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Posts posted by Tank-OR

  1. I wasnt very clear and apologize for that. When Im doing any charting, I generally have my guitar at hand at the same time playing along with the tabs. I use the real tone cable then click "listen" in the recording device within the windows system sounds. Unfortunately the default playback drivers sound very muddy and Im looking for software like Guitar Rig or similar to run the guitar thru while working with EOF. Im doing bass charting and do not have an amp so at the moment, external sound sources are not available.


    Thanks for the reply

  2. Terry, Mine has updated also but no ill effects are taking place. CDLC's are playing fine on my end. I havent tried generating anything since the patch came out and I should. Lacey has been working on a lot of stuff and Ive been helping her out with a few. I havent rebooted my PC since the update either. We'll see what happens in the near future.



    • Like 1
  3. I have the same problem with my G930 headset. The crackle gets worse when someone uses the microwave but that is the wireless frequency. What annoys me the most is the low volume. I was hoping that when UBI updated to remastered, they would have worked a fix for the headset.




      Hi, Tank


      Had a problem trying to get it into EOF by just the .ogg and notes.eof didn't work for me. Never done it that way before.


    Later, Terry

    Just go to the File menu in EOF and choose Load. Then find my notes.eof. If the guitar.ogg is in the same directory, EOF will automatically use it.   :)





    Sorry Terry, I gave you a BAD example. Yeah, what Lacey said.... LOL

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       Hi, Lccey


     Had a chance to look over the Beatles Bass Song books, most excellent, I have both of the Guitar books that go along with them. All the resources will help me chart some excellent Beatles Customs in the near future. I also bought the CD set's for them also.


      Please post a link for the complete file for the Melissa Etheridge Custom. I am not used to just setting up a .ogg and a note.eof file to check them out in EOF. If I do figure it out, I will post at the new tutorial section here at the CRC that has nothing there yet, but a post by @@Tank-OR.


    Later, Terry

    I'll be happy to provide the other files, but they really aren't necessary. The moment you load the notes.eof file into EOF and then save, the other files (the XMLs) are created by EOF automatically. 


    Here they are:



    By the way, I've completed Girl by the Beatles and will probably post it on Friday, if not sooner. Not sure I'll be doing any more Beatles, unless it is multitrack versions of songs that have already been posted here. (I love me some multitracks!)


    I can set up some multitrack WAVs for some of the Beatles tunes, and post my tutorial on how I make them, if you'll let me know which Beatles tunes you might be interested in do that with. They have to be songs that were either in Beatles Rock Band or were DLC, because that's were the multitracks came from. But I understand if multitracks don't excite you. Most charters seem to avoid them. :)




    Lacey, It does help to include the artwork. Seems to look more complete for testing purposes in RS.



    Terry, she is correct about only needing the note.eof and guitar.ogg. Just load the the tune in EOF and it will do all the work for you when saving. Also makes the file size extremely small

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  6. @@avdocatwork




    Things are going well in the state north of Chicago. 3 weeks off from work is wearing thin but I'm starting back Monday morning. No more graveyard shift. Going to feel like a real person for a change. I've picked up EOF and have been helping Lacey out doing QC on a few of her tunes. The weather is nice up here man, woke up this morning to a blistering 69 degrees. Windows open, no a/c running. Michelle has family scattered from Frisco to Keller so when we visit I will most definitely bring the bass and the beer. Tell Lisa we said "hello"

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  7. Well guys, Texas was in my rear view Friday the 19th. Terry, Im sorry that I hadn't come by to see you and Lisa before we left. Work kept us busy until the last minute. Manchot, Im about 60-70 miles north of you. Maybe one of these day I can make the trip down there. Weather in Wisconsin is very nice compared to Texas. Its good to be settled and up and running. Was jonesing for my bass for 8 days and played the hell out of it yesterday. Now my index finger is blistered and killing me. LOL Time to get back to work.

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  8. Had a chance to meet up with Avdocatwork last night. Drank a few beers, made some noise, and probably pissed off the neighbors til 1am. Had a great deal of fun. Ripped off Avdoc's CDLC collection as well as sharing mine. Hope to do it again soon. Glad to see Lisa and Michelle got along too.


    Sorry CRC... No pics.  LOL

    • Like 5

    I got my Jimmy Buffett / ZZ Top tickets for may 28, for there concert up in Frisco. Hope that Toyota stadium doesn't gouge me on the beer prices.


    Nice. The beer probably wont gouge you as much as the parking will. Last time I went to Allen, it cost me $12 to drive 121.



    I have this setup and it is really efficient to not have to go through WWise. Highly recommend people to update to the latest versions of toolkit and correct wwise version.


    Thanks, I was using v. which I think is a beta. Got but didnt convert the guitar.ogg to .wen. My stupidity, I probably should have tried to look in the eof setting first. Will try later.  Thanks Jhespada.


    Just as confirmation and I think I have the right version, wwise 2013.2.7 standalone?

  10. Hey guys, Just wanted to stop in and say "HI". Advocat brought me in a few months ago but my job has taken much of my time and about the most I have done on this site has been searching the CDLC's and limited playing.


    I am a bass player and follow the works of Advocat and James Preston. I do play 6 string and have several of them but not very proficient at it unless the song is based on power chords. Also, I do have some experience with repairing CDLC's but have not created any of my own.


    Currently, I am having problems with the tool kit and compiling. My belief is that I have installed something wrong so I have posted a tut request on the CRC boards.


    Anyways, Its a pleasure to be here and hope to be more active soon.


    BTW, My steam names is in the sig. Feel free to send me a friend request.

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