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  • Guitar
    bc rich
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  1. arch enemy wise intermerzo liberte my apocalypse you will know my name no more regrets The day you died but if your ever in the mood would love to see some stuff from behemoths the satanist album
  2. if your up for it would love to see more arch enemy and behemoth cdlc
  3. some customs have worked others have not but their customs i know that work as i used them before i had to reinstall
  4. hey guys little help downloaded some CDLC used the tool to make them usuable and their not appearing in my song list any ideas on whats wrong.
  5. Thanks man xD got a EP coming soon :D
  6. hi guys sorry if not allowed just wondering if anyone would be willing to check out the death metal band im in. i do lead vocals and rhythm guitar. we are called dark asphyxia a 4 piece band from hertfordshire in england https://www.facebook.com/DarkAsphyxiaOfficial let me know what you think
  7. not all the tasty ones xD you forgot blood eagle and bastards of a lying breed :)
  8. Sup guys after months of using this site i have finally decided to start making customs my self. planning on mainly covering bands like arch enemy and amon amarth. so any tips would be great plus if anyones got any suggestions feel free to pm me :)
  9. hey their hope one day you guys could do Deciever of the gods Bastards of a lying breed Where is your god as loke falls we shall destroy XD would be epic to see them up on here
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