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Posts posted by cozy1

  1. @@ghost lineage  Have you tried using CFSM to repair your CDLC?  With what results?  Only two of the CDLC on your list have actually been released as Mac CDLC.  These were created with old versions of the toolkit (prior to Remastered).  Which means the others have all been converted from PC to Mac (again maybe with old version of the toolkit).  You should re-download the CDLC from Ignition and then re-convert them with a new version of the toolkit.  Let us know what your results are.

    Footnote:  You may find some CDLC are not repairable with CFSM.  These need to be reauthored wth EOF and the toolkit.

  2. What you are trying to mod?  What is full file name and path of the original image within the archive?  Could you be specific about what you have tried so far?  You may want to give CGT a try (follow the link in my signature) it has a GUI for such things and you don't have to mess with converting jpeg/png images to dds files.

    • Like 1
  3. It's been a while, but IIRC injected images show as pink because you used a colored image when it should have been black n white, or this could be vice-versa.

    Are you using CGT or manually injecting images?

    Edit: also check image transparency or lack there of, IIRC this can also cause pink images.

    • Like 1
  4. Multi-threading was discussed in the CFSM ReleaseNotes.txt for version to  In a nutshell, using multi-threading speeds up the full rescan, and repair of your song data.  Here's an excerpt in case you missed it:
    - final multi threading build (thanks to everyone who helped with testing)
    - multi threading selection can be reset any time in 'Settings' tabmenu
      Note: In testing the use of multi threading improved CFSM performance by
            10-30%, i.e., the total CDLC rescan time was reduced using multi
            threading.  Also, system Task Manager showed better balanced CPU core
            usage.  Your individual results may vary.  It is left to you to test.
    Give this a try:1) CFSM>Settings tabmenu, press the 'Reset Threading' button 2) CFSM>SongManager>Rescan Full, or    CFSM>ArrangementAnalyzer>Rescan Full, or   CFSM>SongManager>Repairs>Run Selected Repair Options3) If you have a multi-core processor then you will see something like this message:
    NET Framework reports that you have a (coreCount) core processor ...
    Would you like to try running the CFSM repair options using
    the new multi-core support feature?"
    Repairs can be made using the old method if you answer 'No'
    Please send your feedback and 'debug.log' file to Cozy1.
    Threading selection can be reset in 'Settings' tabmenu"

    We will add something to Official CFSM Guilde about this later.

  5. This may have nothing to do with the ghost note and tone issues your experienced, but the template *.dlc.xml file that you included in the above Ghost! zip is corrupt.  Delete it. Do not use it to load the artifacts into the toolkit.  Start fresh by loading the EOF project files into the toolkit per these instructions and save a new template.


     Also do not use the exclamation mark (!) in a folder name as it causes errors when loading templates.

  6. Good to hear you are getting better results.

    Those EOF project files that you posted above still have some conflicting song information elements.  To be sure that the toolkit does not have some kind of underlying bug, could you please post a screenshots of your:

    1) toolkit>General Config settings
    2) toolkit>CDLC Creator (as it looked before you pressed Generate to create the CDLC)


  7. Peeking into your CDLC lead arrangement xml, we see:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <song version="7">
      <!-- CST v2.9.2.1-37451264 -->
      <!-- DDC by CDLC author -->
      <!-- EOF v1.8RC12 (2-20-2019) -->
      <title />
      <arrangement>PART REAL_GUITAR</arrangement>
      <tuning string0="0" string1="0" string2="0" string3="0" string4="0" string5="0" />
      <artistName />
      <artistNameSort />
      <albumName />
      <albumYear />

    The EOF version you are using () is outdated.  Should be 10-30-2019 or later.  Regenerate your EOF project files with the latest version.

    Looks like SlickWilly could be onto something ().  Try using the toolkit to create DDC.  If the problem you are seeing goes away with the toolkit generated DDC then you know that it is an issue with your custom DDC. 

    Use the toolkit CDLC Creator to Generate the CDLC, and allow the toolkit to update the Arrangement ID when asked to fully populate these elements:

    Looks like you changed the toolkit default song and tone volumes.  This could effect the tone issue you are having.

  8. You should not be able to modify ODLC with CFSM.  If you think you can then you may have pirated or previously modified ODLC.  Likewise, compatibility packs can not be modified (other than to enable/disable specific songs in CFSM).  Any modification of ODLC is highly discouraged (won't be discussed here) and depending on what you do may be against the CF rules.

  9. Looks like you have a good handle on trouble shooting.   "I've loaded the song into the toolkit, checked the tone settings, everything looks fine comparing between here and the T.D."  :plus1:

    1) Which arrangement is your tone associated with, and is the Tone Type set accordingly in the toolkit? 
    2) Have you tried adjusting the toolkit tone Volume setting?

    3) Have you tried your tone with other CDLC and what is the result?

  10. @@lamby

    Need you to test on Mac Catalina.  Plz  download and install Rocksmith Tools Launcher app and let me know what kind of errors you get.  Screen shots are best.

    Read through the thread for how to disable Mac Gatekeeper if you can't get app to install.  Need you to find a 64 bit Catalina compatible version of Wineskin package that will work with the 32 bit Rocksmith tools.  If you know of any or can do research and testing it would be great. 


    Same goes for anyone else reading this thread who would like to help.



  11. @@fasawyer97 You have not given us enough information to be able to help you.

    1) What type of system do you have (PC/Mac)?

    2) What OS are running (Win7/Mojave)?

    3) Do you have administrative privilege?
    4) What Antivirus are you running?
    5) What error messages are you getting (post a screenshot)?
    6) What have you tried?

    Google is your friend.  Look here.

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