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Posts posted by klopez

  1. I checked this out. Tab looks pretty strange for me - I mean chorus, but seems to be ok anyway. I don't know if that what you've already done is whole lead part or combo but look at distortion part during chorus - http://www.songsterr.com/a/wsa/cranberries-zombie-tab-s431t1 . I think that both (that which you used and this one) are accurate enough but that second one gives me more fun. Genrally cool, can't wait final version with custom tone.

  2. I mostly love heavy metal and its subgenres like metalcore, progressive death metal, nu metal. But also I try not to label myself, I enjoy soft stuff too - alrernative rock, recently some rap and I've always appreciated classical music. Generally I try to find something intresting in every genre except mainstream pop (Miley Cyrus etc.), trance and dubstep.

  3. Hands down the best album of all time is "True Defiance," from a band called Demon Hunter.

    Hah, same here man, I've been listetning to this album non-stop for 6-8 months. Now I'm a bit bored but when they released this I was trulely amazed. To be honest I didn't think that anyone else here listens to DH :P (would be great to see customs of their songs someday).

    Except this, huh, really hard to choose but surely Constellations by August Burns Red and The Bends (obviously Radiohead).

  4. The Witcher 1&2, The Settlers, Gothic, Baldur's Gate, STALKER, Total War series - this stuff always in my heart but now (excluding Rocksmith) I almost don't play games at all. Sometimes play some matches in NBA 2k, occasionally L4D 2 or BF3 with friends and that's all. I used to play and buy games regularly and was pretty up-to-date with this topic till 2011. I have lots of great memories conected with computer games and some of them I'll always remember but I suppose I've grown out of playing, only old classic games which are conected with me by sentiment still give me fun, new ones usually bore me after 5 minutes. As I said, playing computer games was big part of my life and it was cool but now I prefer playing guitar and spending money on music CD's to buying and playing games. And I'm really pleased with this shift;) .

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