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Posts posted by AtGame7

  1. AtGame7, why don't you obviously use sugar..? Are you diabetic? I am, hence the Diet Cherry Coke. Have had Type II since I was 5, nearly 38 years now.  :mrgreen:

    Oh, and on another note, if you have had Diabetes under control for that long I admire you.  I go 30 ,minutes on an elliptical machine each day and that is the extent of the exercise I get and I have to FORCE myself to do it.  I have a friend who has had diabetes for as long as I can remember and i see what he has to do every day to keep his sugar level controlled.  He's constantly checking it, watching what he eats/drinks and even walks around the building for a bit of exercise at lunch time. I admire the work it takes not to let that disease to control your life.


    I'm a mostly healthy guy and hate that I don't take better care of myself, I have no excuse.  I eat too much junk and have a bit of a hatred for my liver I guess as too many empty bottles of Scotch find the recycling bin every month. 


    Anyone who can fight off Diabetes, or any health challenges for that matter is a better man than I am.

  2. AtGame7, why don't you obviously use sugar..? Are you diabetic? I am, hence the Diet Cherry Coke. Have had Type II since I was 5, nearly 38 years now.  :mrgreen:

    I just don't like it in my coffee.  I prefer my coffee black, in fact, I won't drink it any other way.  I really prefer coffee I roast myself at home, but I will buy a cup when I am out from a coffee shop (as long as it doesn't say Starbucks on the front).


    I always get a bit of a laugh because I will order it just that way, "Large black coffee please".  You would be surprised how many times they ask if I want cream or sugar in it.  Usually they realize pretty quickly that I specified that I wanted it black.


    Otherwise, if you really enjoy your coffee I suggest finding a place that roasts it in house so you can get a truly fresh cup.  You want it freshly ground and not sitting in a plastic container in a warehouse, on a truck and finally on a grocer's shelf for who knows how long before you brew it.  From the time the coffee is ground to the time you brew it should honestly be less than one hour, not months.


    Also, there are few smells that can rival that of freshly roasted coffee being ground up.  It's really amazing.


    Sometimes, the best part of the day is a good cup of coffee.

  3. I like being part of a community where "general douchbaggery" is actually a violation of the terms of service.  If only the entire world could implement this rule.



    I could just see a bunch of people I know getting pulled over  "Sir, I'm gonna have to write you a ticket for being a douchbag".  Sad part is, they wouldn't even be able to argue the point.....

    • Like 1

    Has anyone tried brewing their own..? Was thinking about giving it a go at some point.

    I brew my own, cheaper that way.


    Really?  I would have thought differently.  Then again, I guess it depends on where you live.  If you live in the US then I think just buying the mass marketed crap would be the cheapest way to go.  I'm basing this on my own experience roasting my own coffee.  I love good home roasted coffee, but no way is it cheaper than buying the canned stuff at the grocery store, and it's not close.


    I pay around $7.00/LB for green coffee beans when you count shipping and that probably yields about 13oz of coffee once it's roasted and the water weight and chaff are out of the picture.  I'm sure I could get a 5LB can for less than two LB's cost me, but if you've never had a truly fresh cup of home roasted coffee you don't know what you are missing out on.

    • Like 1
  5. Make sure your network connection is not set to be a Public network.  I just ran through it and mine was set that way even though I've explicitly set it up as a Home network in the past.  Once you do that, you might want to configure a HomeGroup also but you should be able to see the Xbox One.


    One other thing I saw in the forums was that on the Xbox One, you need to have the Music and Video apps installed for it to register itself on the network for streaming.

    Thanks, I've done all that as well.  It's gotta be a firewall issue so I'm tinkering with that.

  6. I've been struggling with this for a while and cant find the solution anywhere.  It's probably simple, but I'm just missing it.


    I have an Xbox One that is on the same network as my PC's.  You can/should be able to play your Itunes through the Xbox One from your PC via wireless.


    Here is a youtube video of how to do it:


    I have done everything in the video, at least 10 times, and it still doesn't work.  The problem is when I look under my "Multimedia Devices" in my control panel I can see the XboxOne (along with other devices) but it is grayed out and I can't use it.  I know it's my Xbox One as it has the name I game it and it actually worked once, but has stopped working (the streaming that is).


    I have to think this is an issue with my firewall or router because I can find the device, I just can't use it.  The same goes for all other Multimedia devices.  It shows my other PC's and even the Xbox 360, but I can't use them as they are all grayed out.


    What am I not doing correctly?



    Thanks for any help you can be.

  7. Hmmm tough one to narrow down. for me im thinking


    Jimmy Page

    Jimi Hendrix


    Mark Knopfler


    And for the reserves:


    James Hetfield

    Zakk Wild

    Eric Clapton

    Eddie Van Halen


    Now to imagine all 8 on stage having a 4v4 shred off. Wow


    An exceptional list of 8 you have there.  Not to be morbid, but imagine the talent and knowledge the world loses when these guys pass away......  I know others will take their place, but imagine the talent and guitar knowledge we lost when Hendrix passed way too young and imagine what he COULD have done has he lived another 27 years (at least).

