonna play it for until my stimpack runs out, which is when I just play for the daily quests. I’m trying to get all my heroes to level 15.

    1. Huile


      I'm looking especially forward to ___ who sold the ____! Keep up the good work! Did you know you can buy Demetori's two latest albums from https://ovs.akbh.jp/products/list.php?maker_id=771 ? FYI, the shipping is a bit expensive. Here's a source link to Demetori's web site where they tell you can buy the albums from that web address: http://demetori.xii.jp/ Quote from their site: ""Determinism & DestruKction" and "Lebenstrieb & Todestrieb" will be dealt with "AKIBA-HOBBY".

      Because it is thing that shipping to overseas is also possible, please use it."

  5. A small update. My headset and mouse came. I’ve had nearly a week to adjust to it. The mouse, gorgeous. Very pretty to look at on full brightness. Unfortunately, it lights up when the PC turns on, which may not sound bad, but considering I leave my PC asleep, and it wakes up randomly sometimes, I really wished it didn’t do that. Because it makes my room too bright and there’s no way to turn it off. Until I get my sleep mask, that’s something I gotta put up with. I suppose the mouse is really well designed. It’s a Razer Basilisk. The right weight, good DPI, and DPI clutch. SCROLL WHEEL RESISTANCE, WTF. Sides made of rubber. Evenly weighted mouse buttons. One issue with it is more of a worry. I don’t know if the Razer logo is under the finish or laser cut from the finish, which is the wrong way to do it. My keyboard has withstood over a year of use and abuse, so I expect the mouse to survive longer, if not, disappointed. As for the headphones… did not 100% live up to expectations. The headphones, alright design, the metal bar seems useless. The foam is fairly comfortable even though you won’t feel it most of the time. It’s fully adjustable, so much better than my last pair in every way so far. The audio controller is shit, it’s located near the chest, it should be a clip on at the neck or waist. Bad design there. The weight is good, it sits and stays nicely on my head. It blocks out quiet noises, not necessarily loud music from next door though. Works with eye wear. The headphone speakers or whatever, are iffy. You need to have them even to get the same audio output from each side. One side can sound louder based on angle, then when you move it, it fucking sounds perfect. The audio quality is okay, to be honest. The mic, I don’t know, because it just comes with one audio jack, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with that, I had to put it in headphone of course, and the mic doesn’t work as a result. But, if this withstands a year of use, which my other headphones did, without breaking the adjustable parts, or breaking anything really, then I can say this was worth my money. At the moment, I’m unsure. Also, I’m tabbing two ‘Must’ songs that I labelled that I just remembered. Surprisingly, they both have Dream in their name. If you can guess what it is, well done. That’s the only hint I’m giving you.

  6. Well... I just listened to two and a half hours of Mushuggah. Not bad, I really like the later stuff though, more Djenty and has LOW NOTES. DEAR GOD I NEED THE BATHROOM

