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Posts posted by engleg

  1. A vast majority of people here have RS for pc. I don't know anything about ps3. It does sound though like the ps3 has to be modded (jailbreak) before you can play cdlc's on them. You can google modding a ps3 and also look on youtube. Cdlc's here that are not available for a ps3 can be converted from pc to ps3 by using the toolkit located here: http://customsforge.com/topic/989-custom-song-toolkit-v2500-was-released/



    Here are a few topic threads from the old SA site that might help.





  2. Thanks for all the good advice. I really started this post as more of a humorous topic than a serious gripe. Still after three months of RS I was hoping to be further along than I am.

    I know one of my problems is I spend to much time on the forums. Seems like by the time I search all of the topics, download songs, then place each song in a new folder and add each song to my database list, it takes away from my practice time.

    I do know that I am learning things faster now thanks to RS and online instructions, than any other earlier attempts at learning guitar.

    I know one of my bad habits is I mostly just play around a little with each song (I have hundreds) until it gets to tough, then I move on to the next song, instead of really trying to learn a few songs really well.

    I need to start using riff repeater more and actually learn the whole song.

    I started watching a few of the beginners videos on Justinguitar.com a couple months ago and need to revisit that site and continue.

  3. I don't think the old way (Rocksmith 1 PC to Xbox360) conversion no longer works

    I'm guessing your talking about converting with the Rocksmith Custom Song Toolkit. (Get the newest version here: http://www.rscustom.net/ )

    Using the toolkit is about the only way I know to convert between formats. Just open the toolkit and click on the converter tab.

    If your still having problems you might want to start a new topic thread about the issues your having in the developer's sub-forum here: http://customsforge.com/forum/56-rocksmith-custom-tool-kit/

  4. Faxe has 10 alc % and come to you in 1 l or 1/2 l cans

    I had a great time trying out as many German beers as I could when I was there for a couple of weeks during Oktoberfest in 1993.

    My younger brother who was living close to Freising introduced me to Hofbrauhaus Freising Huber Weisses.

    To this day I still think that it is the best beer that I have ever tasted.

  5. I agree with @@Mac66 commits. I have donated once and would be willing to donate again in the future. It sounds like you are not wanting to have a huge amount of funds in your Paypal account. If you ever need extra funds for major upgrades don't feel bashful putting the word out to the members for help. I know there are a lot of people on this site that would be willing to help to have this site be as trouble free as possible.

  6. I know this has nothing to do with the problem your having with the Enter Shikari song, but this has bugged me ever since I started playing RS2014.

    Most times when I play a note on my low E string RS shows arrows pointing down that I have to play a lower note. If I do play a lower note it's definitely a miss.

    I always have to de-tune that string lower and it sounds out of tune but at least it doesn't show up as a miss. Doesn't matter if I tune using the game or my standalone tuner.

    It might be my guitar or pickups as I have never heard anyone else complain about this problem.

  7. I'm no expert on this. I think the profile files are kept in the Steam directory in the userdata folder. (Numbered folders)

    I don't think you will lose your scores and just to verify it, I tried it out.

    I have Steam, RS & RS2014 on both my laptop and desktop.

    I only play the RS games on the laptop. I have never played my guitar through the games on the desktop.

    I took some dlc's & cdlc's from both games off my laptop and installed them on my desktop.

    All of my scores on both games from dlc's & cdlc's showed up on the desktop.

  8. Blue Moon Belgian White

    Paulaner Hefeweizen

    Micro brews - stouts, browns & porters (especially a good vanilla porter)

    And lately a lot of the Leinenkugel beers.

    Like trying out new beers, and going to the Great American Beer Festival.

    (I worked for 22 years at the Adolph Coors Brewery.)

  9. @@dscottintexas It sounds like you are doing everything correct. Strange that only 1 custom is showing up at a time. I have over 100 showing up in my learn a song menu.

    All I can suggest is just double checking everything. Make sure you have the correct D3DX9_42.dll file and that it is located in the Rocksmith2014 directory.

    I have seen two versions of this file. One has a size of about 129kb and the other is about 1.80mb. You want the smaller one.

    Have you tried the rocksmith 2014 patcher.exe file that is listed as PC alternative 2 at the top of this thread?

    Make sure your cdlc's are placed in the Rocksmith2014/dlc folder.

    Sounds like you are following the correct steps using the toolkit. Unless the song already has the AppID of a song you own, I don't think the song will show up in the learn a song menu if you haven't changed the AppID. 

    If you have not watched this video you might watch it just to see if you are missing something.


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