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Posts posted by BubbleWrapDragon

  1. 16 hours ago, AndreCardoso said:

    Is there a way to clear a score on Learn a Song? I did the whole Marillion song in practice at 50% and got 97% (I usually only do a couple of sections). And now I don't know if I'm improving or not (I strike at Score Attack)... 😞

    I don't know how to clear the mastery for a song, I'd assume this tool might help with it https://ignition4.customsforge.com/tools/cfsm

    If that doesn't work, what I like to do each day is select the full song in riff repeater at 50%(Or whatever fits the speed for practice) play through it and note down how many misses I have before I start practising specific parts.

    That way I usually have some sense of progress almost every day(Either fewer misses, or I'm able to increase the speed a bit)

    • Like 4
  2. 20 hours ago, aNDESmASAMUNE said:

    I had some recognition issues with the solo, and I think maybe I need to fix the intonation, but I dont now how to do that! 😕

    I concluded it probably didn't have to do anything with my setup, kept checking everything with my intonation and tried all sorts of settings. I have the same problems in the solo parts as you do. they are not hard to play cleanly and RS still has issues with the recognition.
    For other songs that have the same notes in them, it works just fine for me like 'Muse - MK Ultra' 

    Last week we had issues with recognition as well. After the map creator posted an update with the same trouble-making notes in the map the recognition has improved for some reason, at least a bit.

    The game is quite old already so I think someone probably has way more information/knowledge about it but I feel like there has to be something going on just with how the game can end up handling the maps differently and struggles with certain patterns 😢

    • Like 4
  3. Can't get those 16 on e string and many of the following notes to be recognized in the begonias lead  song, does anyone have any tips to improve it? Or maybe know if it doesn't work for them as well? 

    I tried all my knobs and pickup switches and increase the gain but nothing seems to help, my tuner says intonation is perfect

    That Ab and the following legato notes on the B string are really stubborn and don't seem to want to be recognized 😂



    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, XellosMetallium said:

    how do I know what class I am in?

    You can check the first tab in the scores Google sheet. 

    It says you're Bass beginner, if you get a 99.5%+ on bass on a difficulty 3 song you can rank up to the next class

    There is also Rodman rankings leaderboard where you can earn points on harder songs too even if you're in a lower class for now

    ~starts to look better but still sloppy

    • Like 9
  5. On 4/24/2024 at 12:06 AM, Mikson said:

    Wait, you can achieve 99% here, unbelievable? I played this chart once and it's really not easy, fast riffs on stretched frets, arpeggios, etc.

    And I don't really understand why you have such pressure to promote to the master class. This is a completely different level, even if I achieved 99% here, I wouldn't want to level up, because I know that I am very far from having the skills to compete in the masterclass.

    I'm sure if you play it a couple more times it'll start getting quite easy 😁
    For me, those stretches feel quite comfortable, but I play with really straight fingers and focus on giving my pinky something to do most of the time. 
    Because of that doing fast bends is my biggest weakness but that song doesn't have that, so almost any gilmour solo is harder than this song for me 😂

    And I just like to set myself milestones to have something measurable to strive towards. And I just set that as one of my milestones for guitar a while ago😊


    On 4/24/2024 at 12:44 AM, cacahuate51 said:

    Seems to me like bubble is on a mission though!

    if it keeps him motivated to pick up the guitar and get better then i dont see why not. some people like to shred solos i personally have no desire to xD but everyone has their own path. bubbles has been getting pretty good results the past weeks and its impressive he hasnt playing the guitar for that long, so respect, time well spent. Have no doubt he can manage it if he continues putting the effort!

    Thanks 😁 I'm not interested in shredding solos either 😝 But I want to get good enough to be able to write music that I like. 
    I have a lot of different projects/goals going on so I try to spend 1-2 hours each day playing guitar and try to make the best out of it. In the end, I just want to be good enough at guitar to use it as a songwriting tool for songs and video game music 😅

    I don't need to advance to MC, but I want to reach that milestone. 

    On the other hand for the sake of competition, if one can 99%+ a 7* song each week they should advance to MC though 😅

    Each time I advanced to the next level I had to grind the song for at least 10 hours a week 😝

    • Like 7
  6. Why does RS recognition gotta be so bad, it's really demotivating😩Or something is wrong with my guitar 😭

    I think I could do 99%+ if it works properly but even the arpeggio notes are not recognized at times for me right now. Tried to adjust a lot of things which made it a little better but it's still very unreliable. Was looking forward to rank up with this song once I saw what it looks like😕

    I guess I can only hope for a good 7* song next week

    • Like 6
  7. Minor improvement, 
    Even At 50% speed I still get 90 Misses on the full song in riff repeater, I have to practice the difficult parts even slower


    I would love to see some Masterclass players tackle this and show that a 95%+ score is easily doable for them like they did in recent weeks

    If none of the advanced players gets over 90% towards the end of the week, shouldn't that tell us it's even harder than 7 or 7.5?

    • Like 8
  8. 13 hours ago, Mikson said:

    After playing this a few times, I think this may be more of a 6.5 than a 7 diff, as confirmed by the high scores this week, although I have no chance of getting anywhere near 99%.

    @ cacahuate51  @ BubbleWrapDragon  Do you think this is 6.5 or 7? I don't want to change the difficulty rating at the end of the week unless you agree with me.

    Well it's hard to say because there are so many ways to look at it. 

    When looking at Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Cornflake (6.5) It only has 2 riffs to learn and the RS recognition is working well enough so one has to play accurate, it will be easier to get 100% on this one, also no fast bends and quick neck movement

    Thunder Storm has like 7-8 riffs where a couple are definitely harder but they are so fast that RS is quite generous with the recognition (My 98% score was quite sloppy on the fast part but RS kept saying it's good) But also some slides and other notes RS doesn't pick up even if played well enough so it'd be quite hard to get to 100% 

    So it's easier to get a score of 95%+ but really hard to get 100% (Also I was trying for 2 hours yesterday to improve my score and I'm just keep getting between 94 and 97%)

    The last 7 Song (KANA-BOON silhouette is easier to learn but because of all the slides involved everyone will have a worse score)
    If one had to learn a song for a performance Thunder Storm is way harder to master than most of the recent advanced songs

    With all these factors, and there are plenty more things we could consider, it's rather impossible to say which difficulty almost any song really should have and maybe only setting up some kind of guideline for RSC difficulty rating would help to sort this out (Like how languages proficiency levels have guidelines to help grade a student)

    To summarize: I don't know if it should be a 6.5 or 7 😂


    • Like 5
  9. I think It's been a year now since I joined the RSC for the first time - Time flies 🤯
    Playing the songs almost every week has helped me a lot and after 2 years of playing guitar I don't think my abilities would have been anywhere close to it without weekly RSC practice (That being said I should sit down more without playing RS and work on other areas as well 😅)

    And we got one of my favourite guitarists(Takanaka) in the mix this week with something that isn't too hard for me 😍
    I'll do my best to ace it this week and make it a big milestone for my guitar journey!







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