  7. Here’s a big update for you guys. So, winter, I’m assuming by the constantly changing warm to cold to warm weather, is coming to an end. And that means I have to open my windows soon… which sucks. But, I have recently purchased a Razer Thresher, and a new mouse because my current mouse is a mess. It works fine, but I will keep it as a backup. I got the Razer Basilisk. Because I know that at some point, I’m gonna go back to Overwatch (I quit because I was getting angry, and I didn’t see much point in collecting skins or levelling up any more) And I definitely have a use for the DPI clutch. I will use it for speed moving my mouse across the street, or spazzing out in game. It will be pretty funny. But I was so hyped to see this mouse. It was out in the US, I was waiting for it to come to the UK. It’s gonna be interesting. The reason I bought a new headset too whilst I was at it. My current headset, literally has DIY work I’ve done on it, all over it. It lasted a good two years. It wasn’t a Razer fortunately. Because I’m actually gonna start praising Razer now. I will explain why later. This headset supposedly ‘Cancels outside noise’. As shown in a video by some guy who was actually making a random video about the Razer Thresher, it showed and this was what I was worried about, it showed that it was designed to keep out noise, so you hear a child scream outside your house, the headphones should block out that noise, and that’s the reason why I bought it. I hear a lot of noise where I live, and in the summer, that’s a pain in the ass. Ear defenders are really uncomfortable, I do have a pair just encase, but I look forward to getting these headphones. A lot of money. I’m expecting good quality… and if it is, then I will praise Razer. And you wanna know why? Razer keyboards, and mouse mats. My first ever Razer product was a Kraken pro I think? I got it in pink, and I won’t lie, I think those were the best headphones I ever had, and they broke, I was only getting one audio output (To one ear). I have no idea how it happened, but I forgive Razer for that, because technical difficulties do happen. Surprisingly, my Rocksmith realtone cable has been working for years. 0 damage do it, looks brand new. So with the headphones, I just got rid of them, they weren’t really any use. I then took it upon myself I think about either a year or two ago, where I decided, I was a big Overwatch fan, I wanted merch, and I wanted a new keyboard most importantly. I had used many keyboards. Under £25 LED’s. A blank keyboard (Which is my second favourite, it has no key printing on it, it’s just blank, I’m a good touch typer) I even got given a Razer Blackwidow with Macro keys by a friend, I never got along with it, it wasn’t LED. And in the end, I was fed up of these cheap keyboards not working properly, or the keys wearing off. Then I discovered the Razer Blackwidow, which I liked, and I decided to replace it, because I was stuck with that at the time. I found it was LED lit, backlit, had Overwatch on it, had the Overwatch font. It was beautiful, and I had a thing for neat things at the time, like the Overwatch hero colour showing on the keyboard, that was a neat feature, which sadly no longer works for some reason. So I got this keyboard, first impressions, really good, I literally only had to plug it in and it installed Razer Synapse for me. I customised it. Really really happy with this so far. Got around to using it. My only complaint is the noise that the keys make. I guess if you’re wearing the Thresher, it’s useful for knowing when you’ve clicked a button. So, skip around to a year later, thousands upon thousands of hours of use. To give you an idea of what that’s like. I use my PC every day. I at least use the keyboard anywhere from 3-16 hours per day. For a year. My most used keys are the WASD, shift, space ETC. All typing keys for basic things. And no wear. Literally, no wear. There are marks from where the satin finish I guess is not satin, I’m assuming it’s satin. It looks shiny basically. It can have a reflection. BUT THE FUCKING PRINT IS STILL THERE? WHATEVER IS THIS SORCERY? FIND THE MAN WHO BUILT THIS KEYBOARD. BURN HIM… A PIG. FEED HIM THAT BIG, AND GIVE HIM A MEDAL. If it wasn’t for all the bits and bobs getting behind the keys in the backlit area, I would say this looks almost brand new. I’ve never had any issues with this, and very little issues with the software, and because of that, I recommend Razer keyboards. Or at least the Blackwidow. As for the mouse mat. Really durable. It’s a long Overwatch mouse mat which fits both mouse and keyboard on it. Print quality is great, scratches and marks are there, but regardless, good mouse mat until you move it a lot. Then the grip collects dust. I currently have it pinned underneath my secondary monitor. But god damn I am becoming a Razer fanboy, I swear, if these next two products are amazing, and durable, I will kneel before the almighty Razer. You’re not paying for the name in that case, you’re paying for the GAME. The game being ‘The long search for a decent and durable piece of hardware’ As for updates, with the headphones, I’m hoping they will work. I will begin tabbing in