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Posts posted by Aquilae

  1. Take a look at these files, maybe they'll help.


    In EOF I charted that G chord as 3200xx and set the capo to 1.


    The first set of files I kept the XML as-is and used the SNG 2 XML feature in the toolkit.

    In these last two files I modified the XML so that the open notes = the capo value, the way that correctly registers in game.
  2. What effect would the Update SNG checkbox have on recompiling packages? Would that throw out any changes I was making to the XML or JSON files? I haven't manually re-compiled any SNG files yet, but I'll keep the Update SNG checkbox clicked when repacking.
    Experiment 1:
    I took a package that had been decompiled where the open fret values were 0 in the XML. I modified those open string values to 3 in the XML and checked the .json file where fret values for open strings were still 0. Then I recompiled the package.
    Result: Notes are registered correctly. Same as simply compiling the XML with open string values of 3, get weird boxes instead of strings.
    Experiment 2: I manually modified the XML files and changed the open strings to equal the capo fret, I compiled the package from scratch (used source files), decompiled the package, modified the .json file so that open strings are played as fret 0, recompiled.
    Result: Notes are registered correctly. Instead of open strings the game renders full note boxes at the third fret instead of the small graphic. Basically appears like the notes are simply placed right outside the fret hand position.
    Experiment 3: Same as above, unchecked Update SNG checkbox.
    Result: Same as above.
    Question: Does the game have any setting in the files somewhere that indicates how long an open string graphic is? Is it possible that for some reason something is being set where the string has a length of of 0 or whatever instead of stretching the length of the hand position? If you look closely at the image posted earlier with the odd dots you will notice that it is actually the open string graphic, but it's just floating at the 3rd fret and aligned vertically.
    1 and 2 had the same values in the XML & JSON but I got around to them differently and ended up with different results. I must be overlooking something in the way I'm modifying these packages in this order:
    1: Toolkit -> Unpack, Extract Song XML.
    2: Modify XML, JSON
    3: Toolkit -> Packer, Update SNG
    When I did the following I got different results:
    1: Manually modify XML
    2: Toolkit -> Generate Package from source materials
    3: Toolkit -> Unpack, Extract Song XML
    4: Modify JSON
    5: Toolkit -> Packer, Update SNG
  3. Okay, I've noticed another discrepancy between the .json files.


    The official has a rather large section before "ChordTemplates" simply named "Chords" and it's nearly 1000 lines long in this particular song. I won't post the whole thing due to the sheer size but it goes on like this:

            "Chords": {          "7": {            "0": [],            "1": []          },          "8": {            "0": [              16            ],            "1": [              16            ],            "7": [              16            ],            "13": [              16            ],            "18": [              16            ]          },          "9": {            "0": [              13,              16            ],            "1": [              13,              16            ],            "2": [              13,              16            ],            "3": [              13,              16            ],            "4": [              13,              16            ],            "5": [              13,              16            ],            "6": [              13,              16            ],            "7": [              13,              16            ],            "8": [              13,              16            ],            "9": [              13,              16            ],            "10": [              13,              16            ],            "11": [              13,              16            ],            "12": [              13,              16            ],            "13": [              13,              16            ],            "14": [              13,              16            ],            "15": [              13,              16            ],            "16": [              13,              16            ],            "17": [              13,              16            ],            "18": [              13,              16            ]          },-snip-

    Now I'm guessing that this may have something to do with chords for different difficulty levels since it seems to repeat so many times but that's just a blind guess.

  4. Yeah, I've had the same experience. Open strings work fine for single notes but just fall apart during chords.


    I've scoured the rest of the files and I can't find any other references to chords or finger positions. Only place I've found them is in the manifests/ .json and songs/arr/ .xml files.


    I've manually modified the .json file and recompiled the package but the arrangement plays the exact same. At this point I'm stuck again. Clearly there is a mismatch between how the toolkit is handling capos and how the official songs do, but I'm not quite sure where else to look.

  5. I purchased 3AM and have taken a look at the decompiled package and I may be on to something.

    The XML files are the same, open strings are charted as 0 in the official files


    However, when I look at the manifest/.json files I see something different:


    From Ghost:

            "ChordTemplates": [          {            "ChordId": 0,            "ChordName": "G",            "Fingers": [              2,              1,              -1,              -1,              -1,              3            ],            "Frets": [              6,              5,              0,              0,              0,              6            ]          },

    Notice that the open strings are marked with fret 0.


    Now, from 3AM:

            "ChordTemplates": [          {            "ChordId": 0,            "ChordName": "G#",            "Fingers": [              2,              1,              -1,              -1,              3,              4            ],            "Frets": [              4,              3,              1,              1,              4,              4            ]          },

    The song is played with a capo on 1, and in this case the open strings are marked with a fret number equal to the capo.


    Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck yet in manually modifying the json file and recompiling, but I'll keep at it.

  6. DLCs like Matchbox Twenty's 3AM and Oasis' Wonderwall both have capo chords but I don't own them so I can't break them down to see how they work.


    I opened the rs1compat file and looked at one song I knew needed a capo, Just Got To Be's Rhythm chart, but that doesn't use open strings in the chords. I'm not sure if there are any other songs in that file that use capos to look at.


    Have people figured out capos yet? I'm having a problem with capo chords.

    Make sure the toolkit reflects that a capo is in use for the arrangement. If you can post the project file I'll take a look, but Rocksmith seems to have pretty glitchy support for capos as it is, or at least capo support is a little unstable for customs as a whole.


    This is a very late reply to this question but if you could take a look at this project file and see if I'm doing something wrong I'd really appreciate it, it's the last issue I have to finish for this particular song. Here you go.


    Edit: I should clarify that Part_Real_Guitar_22 is the part with the issue.

  8. I'm having difficulty charting a song with a capo and I'm hoping someone can help me figure this out.


    The song is played with a capo on the 3rd fret, In EOF I've set the capo position to the third fret, and Rocksmith correctly has me install the capo during tuning. That's about as far as it works.


    Chords appear correctly but are not listening for the right notes for open strings. For example, an Am-shaped chord like x02210 at the third fret appears in-game as xo443o (o being open strings) and should be listening for x35543. However, the game is listening for me to play x04430, as in playing the actual open strings WITHOUT the capo installed on the guitar.


    I can remove the capo and play the song as indicated on the screen and it registers all the chords correctly but obviously sounds dreadful.


    Chords without open strings work fine, and individual open string notes register correctly. Only chords with open strings fail to work properly.


    I'm using the latest EOF and tooklit

  9. I'll use some tabs as reference but I'll put everything into EOF by hand and go over it many, many times by ear to make sure everything is accurate. A lot of songs have some very subtle notes, bends, slides, pull-offs, etc. and matching the song as close as possible is what makes Rocksmith so fun to use.


    For bass arrangements I'll almost always chart completely by ear because most bass tabs are so wildly inaccurate. Plus bass usually stands out in the mix more than the guitar, there is usually only one bass and bass chords are infrequent, unlike guitars which can be layers or guitars and varied chords.


    I believe I found a bug in the latest beta. The track volume setting doesn't appear to apply to the song preview.


    Reverting to fixed the issue.

    Those was done to avoid low volume Preview audio in some cases, I need to set it more quiet (like -6 by default its -4 now)Its not a bug its feature, lol.


     Well this doesn't quite work for me. In my case the preview audio was way too loud. IMO the preview audio should match the track audio as this makes it much easier to match the volume level of official tracks. At the least you should be able to manually adjust each volume level.

  11. That would be a very useful feature. I think just showing notes that don't fit the active snap would be most useful, since I haven't seen very many songs that require multiple values.


    Would it possible to add an extra feature to the re-snap note dialog box that appears when notes would snap to the same location?

    It'd be very useful if EOF would seek to the location of the notes causing the error and allow you to cancel the merge.

  12. Have people figured out capos yet? I'm having a problem with capo chords.


    I've got a capo on the third fret and I've got an Am chord shape x02210. In game the chord shows properly, x05540 with the 0s being open strings. However, the game will not detect the chord correctly with the capo (ie: x35543) and it will only register if the capo is removed and x05540 is played.


    Single note open strings work perfectly with the capo in place, only the chords with open strings are affected.


    In EOF the capo is set at the third fret and I've tried the ignore capo setting on and off, though I'm not quite sure what that does.

  13. I'm working on Ghost, but since it's one of my very first customs it needs a ton of re-working. Parts of the chart needed a few minor sync tweaks, but that threw out hand positions across the entire chart. Since I'd need to re-set hand positions for every difficulty level, I think it will be quicker for me to nuke all the DD and re-chart it from scratch. 


    It's also a song that I spent many, many hours working on in the past so I'm fitting work on it between other new customs so I don't burn out.

  14. I've worked more on Night Time, both guitars are charted. I need to get around to the bass, lyrics, DD, and tones sometime.


    Also started some work on Black Sheep. I'll probably end up doing two arrangements for that song, the guitar and synth are somewhat similar and hard to tell apart and both would be fun to play.


    On a more amusing note I recorded a short little song this week and then decided to chart it for Rocksmith real quick. Pretty funny to play something like that in-game.

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