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Posts posted by kozaka

  1. On 2/18/2024 at 11:21 AM, Unleashed2k said:
    • Guideline updated in next update
    • Required Fields highlighted in next update
    • ODLC is already blocked, enhanced it with a new warning
    • Enhance/Bypass already created CDLC is being looked into, no announcements yet

    It looks like preferred part is still being misunderstood. I understand that people want full charts. But when you request a song you normally want one path to play. Let's say you're a bassist. You want one of your favorite bass songs created, this is the best approach for that. Otherwise everyone is just most likely to select all as of course we want full cdlcs! 

    The purpose of preferred part is simply what path you want to prioritize as being created. I may change it later but at the moment I'm leaving it as is.


    Thank you!

  2. For the request module I have some ideas (we discussed on Discord this too a bit):

    • It would be maybe better to extend the guideline text "Requesting previously released DLC may get your account banned." with "Requesting a previously released Official DLC may get your account banned."
    • A check before commit on ODLC would be great, to avoid unintentional requests mentioned above.
    • Preferred part could be as default all parts 🙂 I like charts with lead, rhythm, bass and vocals 🙂
    • Preferred part should be a selection list or a list with checkboxes
    • Preferred part should be extended with lyrics
    • Maybe a search field would be great to select an old chart, and request an enhance on it. Like a chart has only Lead track and the requester want to have the same chart extended with the bass and lyrics. This way not a new chart will be created with bass only, rather than (hopefully) an older chart will be just enhanced.
    • required fields should be highlighted (Artist Name, Title, Youtube link).

    Thank you guys! Yo do a great work!


  3. I got one new idea. I hope it will be implemented. If you are streamer, and you constantly downloads songs over RS Playlist URL-s, then the new charts bold mark will be gone for you.

    New charts:


    Then I make a request on RSPL and click the download url:


    URL: https://ignition4.customsforge.com/cdlc/83863

    Not collected:



    After download, however, my latest charts marking is ruined. As it looks like, I downloaded something new. What is not the case. So I as a streamer, always loose the information what is new on ignition.

    Would it be possible to add an property to the URL from RSPL and do not consider those downloads as a download from the ignition page? Like:


    This way we could use also the new charts function.

    Thank you!




  4. On 11/14/2023 at 12:43 PM, Unleashed2k said:

    Too many people complained that their CDLCs would get disabled through the first report, so that's why we have today's system. Your one report still gives them a report that should work on.

    Still...why then report, if 95% just does not care to fix at least an easy tuning problem? I can make a test, have a couple of bad chart listed on my Discord. But...if they complain, too much reports, then maybe they should do better charts I think rather than avoid the chart fix! 🙂 And the reporting system should help to get more better charts, than support bad charts with the avoiding system.

    It could be maybe a good feature to enable to reply on the report. Or as I already suggested, a comment in the CDLC page about the report would be good. Then it would be visible, that it is already reported, and...the charter answers, I will not fix and why not.

    I just got this feelings, that if I report some problem, just kind of nobody care. And I can not check, what happened with my report and why is just nothing happened with the bad chart! What I think is not the best, that it could happen, that a not soo bad chart is gone for a not so popular song, because of a report, and then nobody notice this and there will be just no chart of the song in the future.

    I think it will not likely will happen, that a chart get reported 2 times in 4 week. I reported charts from 2014-15. Nobody will fix it for sure.

  5. Hi!

    Do it make sense to report a song? Since the new reporting system (Only songs with 2 active reports will be removed), a single report has no effect. The songs are staying on the list, and in most of the time, there will be no new upload of the song, no modifications at all by the charter.

    So...why then report any of the songs?


    The chance that a song is reported in 4 weeks by two different person is very low. Can you please do something with this?

    Like, maybe introduce a trusted reporter system. Where trusted users could remove a song with a single report.
    Or after 4 weeks, no change in the chart, then it is removed?

    Idk...but I am a bit disappointed, that many times it is like Incorrect tuning, what probably easy to fix, or some notes are missing, but my report goes actually into the trash can.

    BR: Kozaka

    ps: I stopped to report anything, as now, it makes no sense.


  6. Hi!

    I am constantly checking updates of my collection and update everything, but it could be, that many is just had an update, but I did not downloaded the update yet. Now I try to figure out, what song should I just update, but I can not have a filter like this. I assume this is not possible.

    So the new feature request would be like, if after the timestamp when I added a song to my collection (download/re download), and there is a modification on it, it should be possible to filter those songs out. This way, I could update all of the outdated songs.