the summer, where I plan on not playing many video games. The reason being, is my room gets really warm. Even here in the winter, it’s like 23 degrees Celsius, playing no games. So to prevent my room from burning me alive, in the summer, I will choose to put my time into drinking lemonade with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or a cream soda without the bullshit inside it. And tabbing. I’m gonna save my tabs until the summer, so I can relax and not focus entirely on games. I might play Cyberpunk 2077 when that comes out, Borderlands 3 YES PLEASE. The next Witcher game if any. A new Doom if there is ever gonna be a sequel. And Overwatch of course, assuming the updates are any good. So look forward to all that I guess. I will create CDLC early so I can play games. I have all The Omnific tabs now. And most of Scale The Summit Bass tabs, all the Guitar Tabs. The thing with Scale The Summit, is I like them as a band. I’ve never been asked ‘Why do you still like them? Chris is a cunt right?’ I didn’t understand what the band were trying to say when they were in an interview, I mean the drummer, Mark, and Travis. So I was sorta fearful of how the band would sound now, which fortunately, was just the same as before with less bass. So I decided the other day, to look at why they broke up again, and apparently, Chris was saying he couldn’t afford to pay the band and tour or something? I read this really weird article which sourced all the statements. It started with one of the producers I think, posting a meme. The ‘I can’t afford to pay my band starter pack’ which is pretty immature to be honest. I hate memes usually unless they’re really creative. This was more like mocking someone. And trust me, I have a lot against rich people who beg for more money. So I do more research, Chris apparently tried to defend himself, he made a good point though, his wife, I think was a number 1 new york times selling author or something like that, so that explains the large income, but I will say this. If you’re spending money on Lamborghini’s and big houses when you don’t need them, you don’t deserve that much money. I would be perfectly happy with an apartment myself, but only if it meets my requirements. At the end of the day, I don’t judge people by their pasts or their actions. If their profession is music, then leave it at that. It should be treated like a job or a hobby. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s fine. Chris isn’t really hurting anyone by keeping Scale The Summit alive. He’s made me happy. And I can stay happy, because the band breaking up has nothing to do with the music, and like everything, this just flies away and becomes irrelevant. It’s like the when a band member leaves or dies, they are mourned to an extent, and forgotten until you remember it. And this is just something that we’re going to forget, it’s happened, I don’t think anything can change it. If a pedophile works in a school, well, obviously he needs to be dealt with appropriately. Fired from the job of course and sent somewhere where he wouldn’t potentially harm someone. If a murderer works as a butcher. Perhaps they shouldn’t work in using tools or machinery. And we have to forgive people sometimes, for the most vile actions. People can change. And that is a good thing for a lot of people and a lot of bands, businesses, laws, etc. Not every change will necessarily be benefiting you, but if everything was as it was, things could go wrong. So the point of all of that, was to say really, don’t base someone’s present or future based on their past, because it will make them out to be someone they are not. The present I will call about a month, I guess. The past, more than a month. And the future is infinite. It’s one of the most important pieces of advice I can give anyone. Who knows, Kurt Cobain might have been a pedophile, but if he can play his music well, then that’s just his job at the end of the day. Raping kids has nothing to do with it. It will if it requires a prison sentence, and it should, but please do keep that in mind. I see way too many opinions used to slam someone for who they are when they are only doing their job. One example I can give I guess. Is I’m not particularly keen on Jeremy Clarkson, for the reason that he’s a conservative supporting asshole. And if I was really into cars and stuff, I would watch Top Gear or the Grand Tour, and ignore the fact that he is an asshole. And you know, that’s partly an invasion of privacy in a way, the fact you latch onto something you heard about someone that may or may not be true, and use that against them. That’s like exposing any person ever. If a YouTuber gets caught torturing someone for example, that shouldn’t affect who they are as a YouTuber. A taxi driver, will drive people around. That’s that, the taxi driver doesn’t necessarily intend to kidnap them unless they have done that in their job. Personal life affects job = fired. Job affects only job = Okay. It’s really simple. With that massive rant done, I suppose I should close by saying the CDLC coming up. The Omnific Scale The Summit (Listening to more albums at the moment, I might find a band I really like)

