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Posts posted by ice9

  1. yeah, I have no problem doing it myself... I was just hoping to share my work with others :)


    I've already done Hanger 18 for myself (SO much easier to play on a 5 string).... I read up a bit on why he didn't just Drop D it, and it turn out Ellefson DID drop D in the studio for the 1st half, then E Standard for the 2nd half (that riff is much easier in standard).  But on tour that obviously isn't possible to switch in the middle of the song, so he switched to 5 string arraignment.

  2. ok - wasn't sure if it was a music thing, or a song choice thing.... I could say it's a cover by John Cage :)  


    (that only makes sense if you are familiar with Cage's song: 4'33")


    Oh well - I guess I might just do the bass part for myself and not distribute it :(


    Here's hoping for Ubisoft supporting 5-string basses in the future.

  3. Before anyone goes nuts about official DLC not being in the DB (i'm not talking about repeating DLC), read my thought:


    My wife was kind enough to get me a 5-string bass for the holidays, and there are several official DLC that I would love to see transposed for 5-string support (tuning it as BEAD, ignoring the G string) - Hanger 18 comes to mind, possible doing a A329 tuning?  Not even sure that will work. Thoughts?


    Would it be useful/acceptable to post ONLY the transposed song.eof or song.xml or even the whole CDLC (with synced beat track to a specific version and offset of the song), just with a silent sound track - no music, and leave it up to the downloader to replace the sound file with one they own?


    In this incarnation, it wouldn't be any different than a TAB file, no?  Esp if I didn't use the offical DLC's song.xml file as a starting point, but a tab/gp5 file?


    Just thinking out loud.

  4. cool - I hadn't seen that thread...


    I'll have to chart a few up and see how they go... (I've got a banjo @ home) - need to grab an acoustic pickup.


    The banjo's range is just above the guitar's, so recognition should be good.  Curious to see how it handles the high g string, as the tuning would be gDGbd.

  5. yeah, that's basically what I did - saved the project, renamed the 2 xml's, reimported GP files, saved again


    I wasn't sure if the _22 parts was a Rocksmith limit, or just a notation - but I see the place where you can update the frets to 24, if needed

  6. I do most of my charting in Guitar Pro/Tux Guitar, and I had a question:


    Does the EOF import recognize chords markers that have been placed in those files, and could they be used in both guitar and bass parts as fret anchors?


    For example, even on bass, I might be playing parts of a Em scale/chord @ position 5 - if I place a chord marker in GP/TG for Em@5th fret, could EOF use that as a fret anchor "hint".  Maybe only if the chord contains 1 note? If it's a chord, it can/should be imported as a chord/fret anchor anyway.


    I know I can go back and add all that in EOF after sync, but like I said, I find doing most of the work in GP/TG is easier.

  7. Am I missing something obvious, or am I right in saying that you can only have 1 of each part?






    PART_REAL_BASS, etc?


    I have done a couple of songs where both rhythm and lead need all 24 frets, or I have done 4 separate guitar parts (1 lead, 1 rhythm, 2 combo as bonus lead/rhythm).... 


    This might be due to the original design, but in a future release, how hard would it be to just have "track 1,2,etc", and then assign the instrument part to it?

  8. Yeah - sections defintiely help.


    The one reason I do like DD is that it shows me the harder parts of the song - I usually ramp up the difficulty to about 80%, then let DD take it from there.


    Here's the issue with the DDC tool, and one that is probably very difficult to address:


    It has no concept of the song structure - it can only make educated guesses about which notes to add in and when, and usually follows just breaking down on the 1/4, 8th, 16th note barriers.  This is often not accurate, and results in incorrect fingering as well.


    Perfect example (that I intend to address in an update) is Holy Wars on bass.  In the main opening riff, the full pattern is:



    but the emphasis in DDC is on the 5 and 10 - DDC  doesn't know that that sounds "wrong" when ramping up.... or at least to my ears it does.


    I've also encountered situations, where EOF/DDC has no clue where to place the fret markers - the algorithm seems to be "anchor at the lowest finger for this measure"... which in general is ok, but if it's a major scale, you should anchor the root with your middle finger, not your index.


    My point in all this is while I love the fact that we all are pumping out CDLC, we also need to be mindful that we are providing teaching tools for others to learn, and need to be careful of the output of automated tools that don't always understand the song structure.  I am guilty of this as well, and I am fixing the ones I have already made :)


    That being said, if you ALREADY know how to play fairly well (understanding scales/modes/positions/etc), then Rocksmith really just becomes more of an animated score/tab sheet that is just fun to play.


  9. Yeah - it was an easy $20 to spend... gotta give thanks to @@raynebc for having the GPA import in EOF!


    The nice thing is that it can be fun outside of Rocksmith as well - if you want to learn to sight read score/tab, but still play along to an mp3.  As good as Rocksmith is, for some, I hope it is a stepping stone towards not NEEDing it to play songs you like :)

    • Like 2
  10. What GPA does is export 3 things during library export:  

    - the original mp3 you used

    - the original .gp5 you used

    - a synchronization file (.xml)


    When you do a GuitarPro import in EOF, you select the XML file, not the GP file.  EOF reads in the XML and GP info and does the rest of the work.  If GPA looks good, then EOF will be perfect.


    My only recommendation is to add the 3 sec of slience in Audacity before you do ANYthing else.  It will work if you don't and then later add it in EOF, but I just find it easier.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm actually thinking of making a tab editor program myself since I'm a programmer, if anybody has documentation of how the .xml files for Rocksmith work I would be glad to see.



    Don't reinvent the wheel :)  TuxGuitar and EOF are open source and they have 95% of the functionality that we all want :)


    Like I said at the beginning of the thread, I am also a dev, and am looking at a Rocksmith export... but I started this thread to understand how people use the existing tools, and how they WANT to use the tools :)


    If TuxGuitar is no longer being developed, then we fork it to "TuxGuitar v2" :D

  12. @Daikano:


    Yes, TuxGuitar has not had any updates, but it is open source... then again, there's really not much to add/change that hinders the process.


    One thing I had thought of doing is similar to you - creating multitracks in TuxGuitar for difficulty and manually edit them - (I know you can do that in EOF, too).  DDC is great.... but there are always those cases where it's not quite right (Bad Omen and Five Magics definitely need work on the bass for difficulty levels :D )

  13. A couple things I have encountered, flummi:

    1) if you add the leading (and trailing, if necessary) silence with Audacity, it avoid issues down the line - EOF doesn't always deal with that if you have to reimport a track from GP

    2) EOF does have built in methods for aligning BPM markers with the audio track.  I happen to find GoPlayAlong much easier - once you are done there, there is ZERO tweaking in EOF for sync.


    I also use GPA as my way to find tab issues and fix them, as it can slow down to 50% during playback, so you can really hear the audio track.  My only "complaint" is that GPA is not free, but I bought it for other reasons as well (forcing myself to play outside RS as practice for sight reading).


    3) Lyrics are SO much easier with UltraStar creator (free) - you can import the file directly into EOF and tweak later if you want.


    The main reason I do it this way, is that I like to have 100% clean source files (audio, gp, gpa and lyrics), before I do ANY work in EOF.  That way, if I screw something up, I have those clean source files to import again.

  14. also, TuxGuitar has a plugin system for import/export as well - investigating to see how easy it would be to add beat/note/measure 'decorators', like fret anchors and fingering information, via a plugin system as well


    What would be awesome would be to have to full-screen capability and ease of use of TG, but all the capabilites of EOF.

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