    Like here as an own menü?


    Or under Updated CDLC / Collection an filter option like: Need to update (or similar).

    Thank you!


  7. I posted I think this feature request before, but because we do not see the tickets or any list, I post this again 🙂 If it is on list already, this can be avoided.

    In search, it would be nice I think, if it should work with the normal Artist - Song search also:

    If I enter: Metallica - Enter Sandman comes nothing



    But if I remove the '-' sign:



    This is like the common way in the RSPL page to search something.

    Probably, just the '-' sing has to be removed.

    Thank you.

  8. Hi!

    I think it would help us if we extend the Submitted reports page a bit. I think:

    • the status of my report would be great to view
    • the datetime of the report (to be able to see when it was reported and were there an update after)
    • the solution of the report to know, what happened with the reported chart, like
      • solved: updated by charter
      • rejected: false report...happens sometimes
      • won't do (in case it will be not fixed because of reasons...hopefully with a reason text 🙂 )
      • removed from listing
      • closed by the reporter
      • ...or similar
    • maybe with an mouse over or similar, would be great if we could see the text what I wrote during the report time ("Tell us more about the issue").

    On the report page, would be great if we could have an option to set the path what is wrong. Like bass/guitar, etc.

    Also (but I think I requested this feature already), it would be maybe helpful for the downloaders, if the report itself and the solution of the report would be visible on the song page. As a comment or as an own part of the page. Then everybody could decide that a report is needed or not, or is it worth to download or not.

    Also it would be great, if we could edit our reports, till it is not closed with some reason. Sometimes I forget to write something, or wrote something wrongly.

    If we could close our reports, that would be also great, in case, I wanna revoke my report...because maybe I was wrong, and for example the tuning is indeed correct.

    Also...idk. Trusted users with 2FA auth, should be able to remove a song after 1 report also I think. This way, it would be faster the process, and you will have less work to proof every each reports. I do not believe, that so many users are do report songs and especially the same one. Many just says, "Ah...bad chart...next". But the ones, who do reports could help to get better charts in the system.

    I hope I could help!

    Thank you!

  9. Hi!

    I am a bit confused on the new 'Submitted Reports' page. I think I know what you ment with the column, but actually, the status of a Submitted Report is not Enabled. Should be this column not named to CDLC status. That it is enabled or disabled (removed)? Or it is really the report status? Then an open, closed, rejected, etc. status would be better.

    Or both column 🙂


  10. On 6/14/2022 at 2:16 AM, Gingerfactor420 said:

    m forge community ?

    You are free to use RsPlaylist and download songs from here (Ignition). You may use also the original DLC-s bought on Steam with the downloaded Custom DLC-s (CDLC).

    What you may not use, pirated software. Like the Rocksmith itself or DLC-s from Ubisoft may be not used. If you get caught, you will be banned from everywhere. So far I know 🙂 But I am not an admin.

  11. Hi!


    I would like to send you some tiny feature requests here for rsplaylist if I may!


    1) For normal viewers if they log in over twitch twitch, they should be able to add a request as the streamer can do. The most important part is here, to have the auto complete function for them also. Also they should edit or delete they requests. They are like having always trouble with the requests in my stream, especially new viewers do.

    2) It would be nice if we could set the colors of the list as we wish. I add the playlist as a Browser source to OBS but want to have it visible like with transparent background (chroma filter) and red text color and some other font. I could not find an easy way to do this.

    3) Have a button to drop one song to the end of the list. In case somebody is not present for example, but I do not want to delete this request, rather than I will just drop it to the bottom. (I know that this is possible with drag and drop). Or if it would go with one command would be also very good. Or...maybe park it somewhere? And if the viewer comes back, jumps back to the bottom of the list....idk.

    4) In Channel Settings, on the Requests tab would be nice to have some some possibilities to select/deselect all tunings. Select/deselect all standard tunings. Like Select only Standards. Select only X Drop Y-ns. If I do not want to like switch my floydrose guitar for an hour or on the stream but do not want to deselect each the standard and Celtic tuning manually.

    5) A bigger one...If there is no easy solution for that. Integration with other bots like Steramelements, Stream labs or Twitch to be able to use collected viewer points (Twitch channel points) to have a request. Means only viewers, who collected X points via watching my stream should be able to have requests (except VIPs).


    Idk that this is the best place to send feature requests like this, but I hope you get it and it could be realized sooner or later.


    If there is some kind of 


    Thank you: kozaka


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