  8. I hope you're all enjoying the Scale The Summit CDLC. I might work on The Omnific if they have released the Kimset tabs. Dear god, that album is so good... except for one song where they play in this weird key, which I noticed, some bands seem to have this one song that just sounds so weird, like the notes don't fit. I'm also listening to System Of A Down at the moment. My now favourite band ever. For its creativity, meaningful lyrics, insane vocals, heavy guitar (And light in some intros) it's just amazing. Also, I never knew Serj played acoustic guitar. Pretty awesome.

  9. This should be a bassists wet dream. Someone get me some paper towels

  10. Just started listening to Periphery albums... they remind me a lot of BLANKFIELD.

  11. Scale The Summit In A World Of Fear CDLC coming out soon, with Guitar and Bass. Don't get me wrong, I love the band, and this entire album, but a tab book that costs more than the song is a bit weird, but genius too. I won't upload this to Songsterr, because the band doesn't allow their tabs to be just uploaded like that. However, I'm using them for educational purposes. To teach advanced guitar players how to play Scale The Summit, and teaching myself. So with that said, please show a little respect to the band, and don't buy the tabs and upload them randomly.

  12. Alright, time to slam the Cannibal Corpse tabbers. For some odd fucking reason, most of the tabbers can't put in 'Palm mutes' or 'tab the solo'. The solo bit I can understand, but there were tabs that just didn't even have an attempt at the solo, and some tabs, one I tried today, had completely the wrong solo, for the wrong song, where in the hell does Cannibal Corpse go up to 24 frets? So I'm pretty pissed about it. I tried several tabs and it's all the same garbage. It's missing palm mutes, it's missing dynamics, wrong timings, missing arrangements. Honestly, these are some of the worst tabs I've ever seen, I reckon I would be able to do a better job if I could pick out low notes, but fucking hell. I'm never making a Cannibal Corpse CDLC until an actual tabber can tab their songs. Or at least upload the tab books. In brighter news, I am considering uploading Scale The Summit's new songs. I purchased their Guitar Pro tab book, which I'm still waiting to receive as of the time I wrote this. And I will be using it for educational purposes. One thing that doesn't make a lot of sense, is the tab books are $20 whilst the album is $5? Or £5 and £12. So I'm assuming the price increase is so that their tab isn't uploaded to UG or Songsterr by randoms. I won't do that myself.

  13. Would anyone by any chance know, if I purchase a tab book from Scale The Summit, would it be alright if I used it in a CDLC ONLY? I ask that because I see some of their tabs uploaded to UG and Songsterr, I would never do that myself, but I was just wondering if they allow the uploading of their tab books for learning purposes, not just to be put on the internet?

  14. So... I may be getting into Cannibal Corpse CDLC at some point. I found two songs from the database which are unplayable, not as in it's impossible play, but the sight reading is impossible to read. Partly to do with no sections, which I have no clue why that's still an issue. I also have gathered more tabs, and MORE MUSIC. I listened to some Falcom JDK Band stuff, which sounds amazing. If you like Demetori's quieter stuff, then you'll definitely like Falcom JDK's stuff, though it's not metal or rock, it's actually pop. It does a great job of sounding epic. It reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles (Mechanical Rhythm and Those Who Bear Their Name) and CROW'SCLAW (Pretty much the tones) There's only three or four songs from the Ys soundtrack that I would tab, out of twenty or more.

  15. Sorry about the database spam. I was updating my CDLC to remove the old Download links and supported platforms. The reason being, is because my cloud storage is not big. But, I will say this. If you play on a platform that isn't PC, please use the Custom Song Toolkit Creator, which has a part dedicated to bulk converting CDLC under 'Convert'. It's simple, Source is PC, target is any platform. Then you choose CDLC, highlight everything or somethings, and convert. Simple.

  16. I've just started listening to Cannibal Corpse. I'm not gonna lie, I've never heard death metal. So far, the vocals seem like noise, but the guitar is so CRUNCHY. I shall use death metal as a savoury snack. With rotting bloody semen on top.

  17. Upcoming possible rework for a Megaman CDLC. I discovered when I created a new Rocksmith profile to reset my song mastery's... and change the name to 'TailsAndCream'. I began completing easy missions like 'Play New Songs' and 'Get a great performance on Any Song' and it for some reason, suggests I complete my 100% mastery songs on Master Mode score attack... anyway. In my testing, I did the Megaman Songs as the get great performance songs. And I discovered that there is a song with the wrong notation... it was a seven string tab I think. So that will be coming out soon. Hopefully.

    1. EeveeonE


      False alarm. The notes were right, I think it's just the fact that it's a retro song, it has different effects. And possibly a different frequency some how.

  18. Yeah, I'm done with tabbing after my last two tabs.. this is fucking bullshit. The idiots who designed Windows Explorer, Tux Guitar, and Google Chrome, need to be fired. It was not designed with the intention of actually working. Which all of these fail to do. Windows Explorer causes lag everywhere. Tux Guitar lags for no reason at all, even on high priority, and Chrome takes an unnecessary amount of usage for no reason at all. And bit coin miners can't touch me because I'm protected from that shit. That and annoying pop up ads which appear when you click on a hyper link.

  19. I just bought the Danmaku Unlimited 2 Soundtrack. For a few reasons, one, BLANKFIELD Is fucking awesome. Two, MY RIGHT EAR IS SO LONELY. Three, EIGHT STRING GUITAR

