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Posts posted by papillon

  1. Which means users should become more active in the five star rating.

    They are not asked to rate the song, but to rate the playability of the cDLC.

    A rating sytem was implemented on the former forum - the criteria for the ratings were poorly chosen and if you add as suggested "playability" it leaves much room for interpretation what "playability" is.

    Most users will not use it and the ratings will be inaccurate.


    Using the topic rating would not solve the problem - some members rate the song, others the bass arrangement or whatever. If you want to add a quality management you've to define the criteria and then a small group has to review the custom. With the amount of customs this would be a time consuming work which has been done by a few people in the former forum (with support of only a few users reporting customs which apply to the defined standards).

    • Like 2
  2. Are there any background tasks active while you're running Rocksmith?

    I've sometimes a crackling sound (but not after a few minutes - it's already when Rocksmith starts up) if I've not closed kodi or another program with audio output.


    It's just a guess and I would try to disable everything (for example no backup task, virus scanner if using one, ...) for a test.

  3. Main goal - getting rich and create as many customs as PC Plum did.


    A more appropriate goal when buying the first version of Rocksmith was to touch the guitar more often than before and from this it was a success and continued with the 2014 version. There're different methods to learn, but the motivation comes from Rocksmith and playing songs with others in a community. And of course the fact that I can play songs I like and create one by myself if it's missing.

  4. It's no emulation - you need a windows license (same like bootcamp) - there are solutions like wine bottler, but if you need windows for more windows-only programs I would use another solution.

    To name three

    - VirtualBox

    - VMWare Fusion

    - Parallels

    I'm prefering the VMWare Fusion - it's 60€ with a 30 day demo - VirtualBox is for free and I don't know the price of Parallels.

    If you're not using other windows programs you may start with VirtualBox.


    If you want to run windows games  on a mac a virtual machine might not work as expected - then you've to use bootcamp and rebooting to play the game.

  5. What exactly are you thinking of for the Java development piece?

    Dreddfoxx coded a tool for RS2012 which had some nice features and maybe you can get some ideas from it. The threads where users posted suggestions are gone with the old forum.

    What are the reasons to use Java? If it's portabillity there are 2 platforms where users might run it - PC and Mac. I don't know if it would take too much effort to code it and port it to OSX as a native app or running a virtual machine.

  6. You're solving discussions you don't like by deleting posts - and this is not the first time you did.

    You might give me the next non-expiring warning point, but maybe some people should stop to promote customs too offensive in public.


    The customs contain copyrighted material - agree?

    If you put it into a zip file or a psarc file where you have the tools to extract them is the same. Enjoy playing the customs, try to learn them, be a community, but don't shout it out everywhere that they exist. You'll be ignored if staying calm, but not if you act like a business owning any rights on the things you've to offer.

    And if you like it or not, the whole things with customs is reverse engineering of a game. You break the license agreement - I like to play more content in Rocksmith and there would be missing something. Don't throw the fact that you can play customs to Ubisoft or to record labels into their faces to many times.


    I've not read the replies before it has been deleted and can't answer to them, sorry.

    • Like 9
  7. Hi,

    I don't think that we have here the same situation as in the past in another forum, where one admin in the background refused to be transparent on costs and income.


    I'm not that active here and I don't know any details about the projects and what is done in the background. I know to run a large website is a lot of work and nobody will thank you for the time you spent on it.


    Just a few words on the list - my personal opinion and if there's a consenus on it then ignore it.

    For the costs I would give them on a fixed period like one year and dividing them into categories is a good idea. On some items a description what they are used for - before searching I had no idea what Slack is.

    Cutting costs is always a good thing, because you can't depend that users will always donate the necessary amount and then you end up paying the rest from your own pocket.


    These are only my thoughts

    - Slack is a paid service for communication? Why not using the forum with an internal forum only visbile for the staff for that? I don't see an advantage using a 100$/month extra service when you can have email notification in a forum.

    - If you have to pay for an addon and it has no trial period I would not use it at all - this should be standard that you try before you buy it.

    - What is or was the purpose of the Mediafire Business? For EOF this seems to take the sledgehammer to crack a nut ;) On their site they're reduced their price from 50$ to 25$ if this is necessary, but because not hosting files for what was or is it necessary?

    - Don't try to make developing everything new and again a too important task if you've a running system. If people like it as is, keep it for longer and make slight improvements.

    - The running fuel of the website are the developers (toolkit, eof), active users and quality customs (and their contributors) - site features are nice, but less important imho. Same for presence in social media like twitter and facebook.


    As said it's no offense intended and only being constructive in critics or comments.

  8. I know that GP5 has an option to import xml files, but there's an error that doesn't let me do it.

    The import of XML is musicXML which is different from the EOF XML files.


    I've used it from scanned pages as export format to get it into guitar pro. As it's an XML format maybe it's easier to experiment with this  (and not the binary gp format). If there's a possible transformation with it both would be XML and a conversion could be done in both directions.

  9. It depends on the difficulty of the song and your skill level - some hate DD and others love it (freedom of choice).

    The old way of RR where it stopped until you hit the correct note was not my taste - the new features in RR of 2k14 are ok, but I'm missing a way to switch DD off and keep the song on 100% even if you can't play it 100%. This would stop levelling down the sections you did not play well.

  10. Kickstarter will work for commercial projects but not for an opensource project where more than one will participate in the development. With more than one developer how would you distribute the raised amount among them? Lines of code, hours spent?

    A donation for a developer would be ok if you like the result. If you want a commercial tool ask a developer, give him a FS and talk about costs. Then if others like the tool ask for donations if you like. Everything else will not work and fortunately there are people supporting open source without taking money for it - without these (and some companies supporting them) you would not have free software.

  11. For a rating system all what firekorn wrote - an open system will not work at all, the criteria will never be clear enough, too many false ratings and most will not be interested to give a rating at all - it will be the same as with normal feedback. If I would write about the Anvil rating system and how it was done I would get my 2nd warning point.


    The songmanager for rocksmith 1 was a great tool from dredd - it started with DD remover and then evolved to what it was in the end. The backend to read the information from the customs used the toolkit lib and it added some features to manage all your customs.

  12. I've cited the question "what do people think about torrent packs?" - it was not my suggestion and I did not write that the poster would upload one. I'm no native speaker and don't know where's my misunderstanding in the post.

    By "being tolerated" I thought about other instances than contributors (which have invested their time), but they're not the copyright holders of the songs and music.

    With torrents you leave the field of "fair use" and "educational purposes" and become a file sharing and that is what I'm thinking of torrents. Then you may become a target of them, because "your work" contains copyrighted material.

    In a forum you could have a discussion and a community - in a torrent you're only distributing files.

  13. What do people think of torrent packs?

    Torrent would be just a way to dl everything you can get - you'll have no updates, no feedback in the threads and the idea behind creating a custom is "fair use" and educational purposes. Converting it to file sharing would not fit into it and I don't think that you'll be tolerated.

    What would be an advantage you see in providing one torrent for the cdlc?

  14. I've made some further testing and it seems that you're right that the names are not the reason for it.


    When adding only the In Flames customs to the dlc it works fine without an error.  Sorry for the false alarm and ty for your patience.


    Seems to be an unhappy coincidence that it happend when adding these customs. I've removed 20 customs, but can't see a pattern. Maybe it's a caching problem, a buffer overflows when adding more than a certain number of customs - or two customs interfere by some reason (I've no duplicates found). Or it's a bug in the mac version - which I can't report for obvious reasons ;)

    For example some custom tones don't work on mac but on pc and the first released version had a displaying bug. The fix to remove some customs is ok, because playing all at once will not happen and it will load faster.

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