    Jimmy Page

    Eddie Van Halen

    Al Di Meola

    Yngwie Malmsteen

    Mark Knopfler

    You have a bigger Mt Rushmore than most...... :mrgreen:

    • Like 1
  8. Atgame7..

    I can tell you precisely (at least in my case). It was 6 months..

    Started playing the guitar in September last year. Started off (still have the records, lol) with this - as an example.

    D<>A - started at 16. By end of October I was up to 32, then slow progress until December. I tried it a couple of weeks ago (bear it in mind I've been mainly playing rocksmith over the last month or three) and was up to 55..

    A<>E was similar, though I am up to 63 now.. I feel these have been 'nailed', so I am not practicing these changes (or D<>E @57) any more and am concentrating on newer (to me) and harder ones..


    The thing is.. I took the attitude that learning the guitar was going to be tough as hell.

    I knew that and said to myself that I wouldn't try to push it too hard and not get frustrated (well not too much). I also know when a song is out of my league and so say to myself 'maybe in a year for that one'! Other songs I can do quite well.. :)

    Keep practicing, have fun and it WILL come...  :)


    Remember when you started typing on a keyboard? Lots of mistakes at first, Im sure, but now you can probably do it by touch. I'm sure that took a long time too!  :)


    Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement.  Seems like it should come faster, but it doesn't.  My practice time will increase as I FINALLY found a guitar I liked that was in the price range I really wanted to stay in and brought it home last night.


    Bought a very nice (IMO) black with yelowish trim Epiphone Les Paul in the $400 range so I actually stayed under my budget. Many thanks to the help of the very nice young lady at Guitar Center.

  9. Those are some pretty solid lists!


    I see Angus Young mentioned a couple of times and he's another guy I had a really hard time leaving off the list.  Maybe I should have done a baseball team and asked for your "starting 9"?


    So many great talents that narrowing it down to any number almost seems unfair.

  10. I like this topic more than just knowing who your favorite is because it let's us see some diversity in your appreciation for guitar players.  Also, this just isn't your top four favorites, it should be who you view as the four best, the innovators, the masters, the legends.


    For example, my personal favorite is Slash, but I know he doesn't make the "Mt. Rushmore" list.  I would give him an honorable mention because despite him and Axl being nitwits and ruining one of the all time great bands, he is an incredible talent.



    Atop my Mt. Rushmore in no particular order:


    Jimi Hendrix

    Jimmy Page

    Stevie Ray Vaughn

    Eddie Van Halen



    Picking just four is no easy task, leaving off names like Beck, Clapton and even Les Paul seems wrong, but that's my list. 




  11. Unfortunately, you'll need to put the work in too.. I swear by Justinguitar.com - it's fantastic (and free).

    Was such a help, especially with chord changes in the beginning (give the '1 minute changes' a go for a month or two).


    Rocksmith is great but it's certainly not a complete package for learning!

    I'm glad you posted this because I was embarrassed to ask about that.  When you say a "month or two" do you think that is realistic?  I hope so because I have been working on chord changes (I'm a beginner) for a couple weeks and feel as though I am getting nowhere.  Now, I am progressing because I couldn't do 15 when I started and can now to 30 a minute.  30 a minute is nowhere near fast enough to consider playing any song so I was concerned that I was really progressing at a snail's pace.


    How long did it take folks here to fluently change cords, at least the ones you started with?

  12. I have nothing nice to say, so this is me saying nothing ;)

    I understand, really I do but these days those bands aren't all Stryper, you know?  Some of them are actually pretty good and if you are into that scene at all (like my kids are) then there really isn't any content across any of the gaming formats to fit that genre.  Nothing for RS, nothing for Guitar Hero, nothing for RockBand, etc....

    • Like 1
  13. For a number of reasons, Warren Zevon.  His music was great, but so was he.  The man was a genius and much like everyone who thought and acted on a different level than the majority of us, he was often misunderstood.


    His music never got the credit it deserved, which is sad since he's been gone 10 years now.


    He certainly had his demons and is not without blame for the heartache he went through in this life.  The was also a dark side to him, of course.  I mean, who writes songs about their own mortality after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer?


    I wish he was still alive, I missed his last performance here in Pittsburgh which I will always regret.  I wish more people understood him.


    R.I.P Warren. 

  14. Scotch, always.  I have cheap tastes, though.  I have paid a good bit for bottles of high end stuff but always seem to come back to Johnnie Walker Black label.


    Oh, and if you get enough of it in me I can tell you a story that is over 20 years old that you just will not be able to believe, at least until you figure out it would take someone more creative than myself to make something like that up.


    Not suitable for the board as I am sure there is at least some members under the age that they should be reading about scotch, questionable women and decisions you regret for the rest of your life.

  15. This is always a tough question since there are so many great songs on different albums.  Recency tends to cloud ones judgement as well, but looking at my Itunes library the one that gets played the most is "Awake" by Skillet.  I am not certain I would say that is my all time favorite, but I am sure it's right up there.


    You probably wouldn't guess by that that I am in my 40's.

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