  20. A small update. I’m on my last 8 tabs. If you’re wondering where most of them went, it’s because I really want to get these done so I never have to tab songs for a while. I want to play Minecraft survival and perhaps play a Steam game for once. I thought of getting Opus Magnum, it looked like an interesting puzzle game, definitely my sort of thing because I hate puzzle games with deaths and platforming. Unless it’s a first person shooter, then I would play it. I want to write a statement about why I’ve removed some tabs from my list. Firstly, there was the whole Demetori – Chinese Tea crap that I went through. I would have made a tab for it if the BPM was right. An ultimate guitar user told me after I made the request for that tab, that it was between 176 and 181 bpm… pretty shitty. And makes no sense. So I’ll wait for a tab for that before I make a CDLC of it. Or tab it even. Then there was other tabs. I had a couple left when I completed Heartfelt Fancy earlier. - 200kmh, a not very well known CROW’SCLAW said. I listened to it, wasn’t into it, not a tab I would do. - The Pacifier by Sync Arts. From a Japanese band. I’ll admit, the song sounds good in places, but it wasn’t enough to make me want to learn it. - Grief of Ressentiment by Demetori. A part acoustic part electric guitar song like Eastern Dream. It sounds good, it’s just one of those songs I like to listen to, but there wasn’t anything I really wanted to listen to, and the riff sounds very familiar too. I can’t remember where I heard it, I might have tabbed it before. - Far Beyond the Stars by BLANKFIELD. Another from the Danmaku Soundtrack, and you know what? I’M SO PISSED! You won’t believe it. I was going to tab this willingly. Until… I heard a riff. A riff that sounded so fucking familiar, I’m not going to tab it. The main part of this song, is remixed, it’s got a random Rhythm riff, with the solo from Final Battle. I’m not joking, compare them. - Flame For Puja. A beautifully composed song, good to listen to, but I think the timing was completely off when this song was recorded, and as a result, I got one BPM, but it wasn’t counting the BPM for the intro part, so I ended up scrapping this tab, I got the chorus notes right, but that was it. I gave up on that. Wish me luck now.

  21. Change of plans. I want to rush these tabs to get around to working on other projects, and play games. I’m going to tab every song I want to tab before I get my first ever custom guitar… which arrives and falls into my hands in March. Unfortunately, doing this, is going to drive me insane, but also sharpen my ability to tab. The way I tab is different to how others do it, I prefer if my method was not shown. Today though, after completing another tab, I decided to try a Demetori tab. But, the BPM was all wrong. The entire song might have been improvised and off beat, because the MP3 to BPM converter was saying it was three different BPM’s with 3 different audio files. 100. 102. 117. The song was Shanghai Teahouse, Chinese Tea. The intro, simple, it was 172-173 BPM because it might have been played in triplets. Because it wasn’t syncing on the other two BPM’s. Then I got to the part where the electric guitars start, and here it went okay, then it went straight to shit. I have no clue what happened, but the notes went from being in sync, to being un synced. I literally have no clue what has happened, so at this point, this is a failed tab which I’m never going to touch again until this fucking MP3 to BPM website will give me a proper BPM. Though it’s impressive, it’s obviously not tested. And this is why. My tab I just completed, got given a BPM. The BPM was 125. So I tried that, the song had some weird timings, and I noticed that the beats weren’t in line with the audio. So I tried writing the tab differently, only at the beginning, then I decided to try the audio again. BUT, upload a shortened version… it gave me the right BPM. It was 140. LIKE, HOLY FUCK, WHAT? HOW DOES THAT WORK? I’m so pissed! I tried that with Chinese Tea… but why when I used this converter before did it give me the right BPM every time and only these songs it fucked up on? Anyway, I’m trying a 3rd tab now, I might update you in a comment under this status, if I don’t. It means things have gone well.

  22. Some small updates. I actually almost completed my months work of Tabs. Surprisingly. I will set a goal each month to complete a certain amount of tabs. I have around 30 left, so 8 per month would be reasonable for me. But I do want to complete them quicker for a few reasons. The first one is, I want to play games a lot. Not many people have the opportunity I have, and though I hate playing video games, there are some I can always enjoy. Overwatch is enjoyable if I am not angry before I play it. If I’m angry during it, I get carried away and play my worst hero since everyone else is playing worse than me. But then there’s Minecraft which recently caught my interest. To give you a little back story, I hate PVP Minecraft. Survival is my favourite. I have never once reached the end legit or in Vanilla, but I would love to make an attempt at getting there, especially since the Elytra has been added. My favourite texture pack is between John Smith, Dokucraft and Sphax. Also, I only run two or three mods usually with Minecraft. Optifine, Shaders since they actually WORK AND ARE EASIER TO INSTALL, and Too Many Items for all my recipe needs. I have not once made a potion in Minecraft, believe it. Thousands of hours, not a single one spent making potions. I want to make a survival world, where I do everything up until the very end game. Find an ender dungeon, build different bases, underground, sky, water. Grab some Elytra wings. There is a lot I want to do in one world in single player. To give you an idea of my survival skills, I always have a water bucket in slot 1, I never bring diamond armour to the Nether. I organise everything I collect. I’m looking forward to playing survival with shaders. Also when I’ve finished everything. If I ever find a song to tab, I will tab it immediately. And the other positive about this is I might get some time to write my own riffs. I have trouble writing down what I think of in my head, be it a solo or a riff, I can barely remember, but I would be able to take my time after tabbing to make a guitar solo. I want to make custom songs, that are not covers, if not, part cover part original. I suck with writing at the moment. I want to write songs based on games and characters I’ve played. One I need to work on is a Diablo song, about the High Heavens. Then I want to write a song for Tails and Cream, a proper one, my two favourite Sonic characters. And some for Pokemon perhaps? I love Eevee and all the Eeveelutions. Also, I’m attempting to purchase a custom guitar, finally. I will show what it looks like when it is built. It’s not Chinese. That’s all the info I’m giving.

