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Posts posted by papillon

  1. I think it's the same when using only the default tone - when adding the In Flames customs it does not load all album covers in the songlist (it displays the default cover for many customs and dlc which worked before) and the game tends to freeze or crash when playing other customs (which worked before adding the Flames customs). After removing them (which are using the same tone names) it's fixed (all covers loading and no freeze on other customs). It's on the mac version and I guess that it's some caching and when using the same tone names these will interfere and breaking it. Maybe this effect depends on the number of customs in the dlc or other side effects. It's just as an information to avoid possible problems, because there're customs which have only a default tone or other issues which is not the case on yours. I've not tested if it works when all other customs are removed (these freezes are not always reproducable and when removing and readding a custom it can be fixed or be broken) - I only know that some customs break rocksmith and that it could have different reasons related to the build process, the custom itself, the conversion to another platform, the custom tones and so on.

    And when dl a custom you've to deal with that or keep with only official ones.

  2. Hi,

    you've added customs tones, but the names are on some (I've not checked all) like "Bass", "Clean", "Rhythm", "Acoustic" which are too generic names. This causes problems when adding customs which are using the same tone names and breaks rocksmith.


    Changing them to tone names containing the song name + band - for example in the Alias custom

    "Flames Alias Bass", "Flames Alias Rhythm", "Flames Alias Acoustic" would avoid it.

  3. You can report them in the thread and maybe the contributor repacks it with the latest version of the toolkit, which might fix it.

    If you can play score attack this could be a problem with the showlights. I'd report any issue because if you don't and the contributor tests his customs only on pc he's not aware of that.

  4. I don't think we have a lot of spam over at the music forum I honestly can't remember seeing very much of anything else but what the forum actually offers. 


    In a forum like this you've only a few active members and most come only for the downloads. If you're a beginner and you want to learn with rocksmith you don't have the background to give comments on a custom, because you've no idea how to write it.

    With a mandatory post in a thread to dl you'll end in useless post which does not help the contributor but floods the thread - i.e. 500 want to download the custom and have to give feedback (=at least one post) in the thread - that makes 500 posts and more than 95% will be spamming to get the dl link.

    With all these restrictions you don't get more members active but you'd make it worse for the active members. just my 2cent


    For the thx button as I wrote - I think that this counter keeps a thread clean, because all "thanks" posts are ok in a small forum, but if you get as feedback 100 thanks for the custom it's shorter and less clutter with the other feedback. If you add more than the short sentence and write some words it would be ok, but a post with only "Thx for the custom" I prefer the button solution.

    • Like 4
  5. After downloading PC file, converting it with the Toolkit and updating the App ID, the CDLC shows up in my song list but when after tuning, the note highway shows up and just sits there.  Any ideas if I'm mission a step or something?  Thanks in advance!!


    Which one do you try to convert or does it happen with more than one?

  6. I think it's ok to add the information (creator, version, release date, link to custom thread) despite it will not prohibit that your customs become part of a file sharing.

    For the link to the customs thread - if the forum supports it you could add an unique number to the thread which is used by search to go directly to the thread.

    I don't know if a post has a unique ID, but if 1st post of the customs thread has the ID 666, add this to the custom and if you enter it in the search field you'll be directed to the 1st post of the custom thread.

  7. i have the excact same problem with no progression. ive replaced that same file over and over again with no luck, ive renamed all the app ids and have all the dlc needed and ive used different cdlcs, ive followed the directions in the video but nothing please help


    Since you've posted here I guess you're on pc - if you've followed the steps and make sure you've the lastest version I'd check if it's not blocked by any antivirus software (whitelisting it for example) and try it with a few customs to make sure it works at all. If you buy the Cherub rock official dlc which is used as a standard by most you don't have to change the AppID on every custom you're dl

  8. a thx button prevents a thread from beeing flooded with "thx"-one-liners, but not everybody uses it

    I'd not derive from the number of thx that people like or dislike your work. In a bigger forum it's always like that - you've less active members and most just go for the downloads.

