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Posts posted by AtGame7

  1. Why is there a chord notation above some measures of a song's tab notation?  Would you play the chord?  Would you play the chord?


    Here is an example for GnR's version of "Knockin On Heaven's Door"



    Above the first measure I kinda understand the G5 to start off the song as that is the notes being played, half way through the measure it shows a "D" chord but when and why would you play it or would you play it?  If not then why is it there?


    Moving to the second measure there is a "C" chord shown but again I see nowhere you would play the chord.  Is this for a second guitar to be playing along?


    Sorry for the rookie question, but I've been wondering about this for a while.

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  2. Not gonna lie, I can't plan a vacation to save my life.  I just don't have that kind of skill set/my brain doesn't get it.


    My teenagers like being in the water, I think their favorite vacation ever was one where we booked them surfing lessons.  That was over in NJ and I was very concerned the whole time about them being that far out in the ocean (I tend to worry irrationally).


    I though a lake setting may be easier on my nerves so I was considering a water skiing vacation for the kids and maybe a couple of their friends.  None of them have ever been water skiing so I thought their must be a 3/5 day camp or series of lessons I could take them to but my limited Google powers didn't yield much in the way of results.



    Any water skiers in the group that may know of a decent destination that is rookie friendly?  I really don't care where it is as long as it is warm enough to be in the water as we would have to travel from Western PA regardless so Florida and Southern California obviously come to mind.  I also want to stay somewhere I can rent a decent, quiet place.  Having to use public facilities like bathroom and showers is OUT OF THE QUESTION.


    Any thoughts?



  3. Given how much time has passed and whatever, I don't think I'd even want a reunion anymore.


    Let's just appreciate the music for what it was/is. There's so many hypothetical 'what if's' but I'm fine with the way things are.

    I hear you, and I understand that it won't ever happen, but I don't think I'll ever be in the camp that isn't hoping it does.  I know for sure that I would go see it if it did happen.


    As my wife would be quick to remind me, I have spent a lot of money over the years on concerts and sporting event but I don't regret any of it.  Not the games my team lost and not the concerts that were sub-par simply because a lot of the groups/artists I like may not be around much longer so I really want to see them when I have the chance.  I didn't see Warren Zevon his last trip to Pittsburgh, I'll always hate myself a little bit for that.

  4. ----------


    If you already meet the above things, please answer a few questions for us so we can review them and get you your shiny red name:


    Why do you want to be a moderator?


    To help out the community.  Really, that's it.  I have taken a good bit as far as CDLC and information and would like to give back where I can.  I'm probably older than most here and don't react with the emotion of youth anymore.  I don't know most of the posters so I would have no bias towards anyone.  I certainly believe I can make fair rational decisions based on the rules of the site.  I'm simply willing to help.


    What do you bring to the Customs Forge community that is unique to you?


    Honestly, probably nothing, but I'm willing to donate some time to making sure everyone enjoys the site how it's meant to be.


    Cake or Pie? (this is important)


    Pie, AINEC.


    How much time do you spend on the site daily?


    Around an hour (not always logged in).  I can't log in from work which is a M-F 9-5 job, but I can check in before that and certainly after. If I were to be a moderator I can give you more time than that most days.


    Have you filled out your profile information on the site?


    No, I tend not to put too much information out there for public consumption.  


    Have you ever been a Moderator anywhere else before?




    Can you follow instructions?


    To the best of my ability.


    In all honesty I would certainly understand if you need someone with more knowledge of RS or guitar playing, but if you are looking for someone to help out and simply enforce the rules and make sure everyone enjoys the site I can give you some time each day.

  5. From reading his book and stuff, I don't think he wants to be near axl after everything, if you hate someone so much would join with them just for the fans sake or even if you were desperate for the money? Guess it's just as much about his happiness as well as the fans. I adore slash, have done since I was little, and I stand by anything he does, I wouldn't mind either way if he got back with gnr or stuck solo, it's all awesome stuff in different ways.But I do think axl is a butt hole tbh lol

    I completely agree with you.  I guess I just don't comprehend the absolute hatred that must be there to be willing to throw away everything they did.  Obviously that hate is there and it's real, I just don't get it.


