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Posts posted by deknegt

  1. Search isn't working for me right now but I can tell you that there is at least 1 Robert Johnson (Sweet Home Chicago) and I think there's a couple Gary Moore songs.

    Here's a couple I've tried that you might like, based on your criteria:


    Freddie King - Hideaway

    Freddie King - San Hozay

    The Shadows - Apache - more spaghetti western than blues, but it's very fun to play

    Gene Vincent - Be Bop A Lula - early rockabilly, more difficult but also fun to play

    Black Keys - Have Mercy On Me - (full disclosure: I made this one) slowish blues tune that has a pretty long but not crazy difficult solo.  This one is a Junior Kimbrough cover

    Awesome, thanks for the tips. I downloaded them all :)

    I love the Keys btw, and it's weird that this one wasn't in my list.


    Also will look at the early Zep work, I have gotten the well known ones but maybe the early ones are more of my tastes.


    If people have more suggestions, I would be stoked :D

  2. Just to be clear, this isn't a request thread. :P


    I for one love blues-ey music, and just general music that has a slower pace but still can become challenging to play.


    I have stuck with names I have known like Robert Johnson, Clapton, Santana, King, Moore etc. for a while, but I would like to know some more artists that have the same-ish guitar style.


    What i'm talking about is like songs that are like long solo's but aren't absolute crazy things like Cliffs of Dover :P Songs that wave around back and forth.

    Like I just played Smooth and Black Magic Woman again and I really really loved those songs. They aren't super complicated, super fast or forces your fingers to be able to bend in silly ways, but it's still a fun song to play that has some cool bits.


    So yeah, any less known artists and bands out there that has the same playing style?


    I would love suggestions, and if those babies are already on the forge then please feel free to hook a brother up :D

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