  23. Just to let anyone know, I'm not AFK. I decided that I want to try to reach my goal for this month, which is to create 9 tabs. Tab 9 songs pretty much. And this one happens to be nearly 8 minutes long. If you can guess what it is, I will be very surprised. Because I wasn't expecting me to ever make this tab, but I did, and it was surprisingly easy. Also because I used double the BPM, it worked PERFECTLY. It is a little harder to sync with the song, but this method worked. The tab is easier to read to an extent, it has less Thirty Seconds in it. This song already exists in an acoustic form. But what it is will remained a mystery until possibly later tonight.

  24. A small update about the ‘Delete Please’ CDLC in the database. I was rewriting tabs as I’m sure some of you are aware. I wanted to improve a Demetori song whilst I was at it. Specifically, Oriental Dark Flight. I was an idiot and I fucked this up really BADLY. First of all, this tab was a nightmare from the start. It is SO DIFFICULT TO TAB. I think maybe in the future, some really advanced MIDI creator bot can make the tab, but at the moment, my human ears can’t even comprehend what is being played in this song. I am so confused. The song is definitely played on an eight string, the lead is fairly complicated. But the main issue I have is the notation. I’ve never encountered a… I guess death/black metal sounding song in all of my tabbing. Not to this extent at least to the point where every note sounds out of place to an extent. I think it might be because the tuning is like… F# 400 or something. 440 I believe is the standard frequency. I have no idea how to tab like this. I’ve never found a song like this. I enjoy it. So because whilst I was re tabbing it, it had the right BPM but the wrong timings, I decided to pull the plug on this CDLC and tab, because it’s not that easy to tab at all. I would appreciate if someone else tabbed it. Sorry if anyone is displeased about this, but the over all inaccuracy made this unplayable and un-tabbable if that’s a word. Every note on B standard and up sounds so similar, the reason bass is so easy to play is because it’s thick in string gauges and tone. You can play bass on an eight string by tuning to E Standard (Low) that would be E A D G C F A D, but if it’s distorted, it’s making it sound very crunchy or fuzzy making it harder to pick up notes, that’s why when a song is played clearly on high notes, it’s easier to tab.

  25. I recently played through almost EVERY SINGLE CDLC in my library. I ended up deleting over 1000 CDLC leaving me with around 800-1000 CDLC. That's not including DLC. There was a funny story about how I accumulated so much. I was listening to a lot of music during my college days, I heard everything from Megadeth to Venom, and even Bush and The Cribs. Hell, even The Pigeon Detectives and The Strokes. I was into all sorts of rock/metal. As a result, I liked a lot of songs if they sounded metal, but, I wasn't into the high note lead guitars, I used to like the Rhythm and chorus's. So I just downloaded everything I could find on here. But I realise now I don't want to learn every single one. So I played everything, from E Up F# (Only Shot In The Dark) E Standard - B Drop A (Slipknot and Five Finger Death Punch). Holy crap this was a journey. Now, I reset my Rocksmith profile to 0% everything, I will play every song I come across in Non Stop play or what I want to play, and try to get the highest score, my best hardest song was probably Through The Fire and Flames and For The Love of God. Through The Fire and Flames, I believe I got 86% on Lead. On for the love of god, I got 83% I think, maybe more. The only songs I ever 100% were Breaking The Law by Judas Priest and a bunch of Bass lines.

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