    And yes, Axl is a butt hole.

  6. I'm among those who have accepted the fact that the original members of GnR will never play live together again.  This is one of the biggest crimes (musically) to happen in our lifetime.  I keep watching interviews with Slash that ultimately come around to that question and so many of them end up asking him if there is a price, regardless of how ridiculous, that would make it happen and Slash seems all too happy to reply that it isn't about money.



    Hey, I get it, it's not about money.  One day I hope to not have to make so many decisions based on how much money I have or don't have.  



    I love Slash and admittedly don't know everything that was said and done back in the day, but it doesn't have to be about the money, Slash.  How about making it about the fans?  You know, the fans that idolize what you do and wish they had 10% of the talent you do.  



    You know, the fans that bought all those record and concert tickets that put you in a position that it doesn't have to be about the money anymore? 



    I'd be foolish to think this is all on Slash, I know that it isn't.  Still, something about that grin when he says it's not about the money bother me, a little.

  7. OK, as a mid 40's beginner I expected this to be very hard, and I was right.  I expected to to fully understand music theory at first (if ever).  What I didn't expect was the wide variant between Rocksmith and say Youtube lessons or even sheet music.


    This wasn't a part I would thought to be difficult to understand and hopefully I am just missing something obvious.  For the record this would not be the first time in my life I missed something obvious that was right in front of me.



    Let's take "Knockin on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan.  If I look up any Youtube video on how to play that song or even look up a guitar tab it pretty much shows the intro to the song being played with the following chords:


    G, G, D, D, Am, Am, Am, Am

    G, G, D, D, C, C, C, C



    But if I turn on Rocksmith I get none of that.  I get a bunch of chord shapes with individual notes needing played.  Why the vast difference?  Why is this not all pretty much the same across the board?

  8. I was in nearly the same situation recently as I am a rookie and needed my first "real" guitar.  I searched web site after web site looking at hundreds of guitars.  Finally, after all that searching I just went into Guitar Center and found a sales person I felt comfortable with and she helped me pick one out.  I am very happy with my purchase and it's one I don't think I ever looked at on-line, at least I don't remember if I did.

  9. Truthfully? Trucking Logistics. I have several friends that do that and they make 150k+ a year and that is 35% of their haul. I have gone through the ins and outs with them and have considered my own company several times. The initial build up is not fun as it's going between load boards, trucks, and cold calling finding new customers.


    The first year is also nail biting because you have insurance but the last thing you want is any type of incident. Once you are past your first year though, the start up companies hit the billion dollar mark generally in their 8 to 10 years.

    Very interesting.  Start up costs may be out of my range though.  I would think insurance and DOT compliance would be expensive right from jump street.

  10. I'll defer that this is a bad idea if someone more knowledgeable comes on and says I'm probably doing damage to muscles/tendons, but what has worked a bit for me (and I can do it throughout the day) is to hold my fingers together and wrap a rubber band around two or three of them and work at stretching them apart with the rubber band providing resistance.


    Don't wrap it so tight as to cut off circulation.  you can do this curling your hand as if you are fretting the guitar or hold your fingers straight.  I do both.  You would be surprised the resistance one rubber band can provide.  If I need more resistance I will wrap the rubber band around three fingers and just stretch the outer two trying hard to not move the middle one at all.  This not only builds mobility, but dexterity and control.

  11. Yea, we'd all like to own a killer guitar shop or something along those lines, but seriously, if you were in it to make the second half of your life more financially stable than the first what would you do?


    Before this gets into a fantasy "what if" kinda thread please know I'm at least half way serious here.  Why ask on a forum like this?  Why not I would say.  You never know where the best ideas come from.  


    Starting off, I DON'T have all the money to do this, but enough to make a run at it.  Let's say I can get my hands on $100,000 I don't have to pay back to anyone but myself.  Is there a business you would start or would you just invest the money and avoid much of the work/risk?


    I'd like to have something I can leave to my kids in the form of a successful business, but I also understand that times change and by the time (hopefully) that would happen then the face of the planet will probably change a lot.


    What's the next big thing?  Anyone got any ideas?

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