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Everything posted by Motive

  1. @ Awesome sounds at your video. Thanks for share. Such things inspires.
  2. Score on updated cdlc: http://i.imgur.com/UDVn5aW.jpg And video (failed pinch note, as always :), still yet cant stable to play pinches):
  3. Cdlc Pawel Kukiz was updated, download new version on record page.
  4. @@Gamut I recently lost its status, i missed 2 weeks of 4. so now is time for fix your status :D
  5. The first and the last run, sounds terrible. Not for me such ...., very fast, not learn-able for me. http://i.imgur.com/YwXfz38.jpg
  6. @Vodka I understand your feelings. had same on this a song. A lot miss at simple riffs. And now i know why. There very bad beamap, many of parts very off-synced, unplayable. There part of song in EOF with clap on notes:
  7. Beg lead (rate 4+) more hard then int (rate 4-) My score: http://i.imgur.com/o1ZlXNU.jpg
  8. Like this nice tune, fun to play, my score: http://i.imgur.com/b59T1R6.jpg
  9. So QOSiC at least Adv class on Bass. Not fair win. Will removed.
  10. @@Mortalo So @@earth2mars in MC bass? I not see his name there. Upd. Is it QOSiC? wtf.
  11. Finally i make pegboard of my dreams :) , if interesting look there yet a few photos Pedals fixed at Velcro lent, all power supplies (and buster +dibox for RS) on back side. http://i.imgur.com/SgxkPBfb.jpg
  12. I make such comment "boring" of point view (as i think) that it not interesting to play most of participants in during week. there was complains about such songs, and was only a few scores for week. I want say, that a song must be interesting to play in during full week for most participants. Personally for me no matter i like or don`t like a song, also we not use the personal taste for prefer selection a song from SSL. Always using random generator and then testing every of chooses cdlc. If all ok, then this choice setup for the next week. About acoustic version, it is the bad choice bcs of for good to play need the wide fretboard like at acoustic guitar (look at fretboard bass guitar, where finger picking regular deal), and need the long nails for recognition RS, else it pain to play at electric lead guitar. and there no many participants who have electro-acoustic guitar and long nails (or spicial picks). It same issue as is drop tuning (D, C..) for beginners. @KJParsley Please do not take offense, i like your taste, i only tried care about interest most of participants (yes, may be some time i`m wrong, i human and my opinion anyway subjective)
  13. @@missis sumner Official LB work for all cdlc by id for every arrangement (of course if you login to account Ubi)
  14. @earth2mars Was it your first week there as participant, right? Then you could choose your classes for start. If you choose beginner bass, then win is your. Probably some mistake with color marked in leaderboard. At current week you up to Int bass, bcs of got 100% in own class. And of course you can choose "freebird", and to play with us only what you want.
  15. @@Psymanski Nice :) If you like jazz, then i recommended similar and too the very good movie (too Japanese school and girls) "Swing girls". P.s. For fun yet good comedy 8really funny) about punk group, "Rockers" 2003, Japan. There one fragment of movie.
  16. @@Rodman If you want really great, but very sad movie, watch Japanese dorama, based on real facts (diary) about short life one girl. "1 Litre of Tears"
  17. Happy Birthday! @MaZtoR :beer: :beer: :beer:
  18. @@Psymanski Yees, it was the great time, many cool punk bands. Group "The Blue Hearts" was very popular in Japan, like Ramones, or Sex Pistols for us. They have a lot covers from other artists, and a few a songs used in great movie Linda Linda Linda, about girls school rock group, very good movie. I recommend to watch this movie Linda Linda Linda., If you like films on a musical theme. Main theme in movie it is a song by The Blue Hearts - Linda Linda Linda: p.s. Final cut of movie, a song after week practice (like we there :) if you doubt watch or not. Update: Messages about not fair the play deleted. Such discussion forbidden, next time such post will delete more quickly! And if you in competition for places and awards, so for 1-3 places allowed only screens of score attack. Else no any awards and places.
  19. A song for two week GoG competition is DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames Rhythm of DragonForce selected for MC Have fun.
  20. @ @@Nacholede @@Brutus Erectus There is final decision about GoG after a much deliberation. 1. Only participate of GoG competition can add to SSL summary 6 a songs, 4 as usually with rate 1-9 and 2 extra a song with rate 10. 2. Allowed any duration of a song. 3. Choose as usual, through random generator, only the song of proposed participants the previous GoG competition. An example: If you passed competition (no any score for GoG in during 2 week), your choice will not selected. 3. GoG competition continue 2 week only for lead. An example: In the first week start GoG, in the next week Da Capo, and in same time competition of GoG lead to be continue yet one week. 4. If a song of GoG class have hard rhythm and (or) bass, we can select this path for regular competition at one week, if at regular competition have not enough hard paths or something not interesting for play, like at current week have not hard bass, and have not any rhythm. The competition on lead GnS now completed, and today will start new GoG competition at 2 week. Winner the past week is @@Brutus Erectus. The next winner will be announced 23/04/2016 Update: Now in SSL is 2 a songs for GoG (by Nacho), you have the chance to add your the choice yet ~7 hours, and i choose a one GoG song on the next two weeks.
  21. @@Brutus Erectus Idea was run GoG once In two weeks, for hardcore practice in during 2 week. But something went wrong, and there no competition. So i don`t know which way we can use GoG for more interest. May be not enough good a song now. Have any suggestion?
  22. @@missis sumner With your skill, everything will be evaluated correctly. :) Yet one remark about SSL. If your don`t see your the choices cdlc on main page SSL, look tab "Extra Base". All cdlc with some issue moved to the lower part of the sheet . Or check tab "Only Bass" . We will maintain a clean the main sheet.
  23. Lets go, have fun. And to All, Need your help, now we have not in SSL a hard songs for bass, lead - only a few a songs for beginner (1-3), and a few for MC with rate (8-9), not big choice. We need more a good songs in Song selection list. Please, add more a songs what you want to play with us. Everyone can to add 4 a songs in list, A song must have RR (>4 sections), enough good tones, and without issue with sync, at least lead path+bass path. And you really help organisers, if you filled all difficult rates for every of paths. Also you would be nice if you try other a songs of SSL and add your rates in list. A song with all rates filled , have priority in selecting songs for every next week. Thanks.
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