    If noone dl it and no comments+thanks I'd start rethinking what is wrong, but if you've dl, no thanks and a few comments it's not that bad ;)

    • Like 2
  9. Many thx for all the "In Flames" customs you've already created - I've dl them (I hate retuning, but their tunings was one reason that no customs could be created from these in rs1 - tuning once and play more in a row or use a 2nd guitar could be a solution ;))

    Nice workshop.


    I'm not a friend of requests and pls don't see it as is - only as a suggestions

    Alias, The Mirrors Truth, Whoracle and their Land Of Confusion Cover


    Do you have a tab book or did you get them from the known archives?

    • Like 2
  10. MartyV - you're asking me about my age - you should read the previous post.

    I'm not posting your or anybody elses customs - but you have different standards and shouldn't the standards you impose to your work be valid for everybody else?

    The people who created customs on anvil are active in other forums and you want to recycle their work. Others will step in and recreate it from scratch or some may return, but if you start to upload their customs or pack them in torrents they may create new ones but won't share.


    I know that not every torrent is piracy - but with distributing customs like that you become a file sharing and not a community. If record labels will find that you start a file sharing then some may not ignore it.


    Because charters don't want that. We want to get feedback. And I do hope you are not posting every custom on other forums. I post them here and I want them to stay here.


    I'm not posting customs from others anywhere else - only my own ones ;)

    MVega should stop to impose different standards on his and others work - like said, contradicting himself. And users in general should not pack everything into a torrent or one big archive to share. As you wrote, you want them to stay here - as you can read in post #22 "out of respect for the site admin/owners" - where's the respect to the contributor who may not want that his work is shared in a big file sharing torrent? Maybe you've read over this post.


    I have the right to my opinion. No need to get nasty.



    I've not raised it to question. The people in the other forums like your customs - you indirectly agree that it's ok to pack all customs in a torrent and make a file sharing of it. Then I don't see a reason why it would not be in your interest if somebody takes your work and publish it whereever he likes. I see no difference and it was your idea to rescue customs :)

    I'd just have rescued yours in case you decide to leave or the forum closes if sharing customs becomes the main thing in this scene.

  13. Thx for your customs MVega - I've downloaded all of them and posted them on 6 different forums to spread them around. I'm sure you're ok with it.


    Some wrote a disclaimer that the custom is for educational purposes. If you start to create torrents (or is it a private torrent?) where downloading as much as you can is the primary target the "educationl purpose" is a very weak argument. And then you can cry about closing sites down, where the customs came from - it takes many to build a community (which you undermine) and only a few to bring it down. Before the run started I've taken all links down (it was the right decision).

  14. Great idea to pack everything into a torrent - I hope you did not forget to add the customs created by yourself. Is it for educational purpose to use torrents?

    Why does not everybody send his/her work to you and you add it to your torrent? Would be much easier than scrolling through a forum and writing some feedback.

  15. Reapply the AppID of your DLC and then try to add one custom (and use different ones) to see if it works at all - if you've dl one broken custom, it freezes at the amps or the notes highway. And if you add new ones, I'd check if they all work (one-by-one), because you'll not find the broken ones when adding all at once and customs working before could be affected.

    If you buy Cherub Rock you've a DLC most will use for a custom and you've not to change the AppID for every custom.



  16. I'm not getting nasty - you're insisting that only your view is the correct one :)


    If you ask the contributors which are not yet here I'm sure you'll get a link to download a custom.


    What you write about disappearance of the customs as a "hissy fit" of *some* people is wrong - it was not a group taking the site down, it was one person. But you're not the only one thinking it were mistakes by a group.

    The fact that the rocksmith 1 customs links will be down is like a evolution and for most there's a new 2014 version.


    About your guess that I never created a custom - you're right. It was not one, it were about 50.

    And I've to confess that I'm one of the inferior charters working with a guitar pro file with some minor corrections.


    Personally, I'm really proud of the work I've been doing -- screwups and all -- and I'm looking forward to sharing the final product with anyone who wants it. No one can take THAT away from me!



    You contradict yourself - on the one side you want to recycle others work without asking them (recreate it from scratch if you think one is missing or be kind and ask) and now you write how much work you put into a custom and no one can take it away.


    What custom are you creating? Please post the song and artist and 2 or 3 other charters with some experience should do it faster than you and publish it before you. Then re-read your posts if it discourages you.

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